Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In your initial post, consider what you have read in the assigned Chapter 2 sections of the textbook and identify your own example of improper sampling from your day-to-day life (try no - Writingforyou

In your initial post, consider what you have read in the assigned Chapter 2 sections of the textbook and identify your own example of improper sampling from your day-to-day life (try no

In your initial post, consider what you have read in the assigned Chapter 2 sections of the textbook and identify your own example of improper sampling from your day-to-day life (try not to repeat examples shared by your peers). Be sure to provide the sampling method used, why the sampling method is improper, what type of sampling should have been used, and why.

Discussion Rubric: Undergraduate

Your active participation in the discussion forums is essential to your overall success this term. Discussion questions are designed to help you make meaningful connections between the course content and the larger concepts and goals of the course. These discussions offer you the opportunity to express your own thoughts, ask questions for clarification, and gain insight from your classmates’ responses and instructor’s guidance.

Requirements for Discussion Board Assignments

Students are required to post one initial post and to follow up with at least two response posts for each discussion board assignment.

For your initial post (1), you must do the following:

 Compose a post of one to two paragraphs.


sampling method used, why the sampling method is improper,


In many cases, sampling methods are used to collect data. A sampling method is a method of selecting a sample from a larger population, or the set of all possible samples drawn from that population. Sampling methods are often used in research because they are thought to be more accurate than random selection methods. However, there are many different types of sampling methods and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some will be appropriate for your research project while others may not work at all; it’s important to understand these differences before you use any particular type of sampling method for your study!

Non-probability sampling

Non-probability sampling methods are used when it is not possible to use a random sample. The non-probability sampling methods include convenience sampling, quota sampling and snowball sampling.

Convenience Sampling: This method involves selecting participants from one location using whatever means can be found, whether that be through personal knowledge or through an advertisement for participants in the study. A convenience sample may also be called non-random or non-proportional because its selection process does not take into account how many people will participate in each group (i.e., there may be more women than men). It can also result in bias because of the biases inherent in human nature such as self-selection bias where individuals who are willing to participate are likely healthier than those who aren’t willing; social desirability bias where people don’t want others knowing they did something wrong; and selectivity bias where only certain types of people respond (for example, wealthy individuals tend not do so well on standardized tests).

Provide a brief description of one specific non-probability sampling method.

Describe the sampling method used.

Explain why it is not a rigorous statistical sampling method.

Provide at least one example of when it might be appropriate to use this non-probability sampling method in your study, if you have one available.

● Why is this type of sampling not considered to be a rigorous statistical sampling method? Be sure to provide at least one example. (2 points)

It’s important to understand the limitations of non-random methods so that you can use them appropriately and interpret their results correctly.

Non-probability sampling is not considered a rigorous statistical method because it lacks randomness, which means that there are no guarantees about how representative any one sample will be of all possible samples taken at random from an entire population. This lack of randomness makes non-probability sampling prone to bias, as well as other problems such as low response rates or poor quality data collected via this method (due to pressure from external factors).

● Describe a situation in which it might be an appropriate choice for data collection. (1 point)

In some cases, you may want to use a non-random method of data collection. For example, if you have a very small sample size and want to see how it will look in the future, or if your goal is simply validating one of your larger samples with this smaller one.

Non-random methods are often used because they are faster, cheaper or both. But it’s important to understand the limitations of non-random methods so that you can use them appropriately and interpret their results correctly.

Non-random methods are often used because they are faster, cheaper or both. But it’s important to understand the limitations of non-random methods so that you can use them appropriately and interpret their results correctly.

Non-random sampling is an imprecise method for estimating a population proportion from samples of data taken from a larger population. It does not take into account how many people have been sampled and therefore may not be as accurate when compared with other types of samples (for example, random sampling). In addition to being less reliable than random sampling, non-random techniques also have some disadvantages:

They can lead to bias in estimates because they do not include all members of the population regardless of whether their presence would affect results; for example, women tend to be underrepresented in certain occupations unless quotas are implemented; this means that certain groups may be over/underrepresented depending on whether quotas exist or not!

If there isn’t enough money available then non-random techniques may not always work well either – although this could happen if there was no choice but go ahead with something else instead like using another method such as snowball sampling etcetera – though sometimes even these methods might fail too!


As we’ve seen in this article, non-random samples are often used because they are faster, cheaper or both. But it’s important to understand the limitations of non-random methods so that you can use them appropriately and interpret their results correctly. Non-probability sampling is not considered a rigorous sampling method because there is no guarantee that every unit will be represented by an interviewee or participants in your study. This means that certain groups may or may not be represented at all times during data collection—a serious problem if your research depends on knowing how well people from different groups fit together!