Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Hypothesis testing allows us to use an analytical process to determine if a hypothesis is retained OR rejected.?This process compares a null hypothesis (HO), which states things as we believ - Writingforyou

Hypothesis testing allows us to use an analytical process to determine if a hypothesis is retained OR rejected.?This process compares a null hypothesis (HO), which states things as we believ

Hypothesis testing allows us to use an analytical process to determine if a hypothesis is retained OR rejected. This process compares a null hypothesis (HO), which states things as we believe they are, to an alternative hypothesis (HA), which proposes a change to what we believe exists. 

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

  • Discuss the concepts of hypothesis testing, including what you are evaluating, when it should be used, and the differences between a one- and a two-tailed test. 
  • Describe an example from your own personal or professional experiences where you could apply a hypothesis test, and discuss how knowing that information helped you. 
Discuss the concepts of hypothesis testing, including what you are evaluating, when it should be used, and the differences between a one- and a two-tailed test.


Hypothesis testing is a procedure used to evaluate claims about populations. It’s also an inferential method because it involves making judgements based on analysis of data. Hypothesis testing assumes that there is no effect and asks you to show if this assumption should be rejected. The null hypothesis is a statement of no effect, whereas the alternative hypothesis states that there is some effect. A one-tailed test calculates whether you can reject the null hypothesis in one direction, whereas a two-tailed test calculates whether you can reject in either direction (e.g., are you more likely to get pregnant if your partner has been having unprotected sex than if they have not?). As such, a one-tailed test has higher power when your alternative hypothesis is directional (e.g., getting pregnant during the first month of pregnancy). A p value of .05 (or less) is often considered statistically significant though this threshold can be changed depending on your research questions and study design choices

Hypothesis testing is an inferential procedure used to evaluate claims about a population.

Hypothesis testing is an inferential procedure used to evaluate claims about a population. It can be used in two forms: one-tailed and two-tailed tests. A one-tailed test has only one direction of expected effect, while a two-tailed test has both directions of expected effect (null hypothesis).

In the context of hypothesis testing, the null hypothesis is usually phrased as “H0” and the alternative hypothesis as “Ha”. The null statement states that there is no difference between what we expect for our sample data (H0) and what actually occurred in our sample data (Ha). In contrast, if we reject H0 due to evidence found in our sample data and thus conclude that there must be some kind of effect present at least sometimes among those subjects tested under conditions specific enough so as not being due merely random variation alone but instead indicative somehow about real underlying causes responsible for variability observed within group memberships themselves

Hypothesis testing is used when there are two competing views of the world-the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.

Before we get started, it’s important to understand that hypothesis testing is used when there are two competing views of the world-the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is simply a statement of no effect, whereas the alternative hypothesis states that there is some effect.

In other words, if you’re looking at two groups of people and want to know whether there’s a difference between them (or if you want to compare two groups), then your goal would be to find out if those differences exist in either group or not at all. If they do not exist then we would say that both conditions are equal; thus making our conclusion: “There is no difference.” But if one condition differs from another (e.,g., men are taller than women), then this could mean something different: perhaps one group has higher average heights than another which would lead us back towards our original conclusion again since height seems like an easy measure based on self-report data collected by Google Forms!

The null hypothesis is a statement of no effect, whereas the alternative hypothesis states that there is some effect.

The null hypothesis is a statement of no effect, whereas the alternative hypothesis states that there is some effect. The alternative hypothesis is always identified with an “H” and can be any statement about which you want to test your data.

The null and alternative hypotheses are mutually exclusive; they cannot both be true at once. They also have different probabilities: one will occur more often than the other (a two-tailed test).

The probability that your sample results support your hypothesis is called p-value (with 0 < p < 1). In this case, p would represent how likely it was for those new customers who signed up after seeing ads on social media websites such as Facebook or Twitter to choose this particular product over others offered by their company instead of another company offering similar products at lower prices or higher value per dollar spent on advertising expenses per customer acquisition cost (CAC).

Hypothesis testing begins with assuming no effect exists; it is up to the researcher to reject, or not reject, the null hypothesis through his or her analysis.

Hypothesis testing is a way of determining the probability of a certain outcome. The null hypothesis is the assumption that there is no effect, and it states: “There are no differences between groups or conditions.” The alternative hypothesis states that there are differences between groups or conditions, and this means that you must reject or not reject your null hypothesis when testing it against your data.

A one-tailed test calculates whether you can reject the null hypothesis in one direction, whereas a two-tailed test calculates whether you can reject in either direction. As such, a one-tailed test has higher power when your alternative hypothesis is directional.

A one-tailed test calculates whether you can reject the null hypothesis in one direction, whereas a two-tailed test calculates whether you can reject in either direction. As such, a one-tailed test has higher power when your alternative hypothesis is directional.

A two-tailed test is more powerful than a one-tailed test when used on non-directional alternatives because it can be used to calculate both confidence intervals (2×2) and p -values for any number of tails (1 through 4).

A p value of .05 is often considered statistically significant though this threshold can be changed.

When you’re doing a hypothesis test, the p value is the probability of observing a result at least as extreme as the one you obtained if the null hypothesis is true. This can be calculated with this formula:

  • P=

  • p-value =

In other words, it tells us how likely it is that our data would have come out differently (given what we know) if there was no real difference between groups. For example, if there are 10 people in each group and we are testing whether one group has more participants who like chocolate ice cream than another group does—a classic situation for conducting research—then P=(1/20)=0.05 represents our chosen cut-off point for significance when looking at just two groups; this means that we would expect about 5% of samples from either group to have results within 0.05 standard deviations from ours when there’s no real difference between them (i.e., they’re both getting exactly equal amounts).

Hypothesis testing assumes that there is no effect and asks you to show if this assumption should be rejected.

The null hypothesis is a statement of no effect, whereas the alternative hypothesis states that there is some effect.

The sample standard deviation can be used to test whether there is an effect on your data.


A hypothesis test is an inferential procedure used to evaluate claims about a population. The null hypothesis is a statement of no effect, whereas the alternative hypothesis states that there is some effect. A one-tailed test calculates whether you can reject the null hypothesis in one direction, whereas a two-tailed test calculates whether you can reject in either direction. As such, a one-tailed test has higher power when your alternative hypothesis is directional. A p value of .05 is often considered statistically significant though this threshold can be changed (see Table 1).