Chat with us, powered by LiveChat The war of currents compared the usefulness of alternating versus direct current. As our technology develops, the debate between which current produces the best results continues. The - Writingforyou

The war of currents compared the usefulness of alternating versus direct current. As our technology develops, the debate between which current produces the best results continues. The

The war of currents compared the usefulness of alternating versus direct current. As our technology develops, the debate between which current produces the best results continues. The discussions this week will be an exciting deep dive into the differences between AC and DC signal generation, how our energy grid uses these waveforms with transformers, and the many ways we can produce renewable electrical energy.

Before you begin, be sure to review the following resources:


  • Reply to the topic below by Wednesday of this week, 11:59 pm EST.
  • Reply to 2 classmates by Sunday of this week, 11:59 pm EST.
  • To see how discussions are graded, click the vertical ellipsis (  ) and select Show Rubric or refer to your instructor’s guidelines.
  • For more information about discussion grading criteria, visit the Undergraduate Discussion Participation Policies and Rubric page located in ECPI Resources.

Discussion Topic

Direct and Alternating Current

For your original post:

Choose your discussion prompt from the topics below. Each prompt provides two research topics and three questions about the theory involved with the research topics. Clearly indicate which prompt you have chosen, provide one paragraph or bulleted list about each research topic, then answer the questions provided. Aim at no more than two or three student responses per prompt.


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    differences between AC and DC signal generation, how our energy grid uses these waveforms with transformers, and the many ways we can produce renewable electrical energy.


    If you’ve ever wondered what the difference is between a variac and an inductor, or how an alternating current (AC) can be transformed into direct current (DC), then this article is for you. It will explain how power grids work, why they’re needed and who’s creating them as well as introduce several different methods of producing renewable electrical energy.

    What is AC and DC current?

    AC and DC current are both used to generate electricity. However, they have different properties that make them suitable for different applications.

    AC current is an alternating current that changes direction at a rate of 60 times per second (referred to as “cycles”). This means that it alternates between positive and negative values over a period of one second. In contrast, DC current flows in one direction; it does not change polarity from positive to negative during this same period of one second (i.e., there is no need for any sort of oscillation).

    Both AC and DC currents can be produced using transformers (or voltage regulators). A transformer is an electrical device that allows you to convert high voltages into low ones or vice versa—but only if you know how much power needs converting!

    Power Grids

    A power grid is a network of interconnected electrical power transmission lines that deliver electricity from a power station to consumers. It can be divided into smaller grids, and the largest one in the world is called the Eastern Interconnection (EIA). The EIA connects more than 50 million people in 20 states with each other and with Canada, as well as with several large hydro-power dams located on both sides of Lake Ontario. This interconnection enables power companies to purchase energy from plants in other states at a lower price than they could if they were operating alone.


    Transformers are used to step up or down voltages. They’re used in the power grid and also produce renewable energy. The most common transformer is an inductor, which can be referred to as a “tank circuit.” When you have an inductor that’s connected between two points, it acts like a resistor—meaning it resists voltage change. If there’s no current flowing through the device, then no voltage will be induced into its magnetic field; however, if there is current flowing through it (like under load), then a magnetic field will exist at its center and induce electricity onto one side of your circuit or another.*

    When we use transformers to transfer electrical energy from one form into another (AC/DC), it involves stepping up/down both sides of your system simultaneously:

    Renewable Energy Production

    The renewable energy industry has become a rapidly growing field, and it’s no surprise that many people are interested in what it has to offer.

    Renewable energy production can be done in a variety of ways, including solar power and wind power. Solar panels use light from the sun to create electricity; wind turbines capture kinetic energy from moving air currents that’s then converted into electricity by rotating blades inside the machine. These two types of renewable sources are both cost-effective options for generating your own electrical current—but they’re not the only ones!

    Renewable energy production is a rapidly growing field that needs seasoned professionals to continue its success.

    Renewable energy production is a rapidly growing field that needs seasoned professionals to continue its success.

    The need for renewable electricity has grown over the last couple decades as a result of increasing awareness about climate change and availability of low-cost sources such as solar panels. The U.S Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that by 2030, global demand for electricity will increase by 60% while at the same time reducing carbon emissions by 80%. This shift toward clean energy can only be achieved with increased investment in research and development (R&D), new technologies, along with greater use of existing ones.

    The best way to ensure this transition occurs safely is through proper planning by responsible parties like utilities companies; regulators; governments; investors/investors’ funds etc..


    We’ve covered a lot of ground in this article, and hopefully you have a better understanding of these important topics. We also hope that you now know how to apply your knowledge to your own work, so that you can help the world transition away from fossil fuels and toward clean energy sources like solar power and wind turbines.