Chat with us, powered by LiveChat While the OSI Reference Model provides us with a conceptual framework for talking about how networks function, it is the TCP/IP protocols that are essential for actually enabling modern netwo - Writingforyou

While the OSI Reference Model provides us with a conceptual framework for talking about how networks function, it is the TCP/IP protocols that are essential for actually enabling modern netwo



While the OSI Reference Model provides us with a conceptual framework for talking about how networks function, it is the TCP/IP protocols that are essential for actually enabling modern networking and data communications.

Imagine that you are relaxing at your favorite local coffee shop enjoying a delicious beverage. You turn on your laptop or smartphone, connect to the shop's wireless local area network (WLAN), and use the Internet to access your cloud-based e-mail (for example Gmail). What protocols make it all work?

In this assignment, you explain and illustrate concepts and functioning of some TCP/IP protocol functions and interactions related to the use of cloud-based e-mail from a client connected to a WLAN.


Part 1 – E-mail client and Cloud-Based E-mail Path Diagram

Draw a diagram of a typical data transmission path between an e-mail client and a cloud-based e-mail server depicting the following components involved in the data transmission.

  • Physical media.
  • Wireless access point.
  • Local and remote switches and routers.
  • Firewalls.
  • ISPs and the Internet Cloud service provider.

Make sure to do the following:

  • Create a network diagram that accurately depicts cloud-based e-mail server to remote client transmission.
Part 2 – The OSI Layer and Security

Write a detailed narrative explanation of the primary function of each OSI layer and describe its part in facilitating a typical data transmission from a cloud-based e-mail server to a remote client computer. After that, describe three or four security issues inherent to the TCP/IP protocol suite.

Make sure to do the following:

  • Explain the primary function of each layer of the OSI model and its related TCP/IP protocols.
  • Describe the OSI layers' part in facilitating a typical data transmission from a cloud-based e-mail server to a remote client computer.
  • Describe security problems inherent to the TCP/IP protocol suite.
  • Frame your explanations using vocabulary and frameworks that are appropriate for technical stakeholders.

Submission Requirements

  • Submit a single Word document with both parts of this assignment.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Format: Double spaced lines. Use current APA style and format.


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