Rather than refer to children who are receiving support through the special education system as children with disabilities, this Competency uses the phrase children with exceptionalities. The term children with exceptionalities includes children who are...
Explain one example of how you ensured you were following proper toileting or diapering routines in the classroom. Ensure that you reflect on the proper requirements for diaper or toileting, and how your center follows those guidelines. If you feel like your center...
Explain one example of how you were able to reflect upon your knowledge of Title 22 regulations. Include the regulation that you reflected on, the situation in which you had to adhere to the regulation, and how you think you could use this as an overall teaching and...
Explain one example of how you were able to use a developmental theory within the classroom learning environment. Describe the theory and learning activity that you implemented in the classroom. Ensure you describe how the theory corresponds to the activity and...
Intellectual Disabilities— Discuss the definition of mental retardation. What models are currently used to teach students with mental retardation? Include integration strategies in regard to the instructional environment and the use of technology. Be sure...
Define learning disabilities and what it means if a student has a learning disability. Discuss some of the models/strategies and instructional content utilized for students with learning disabilities. Include integration strategies in regards to the...