Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Choose a disease or condition which affects one of the systems we are covering this semester. It can be viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoan, congenital/genetic, biochemical , drug induc - Writingforyou

Choose a disease or condition which affects one of the systems we are covering this semester. It can be viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoan, congenital/genetic, biochemical , drug induc

Choose a disease or condition which affects one of the systems we are covering this semester. It can be viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoan, congenital/genetic, biochemical , drug induced, or the result of trauma, overuse, etc.

Investigate the history of the problem, the Disease process and treatments. Written in scientific style,  describing the disease and its effect on the body

Paper Format – a. Title, course name, your name and date on first page b. Body of paper begins on the first page.  Two or three pages maximum. c. Minimum of two references on last page. Single Spaced, 12 point font. 


Choose a disease or condition which affects one of the systems we are covering this semester. It can be viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoan, congenital/genetic, biochemical , drug induced, or the result of trauma, overuse, etc.


The disease or condition chosen is a viral disease. The system it affects is our respiratory system. This condition or disease is the result of an infection that occurs when viruses infect our body’s cells. The parts of the system affected by this disease or condition are the lungs and sinuses which may cause coughing up mucus due to inflammation, sore throats from swollen membranes in your throat tissue caused by blockages in small blood vessels leading from nosebleeds (blood vessels inside your face break open due to injury), difficulty breathing due to swelling; chest pain if heart muscle becomes inflamed due to infection such as pneumonia; fever

The disease chosen is

The disease chosen is:

Herpes virus. This virus causes cold sores and genital herpes, which are caused by the same type of virus. The most common symptom of this condition is a painful sore on or around the mouth or genitals that lasts several weeks to months and sometimes years before healing on its own. Other symptoms include headaches and feverishness due to brain inflammation due to this infection. There is no cure for herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2), but antiviral drugs can reduce symptoms for some people who have it.[1]

Lyme disease: Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by an spirochete called Borrelia burgdorferi that occurs in all 50 states except Hawaii[2]. It causes flu-like symptoms like fever, fatigue, chills, headache and joint pain.[3] The most common symptom reported by patients with early stage Lyme disease is localized joint pain followed by enervating fatigue lasting 10 days at least after vaccination wear off.[4][5]

The system it affects is

In this section, we will be looking at one of the systems we are covering this semester: the respiratory system. The disease or condition that affects this system is asthma.

Let’s take a look at how asthma works and how it can be treated by inhalers (small devices that deliver medication directly into the lungs). When someone has asthma, their airways become inflamed because of an allergic reaction to something like dust mites or pollen inside them. This makes breathing difficult for them so they need to use an inhaler with medicine in it whenever they feel like their breathing gets very difficult or painful when they try to breathe normally without treatment first before using an inhaler every day for weeks on end until their symptoms improve completely.

This condition or disease is the result of

This condition or disease is the result of a complex interaction between genetics and environment. It may be caused by trauma, overuse, alcohol abuse, poor diet or other factors. The underlying cause of this condition is often unknown but can be identified through further investigation into your medical history as well as doing some research on your own behalf (which I will be doing with you).

The parts of the system affected by this disease or condition are the

The parts of the system affected by this disease or condition are the

The symptoms may include

The cause is

The treatment is

Because of this process, there are symptoms that may include

There are a number of symptoms that may occur, including:

Fatigue and weakness

Sore throat or fever (if you have the flu)

Headache and muscle aches (most commonly in the neck, shoulders, and back)


Takeaway: This is a summary of what we’ve learned.

Overview: It’s important to understand how your body works, and this lesson will help you do that.


This disease or condition affects one of the systems we are covering this semester. It can be viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoan, congenital/genetic, biochemical , drug induced or the result of trauma, overuse or other environmental factors. The parts of the system affected by this disease or condition are the skin and internal organs such as lungs and liver.