Chat with us, powered by LiveChat The brain continues to develop in adolescence, not reaching the full functioning of an adult brain until the person is in their 20s. Because the brain is still maturing, development of area - Writingforyou

The brain continues to develop in adolescence, not reaching the full functioning of an adult brain until the person is in their 20s. Because the brain is still maturing, development of area

 The brain continues to develop in adolescence, not reaching the full functioning of an adult brain until the person is in their 20s. Because the brain is still maturing, development of areas related to impulse control, emotions, and risk are not complete at this stage. As such, adolescents cannot fully process the consequences of their actions and often act instinctively. This can lead them to engage in high-risk behaviors. Other factors, too, such as peer socialization, the family environment, and mental health, play a role in such behavior.

For this Discussion, you meet an adolescent who is displaying high-risk behaviors and apply theoretical approaches and practice skills to the case.

 Post a brief explanation of the high-risk behaviors that Dani is exhibiting. Describe the theoretical approaches and practice skills you would employ in working with Dani. How might familial relationships influence Dani’s mood and behavior? Please use the Learning Resources to support your analysis. 


© 2021 Walden University, LLC. Adapted from Plummer, S. -B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social

work case studies: Foundation year. Laureate International Universities Publishing.


Dani is a 14-year-old, biracial female of African and Irish American descent who resides

with her parents in a middle-class suburb. She is the youngest of three children and is

currently the only child remaining in the home. Dani’s parents have been married for 25

years. Dani’s father works in the creative arts field with a nontraditional work schedule

that has him gone overnight and sleeping late into the morning. Dani’s mother is an

executive who works long hours. Dani was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia in early

childhood and was hospitalized multiple times. At present, Dani’s health is stable with

the last serious episode occurring 2 years ago.

Dani’s parents reported that until middle school, Dani was an easygoing, good-natured

youngster who enjoyed singing and participating in activities with her peers and family.

Dani denied any problems with drugs or alcohol but admitted to drinking with friends.

Dani described her family relationships as tense, stating, “My dad lets me do what I

want” and “My mother is always trying to control me.” Dani described her relationship

with her older brother, who lives in another state, as “cool,” and her relationship with her

older sister, a college sophomore, as “not cool.”

Dani’s parents sought out counseling services for behavioral issues on the

recommendation of her school. The issues included argumentative behavior with

authority figures, physical altercations with peers, poor concentration in class, irritable

mood, verbal combativeness when confronted, truancy, and highly sexualized behavior

with male peers. On one occasion, a teacher had witnessed her and a male peer being

intimate in the girl’s bathroom at school. At home, Dani had become more

argumentative and physically threatening. Her parents had discovered that she and her

friends drank alcohol regularly in their home when they were away. Dani’s parents also

reported that she was up most of the night and slept most of the day. They also

reported that her mood was highly irritable and that she was extremely impulsive. She

had no interest in getting involved with any extracurricular activities, stating that those

things are “corny and boring.”

Individual and Family Sessions

The Tattoo

In the first meeting, Dani and her mother both appeared agitated with each other and

became argumentative when going through the intake information. Dani quickly told me

that she was not planning to talk about anything because this meeting was her parents’

idea. She stated, “I don’t have any problems, my parents do.” Soon into this first visit,

Dani blurted out that her mother was upset with her because she had just shown her a

tattoo she had had done recently, purchased using a fake ID. I acknowledged her news

and asked if this was the way that she usually shared important information with her

mother. Dani shrugged and stated, “I don’t know. I figure I better her tell her now before

she gets too busy.”


© 2021 Walden University, LLC. Adapted from Plummer, S. -B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social

work case studies: Foundation year. Laureate International Universities Publishing.

Dani’s Mother

I asked both Dani and her mother what their expectations were for counseling and what

each would like to get from these visits. Dani’s mother seemed surprised and stated,

“This is for her. She better change her attitude and start to focus on school.” I explained

that often it is helpful to have sessions both individually and with family members. I also

pointed out that because family issues were identified it might be productive to address

them together. Dani’s mother agreed to attend some meetings but also stated that her

time was limited. I was told that Dani’s father would not be able to join us because he

was never available at that time.

Dani and I began sessions alone, and her mother joined us for the second half. During

the family sessions, we addressed the communication breakdown between Dani and

her mother and Dani’s at-risk behaviors. Individual sessions were used to address her

impulsive behavior and self-esteem issues.

Family Dynamics

In individual sessions, Dani talked about how the family had changed since her sister

left for college. She said her parents stopped being present and available once her

sister went away to school. She said she spent more time on her own and her behavior

was under more scrutiny. Dani also talked about her sister, describing her as an

excellent student and very popular. She said her teachers in middle school would often

compare Dani to her sister, making her feel unsuccessful in comparison. During

a family portion of a session, Dani’s mother initially disagreed with Dani’s point of view

regarding how the family had changed, stating, “She’s just trying to trick you.” I

encouraged them to discuss what was different about the family dynamics now

compared to when the older sister was at home. We discussed how the family had

changed through the years, validating both perspectives.

Dani’s Father

In time, I was able to have Dani’s father join us in some of the family meetings. He said

he felt Dani’s behaviors were just a phase and part of being a teenager. Dani’s parents

disagreed openly in our sessions, with each blaming the other for her behavioral issues.

During these sessions, we addressed how they each may have changed as their

children matured and left home and how this affected their availability to their youngest

child. I helped them identify what made Dani’s experience distinct from her siblings’ and

examine what her high-risk behaviors might be in reaction to or symptomatic of in the


In the course of the family work, the realities of being a biracial family and raising mixed-

race children were also addressed. We discussed how the parents navigated race

issues during their own courtship and looked at the role of acculturation and assimilation

with their children in their social environments as well as respective families of origin.


© 2021 Walden University, LLC. Adapted from Plummer, S. -B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social

work case studies: Foundation year. Laureate International Universities Publishing.

Educating both parents around race and social class privilege seemed fruitful in

understanding distinctions between what they and their children may have faced.

After 12 weeks it was agreed that therapy would end because Dani would be starting

high school and the family felt better equipped to address conflict. The family had made

some changes with the household schedule that increased parent–child contact, and

Dani agreed to more structure in her schedule and accepted a position as a camp

counselor in a local day camp for the summer. Termination addressed what was

accomplished in this portion of therapy and what might be addressed in future

counseling. The termination process included reviewing the strategies of conflict

resolution and creating opportunities for family contact and discussion in order to

reinforce those behavioral and structural changes that had led to improved

communication and conflict reduction.