Chat with us, powered by LiveChat For this WIT, you will use the 'Analyzing Images' piece on page 155.? After thoroughly and carefully examining the advertisement: Identify the logical fallacies within the ad; Give exa - Writingforyou

For this WIT, you will use the 'Analyzing Images' piece on page 155.? After thoroughly and carefully examining the advertisement: Identify the logical fallacies within the ad; Give exa


Your WIT, What Do I Think, is short, reflective work.  Each WIT is to exhibit your critical analysis skills, your organizational skills for writing,  and your creative thinking skills.  You will write a 2-3 page reflection for each WIT.  Please double-space and use a 12-point font size. It is also necessary to cite the text or any source you draw upon as you complete the WIT assignment.  It is best to complete your WIT after engagement with the text material for each chapter.

For this WIT, you will use the “Analyzing Images” piece on page 155.  After thoroughly and carefully examining the advertisement:

  1. Identify the logical fallacies within the ad;
  2. Give examples of these fallacies within the ad; and 
  3. Explain why these examples exhibit fallacious logic.  
  4. Finally, comment on why the advertising company relied upon these particular fallacies to sell its product.  What was the intended impact?

30 points


why the advertising company relied upon these particular fallacies to sell its product. What was the intended impact


I was intrigued by this article. It seems that there are many people out there who believe that being altruistic is something you do for yourself rather than others. The author of this article explains how advertising companies rely on these fallacies in order to sell their products.

The problem with this premise is that we are all caught up in our own worlds and forget how to be a good

The problem with this premise is that we are all caught up in our own worlds and forget how to be a good person. We need to focus on others rather than ourselves, be more conscious of the impact that our actions have on others, and learn to be altruistic.

A true altruist stays in the moment, doesn’t worry about the future. Take the example of a police officer

A true altruist stays in the moment, doesn’t worry about the future. For example, let’s look at a police officer. He has a job to do: protect and serve his community. The goal of this job is to keep everyone safe from harm. If he were concerned only with his own well being, then it would be easy for him to become distracted by other things (like how much money he could earn) or not care so much about those around him because everything was going according to plan and nothing bad happened after all! But this isn’t really what happens—the more successful and productive an individual becomes at doing good deeds for others without expecting anything in return (which includes helping out other people), then ultimately their happiness will increase over time too!

Can you think of an altruist that you would describe as someone who gives more in order to receive more? Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is an example of someone who doesn’t focus on himself. He gives more in order to receive more. He is an altruist and doesn’t think about what he can get out of a situation, but rather how he can make things better for others.

If everyone focused on others rather than themselves, the world would be a better place. Would you agree?

If everyone focused on others rather than themselves, the world would be a better place. Would you agree?

In order to achieve this goal, we need to be aware of our own self-interests, but we also need to be aware of the needs of others. The best way to do this is by focusing on the present moment.


In conclusion, there are so many great examples of altruism and selflessness in our world. We have to be careful about how we portray it though because if we make people believe that altruism is always a bad thing then they will think that no one has any good intentions