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Write an essay discussing the 13 planning steps in a healthcare organization. Which steps describe the strategic planning stage? Which steps describe the operational planning stage

500 words


Write an essy discussing the 13 planning steps in a healthcare organization.

  • Which steps describe the strategic planning stage?
  • Which steps describe the operational planning stage?
  • Why are both the strategic and operational components of planning essential for a successful healthcare organization?

Which steps describe the strategic planning stage? Which steps describe the operational planning stage? Why are both the strategic and operational components of planning essential for a successful healthcare organization?


The strategic planning stage is when you look at the big picture and define goals. It’s important to understand which steps describe this stage so that you can identify opportunities for improvement in your healthcare organization.

Which steps describe the strategic planning stage?

Strategic planning is the process of developing a plan to meet goals. It involves examining your mission, values and vision as well as your current situation and future plans.

You will begin by reviewing what you know about the organization’s mission, values and vision. You will then develop a set of plans that are based on those ideas. The next step is to analyze external factors such as competitors, customers and regulators; internal factors such as people skills issues within teams; economic conditions affecting costs/investments etc.; opportunities for growth in line with changing consumer demands or government policies (e.g., changing reimbursement rates). Finally you’ll need to develop an action plan based on all this information so that it can be implemented in practice!

– Reviewing mission, values, and vision

Reviewing mission, values, and vision

This is the most important phase of planning because it’s where you’ll start to identify how your organization should be structured and what it’s going to look like. You want your mission statement to reflect the values of the organization, so that when employees are asked what they stand for as part of their job description or other forms of communication with outside parties (such as clients or vendors), they know exactly what kind of company this is. You also need a clear vision for where you see yourself in five years—what kind of services do you provide? What kind of patients are interested in coming here? How will these changes affect other aspects (such as finance) within an organization like yours?

– Developing plans to meet goals

The planning process is a dynamic, iterative process that involves gathering information, organizing it, and making decisions based on the information.

Gathering information: In order to develop plans to meet goals, you need to gather as much relevant data as possible. This can include market research (for example, surveys or focus groups), internal studies (surveys or questionnaires), interviews with key stakeholders in your organization and competitors’ organizations, etc. You will also want to look at current trends in healthcare technology and practice so that when you’re developing your strategic plan for 2020-2021 there are no surprises on how things are changing over time; this will help ensure that everything stays on track as planned.

– Analyzing external and internal environments

The strategic planning stage is a time to analyze the external environment, which includes demographic trends, political and economic factors, regulatory environments, technology developments and more. It also involves analyzing internal environments by identifying opportunities and threats.

The operational planning stage covers activities related to setting goals and objectives; planning budgets; organizing work flows; optimizing systems and processes; developing procedures for implementation of strategies identified during development (e.g., developing policies related to quality assurance).

The strategic planning stage is when you look at the big picture and define goals

The strategic planning stage is when you look at the big picture and define goals. This is where you decide how your organization will be structured, what its goals are, and what resources it needs to achieve those goals.

In order to do this effectively, it’s important that everyone involved in this process—including staff members across all levels of an organization—be clear on what their roles are and how they’ll contribute toward achieving a common goal.


When you set the stage for a successful strategic planning process, it ensures that your healthcare organization is ready for the changes that lie ahead. You don’t want to be caught off guard when things change and new challenges come into play—you need to know what steps you need to take so that your organization can thrive in this new environment.