Chat with us, powered by LiveChat From the novel ‘The Shadow of the Wind’ of the author Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Choose one of these themes and provide 3 evidence. – Character Epiphany – Sense of Responsibili - Writingforyou

From the novel ‘The Shadow of the Wind’ of the author Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Choose one of these themes and provide 3 evidence.  – Character Epiphany – Sense of Responsibili

From the novel "The Shadow of the Wind" of the author Carlos Ruiz Zafon.

Choose one of these themes and provide 3 evidence.

 - Character Epiphany

– Sense of Responsibility

– Conformity

– Redemption.




A. Evidence 1 (supporting theme) SLIDE 3

a. This evidence shows (commentary/reader’s insight on the evidence)… SLIDE 4

b. Author’s means of informing theme (literary device/technique used) SLIDE 5

c. All this relates to the theme HOW? SLIDE 6

B. Evidence 2 (supporting theme) SLIDE 7

d. This evidence shows (commentary/reader’s insight on the evidence)… SLIDE 8

e. Author’s means of informing theme (literary device/technique used) SLIDE 9

f. All this relates to the theme HOW? SLIDE 10

C. Evidence 3 (supporting theme) SLIDE 11

g. This evidence shows (commentary/reader’s insight on the evidence)… SLIDE 12

h. Author’s means of informing theme (literary device/technique used) SLIDE 13

i. All this relates to the theme HOW? SLIDE 14

Use the attachment from a previous job to get an idea of what is needed.

The Shadow of the Wind

A novel of Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Power of Love

Love is a major protagonist in the history as a plot threat for the protagonist, who experiences it in so many different ways.

Additional to his father affection, the memory of his mother, the relation with his friends, and above all the carnal love, first a childish passion for a more older woman and later an adventure affair with an engaged, who become at the end his wife and mother of his child.

Evidence 1: Father and Son relationship

Regardless that the book brings us many disfunsional father and sons relationships, the protagonist Daniel has a fraternal one with his own father.

Reader’s insight

Daniel’s father, presented as a gently man, is a guide and mentor that influences Daniel’s decisions and actions as he navigate the challenges.

Daniel’s father is a crucial player in the connection of Daniel and Julian Carax. Unravel the the enigma of Carax, is only possible thanks to the common love to the literature and the gesture of the father bringing Daniel to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books.

The father manages from the same start to perform a father-son bonding with the visit of Daniel to the “mysterious” library, what is replicated in the future when Daniel do the same with her son.

Literary Devices

Symbolism: The Cemetery of Forgotten Books is a symbol of the shared love for the books between Daniels and his father.

Motif of Books: Read books and literature is frequently used. This remember us constantly the bond between Daniel and his father, who is a bookseller who introduce Daniel to the world of books.

The love between Daniel and his father is a significant importance for the plot. This relationship plays a central role shaping the narrative and influencing the characters’ motivation. The father introduces him to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books where start the fascination of Daniel for the novel of Julian Carax what is the main storyline. Additional to impact in Daniel Identity and Legacy, the love between both add emotion and empathy for the characters.

Evidence 2: Friendships

Friendships can be considered too as type of love. The protagonist has very good friends, who help him to overcame multiples obstacles and challenges.

Reader’s insight

The friendship between Daniel, the protagonist, and Fermin is very important to the plot. Fermin is his confident and participate in multiples quest to reveal the mystery surrounding the life and identity of Julian Carax. He brings support, humor, and shared a mutual purpose.

Additional to Fermin, Daniel also interact with other characters. With a narrative with so many mystery and tragedy, friendships provide comfort and shape their personalities and influence their perspective on love, loyalty, and morality.

Literary Devices

Dialogue: It is used to represent the interaction between characters and reveal the depth of the friendship, specially with Fermin.

Foreshadowing: It is used to introduces to future twist in the friendships between different characters. It creates anticipation or suggest that the dynamic between the characters will change.

Friendships is very important to the narrative. Throughout the plot, Daniel shares many experiences with his friends, providing emotional support, and bringing many topics like loyalty, trust, and human connections. The book make special emphasis in the importance of relationships in the midst of mystery and intrigue.

Evidence 3: Love between couples

Additional to the love for the literature, this books is all about many different love histories: some very cruel and disfuntional. Over all, Daniel own love history is very strong and full of simbolism and parallelism.

Reader’s insight

Daniel and Beatriz contributes to the protagonist character development. Their relationship is the combination of multiples feelings and emotions, in contrast with the mystery a secrecy of the storyline.

The similarity of the protagonist love history with the live of Carax, the subject he is investigating, become a source of resilience and determination.

We can consider Daniel and Beatriz marriage as a triumph of love, as opposed the parent authoritarianism. Also as a redemption for the unfortunate history of Carax.

Literary Devices

Character Parallels: Daniel love history with Beatriz is very similar to the one with Carax and Penelope. Both men are in love women from a different social class, in both a child was born, and it happened in the same house.

Hyperbole: Daniel compares the first time he makes love with Beatriz as a miracle, a episode that he wanted to recover a thousand times.

The love of couples is a powerful plot thread. There are various relationships throughout the book. The love history between the protagonist Daniel and Beatriz is a great complement to the backdrop of mystery, intrigue, and historical events. They represent an example of hope, redemption, and the enduring power of love. The love stories of Daniel and Beatriz and Carax and Penelope are very similar, characterized by forbidden love, tragedy, and the influence of literature.