Chat with us, powered by LiveChat A fully detailed description of the space (design elements, architectural elements, floor plan, layout, etc.) -A fully detailed description of the logical pathway through the space (hallw - Writingforyou

A fully detailed description of the space (design elements, architectural elements, floor plan, layout, etc.) -A fully detailed description of the logical pathway through the space (hallw

A fully detailed description of the space (design elements, architectural elements, floor plan, layout, etc.)

-A fully detailed description of the logical pathway through the space (hallways, queues, restricted areas, crowd flow, etc.)

-An analysis of the intent or the space (what is it trying to communicate to you, how well is it doing that, why might the designer have made these decisions)

A fully detailed description of the space (design elements, architectural elements, floor plan, layout, etc.)

Detailed description of the space (design elements, architectural elements, floor plan, layout, etc.)


When you are designing a new space, it is important to take detailed notes on all of your rooms. This will help you make sure that everything looks as planned in the final design. You can also use these notes as a reference when making changes later on in the project. If you have questions about how much square footage each room needs based on its size and other factors then leave them out until after we have discussed all other details about the room here inside this document!

How many square feet?

The square footage of each room is important because it will help you determine how much space you need to buy or rent. You may also want to consider the space in your home that is not being used, such as an unfinished basement or attic.

The total square footage of the space should be measured by taking into account all possible uses for the living area and all areas that are not being used at this specific time (like an unfinished basement). This can be done by dividing the total square footage by number of people and bathrooms if there are any.

What are the materials used in the construction (glass, wood, concrete, etc.)?

You can use materials such as glass, wood, concrete and stone to create the look of your space. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages that you must consider when choosing a material for your project.

Glass is an excellent choice for creating a modern feel in your home. The clear nature of glass makes it easy to see through this material and allows light in so that you can enjoy natural lighting throughout your home. However, if you want privacy then consider using curtains instead of glass in certain areas like bathrooms or bedrooms where privacy is important when bathing or sleeping at night time respectively because there will be no way around this issue unless someone wants their clothes on display while they exercise naked outdoors!

Wood is another great option because it offers warmth but still maintains its own unique characteristics which makes it perfect for adding warmth without being overpowering like other materials such as stone would do if used alone

What is the perimeter of the space (in square feet)?

The perimeter of a space is the distance around its edges. It’s usually measured in feet or meters, but can also be calculated using formulas. The reason for this is that it helps you determine how much space there is for furniture, equipment and other objects within your design. For example, if you have a large rectangular room measuring 100 ft by 50 ft (30 m x 15 m), then the perimeter would be 150 ft (45 m).

What architectural elements should be included in the design (windows, skylights, doors etc.)?

  • Awnings

  • Skylights

  • Doors

  • Windows

Are there any special features (e.g., back-lit lighting or sky walls) that should be added to the design?

You should also consider what special features can be added to the design. Sky walls are a great way to add depth and interest to a space, but they’re not always feasible in every situation. To decide whether or not you want a sky wall, ask yourself if there is enough natural light from windows or natural sources such as skylights or windows that would otherwise be blocked out by the structure of your building. If you feel like adding this feature would make your project stand out more than it already does, then go ahead!

Back-lit lighting is another option that may be right for certain spaces—but again, it depends on how much natural light exists within them (and whether there’s enough room inside).

Take detailed notes on all of your rooms.

As you begin to think about space planning, take detailed notes on all of your rooms. For example, how many rooms are there? What size do they each measure? Are any of them open concept (that is, they connect with one another and can be used as an entire space)? What materials were used in their construction (e.g., wood or concrete)? How does the floor plan work out for each room (are there closets along one wall, or multiple entrances/exits)? Make sure that you include any special requirements for each room—for instance, if it’s required by law that certain types of equipment are kept out of certain areas due to fire code regulations.


We hope this article has helped you to understand the importance of space planning and design. The next step is to get started on your home design by creating a floor plan, which will be your guide throughout the construction process.