Educating Peter is a short documentary that follows a special needs student with Down’s syndrome, in his inclusive third grade classroom. The film chronicles Peter’s first year at a public school, he was previously attending a school for students with...
Assessment Description Teachers need a variety of resources to support students in developing a better command of linguistic knowledge, word order, and an understanding of language in context. Add information on syntax, semantics, and pragmatics to your digital...
PLEASE RESPOND IN A PARAGRAGH! AGREE OR DISAGREE Why or why not! Intellectual disability (or ID) is a term used when a person has certain limitations in cognitive functioning and skills, including conceptual, social and practical skills, such as language, social...
This project requires you to develop a PowerPoint slide presentation for use as a training tool with managers and supervisors on how to prepare an effective presentation. As you move up through the workforce you will at some point be...
Read Lesson 7 and access the videos and links before beginning the signature assignment. Signature Assignment 2: Twelve-15 slide PowerPoint Presentation and report– Early and Middle Child Development (100 points) The purpose of this assignment is to allow you...
Are you prepared for your next interview? No matter what your experience level, this assignment will help you practice responding to professional interview questions so that you can get ready for a future job search. And since this is a recorded mock interview,...