Chat with us, powered by LiveChat A free enterprise system provides individuals the opportunity to make their own economic decisions, without restrictions from the government. it allows the supply and de - Writingforyou

A free enterprise system provides individuals the opportunity to make their own economic decisions, without restrictions from the government. it allows the supply and de

A free enterprise system provides individuals the opportunity to make their own economic decisions, without restrictions from the government. it allows the supply and demand of consumers to determine the success or failure of an economic endeavor. as a result, some business owners have become successful, while others have not.

In an writing you will choose an entrepreneur and argue whether the free enterprise system was necessary for that individual to make an impact on the business world.

Step 1: Do a little research and decide which entrepreneur you could write about. You need to have a good grasp of the concept of free enterprise in order to assess whether the system helped your entrepreneur or not. Below is a good link to visit to start scrolling through some names.

Step 2: Put your information into outline form (prewriting). I have provided a suggested outline below. This is only a suggested outline and thus not mandatory that you use. Your outline might look different and/ or contain more points. This is fine as long as you have a clear introduction paragraph with a thesis statement, body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph.

I. Introduction paragraph

a. Background on your entrepreneur-How did he/she become successful? What does he/she do?

b. End this paragraph with your thesis. Your options include

i. Given _________’s story, the free enterprise system was necessary for his/her impact because ___________________________. OR

ii. The free enterprise system was not necessary for _________’s success because ___________________________.

II. Body paragraph #1-Prove your claim

a. Start with a topic sentence that clearly defines your main idea-rephrase your thesis here. For example: It is clear that the free enterprise system was useful for _______.

b. Prove your topic sentence with multiple and specific pieces of evidence that prove the free enterprise system was or was not necessary for your entrepreneur’s success.

c. You might choose to explain multiple reasons to prove your claim here or create more paragraphs to prove all your points.

d. Cite any sources you used at the end of the paragraph.

III. Body paragraph #2 (or #3)-Rebut a counterclaim

a. Start with a topic sentence that clearly defines your main idea-Some might say that the free enterprise system did/did not (opposite of your thesis) help __________because ___________, but this is not true because __________.

b. Prove how this phrase is wrong with specific evidence.

c. Cite any sources you used at the end of the paragraph.

IV. Conclusion

a. First sentence should be a restatement of your thesis that you have at the end of your introduction.

b. Wrap up your essay-why is it important we analyze the lives of entrepreneurs or the free enterprise system? Is the free enterprise system the best type of economic system considering your entrepreneur? Why or why not?

Step 3: Now use your outline to fill in the gaps and construct your essay (drafting).

Step 4: Check your essay with the rubric below before submitting it (revising).

Grading Rubric:

Ideas-Do you develop your reasons on why the free enterprise system was necessary for your entrepreneur or not rather than simply summarizing about his/her success? Do you use specific evidence to back up your thesis? Do you have a counterclaim and rebuttal? (20 points)

Organization-Does your essay have an introduction, at least two body paragraphs and a conclusion? Do you have a thesis that presents a claim as the last sentence of your introduction? Do your body paragraphs have clear topic sentences? Do you start your conclusion paragraph by restating your thesis? (20 points)

Word Choice- Do you vary your sentence structure? Do you use precise and formal vocabulary? No slang or clichés? No personal pronouns-I, we, our, etc.? (20 points)

Fluency-Does your thinking in your essay flow? Do you provide transitions between new ideas and new paragraphs? (20 points)

Conventions-Has your essay been edited for grammar and punctuation errors? Do you cite where you got your information? (20 points)

Other important notes to consider:

· One paragraph is not an essay. If you submit one paragraph, despite the quality of that paragraph, you will receive a failing grade.

· If you copy and paste from the Internet, borrow ideas from the Internet that are not yours or not cited, or have an AI bot generate your essay you will receive an automatic zero on this assignment. Citation of outside resources is required. Students who plagiarize will not be allowed to redo the assignment.

Happy writing! Reach out if you need any more help.

Mrs. Howe

Economics Teacher


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