The films Miss Representation and The Mask You Live In delve into numerous themes relating to concepts discussed in your textbook and presented in supplemental videos. Both films include discussions concerning media representation, the social construction of...
Discuss George Herbert Mead’s concept of socialization using course theories such as Freud’s notions of the Ego, Id and Superego, Victor Turner’s 3 stages of child development involving rites of passage, and try to tie these all together into a...
Assignment Basics 3-7 pages type, 12pt font, Times New Roman APA Format, 7th Edition Family Description- provide a thorough overview of the Jarrett family to include all immediate/primary family members. Family Dynamics- thoroughly describe the immediate family...
critically deconstruct and evaluate the authors’ larger arguments. should interrogate the authors’ theses as well as provide in-depth analyses of the strengths and weaknesses of the authors’ arguments. You can also build on previous...
Suggested outline and timeframes for presentation & point values Overview of current policy of choice( your choice) Analysis of current policy Your recommended changes 5 minute summary Strategy for getting your changes enacted ...
Choose a household with which you are intimately familiar. Describe in detail (2 paragraphs) the division of labor in that household integrating relevant course materials into your description and analysis. NOTE: Should be 2 paragraphs long 6-9 sentences each...