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OL 665 Module Six Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric

Follow rubric verbatim 

What to Submit

Submit a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document (not including title page or references) with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA formatting. Submit your signed interview consent form as either a PDF or JPEG.

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OL 665 Module Six Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric


Meeting with someone from an organization you’re researching is incredibly valuable. This is because people like to tell their stories. You will learn more by asking follow-up questions than by

reviewing a website or reading an article. This interview is an opportunity for you to learn from real-world examples that aren’t in your textbook.


Write a short paper that summarizes your interview experience with a person from a not-for-pro�t organization.

Speci�cally, address the following critical elements:

I. Introduction: Provide the following:

a. The name and position of the person you interviewed (If you were able to meet and interview additional people, provide their names and positions too.)

b. The name of the not-for-pro�t organization that the person works for

c. The date, time, and location of the interview

II. Interview Summary:

a. List the questions you asked and the answers you received.

b. What did you learn about the organization’s leadership that can contribute to your �nal project?

c. What did you learn about the organization’s communication that can contribute to your �nal project?

d. What did you learn about the organization’s �nancial management that can contribute to your �nal project?

e. What did you learn about the organization’s ethics that can contribute to your �nal project?

III. Analysis: What are the organization’s strengths and weaknesses? How do they impact organizational success? Support your claims.

IV. Conclusion: Summarize how you feel about your experience. Do you feel it went well? Why, or why not?

V. Interview Consent Form: During your interview, ask for the interviewee’s signature on the interview consent form (linked in the What to Submit section). This form gives permission to

mention the name of the organization in your short paper. It also gives permission to quote the person or people anonymously in the assignment. Scan the interview consent form as a

PDF, or take a picture of it and save it as a JPEG. Upload it with your short paper.

What to Submit

Submit a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document (not including title page or references) with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA formatting. Submit

your signed interview consent form as either a PDF or JPEG.


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Module Six Short Paper Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Introduction Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and

describes the interview setting

with interesting and vivid detail

Includes an introduction that

answers the questions in the

prompt to a satisfactory level of


Includes an introduction but it

is either incomplete or cursory

Does not include an



Interview Summary:

Responses to Questions

Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and

provides answers that show an

attempt to go beyond the

surface of the conversation to

gain an in-depth understanding

of the organization

Includes interview questions

and provides answers to

questions with a satisfactory

level of detail

Includes interview questions,

but answers are cursory

Does not include responses to

interview questions


Interview Summary:

Learning About Leadership

Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and

demonstrates a synthesized

understanding of leadership

within the organization

Summarizes learning about

leadership and provides

examples from the interview

Includes a discussion of

leadership, but it is cursory

Does not discuss learning

related to leadership


Interview Summary:

Learning About


Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and

demonstrates a synthesized

understanding of

communication within the


Summarizes learning about

communication and provides

examples from the interview

Includes a discussion of

communication, but it is


Does not discuss learning

related to communication


Interview Summary:

Learning About Financial


Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and

demonstrates a synthesized

understanding of �nancial

management within the


Summarizes learning about

�nancial management and

provides examples from the


Includes a discussion of

�nancial management, but it is


Does not discuss learning

related to �nancial



Interview Summary:

Learning About Ethics

Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and

demonstrates a synthesized

understanding of ethics within

the organization

Summarizes learning about

ethics and provides examples

from the interview

Includes a discussion of ethics,

but it is cursory

Does not discuss learning

related to ethics


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Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro�cient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Analysis Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and

demonstrates insight into how

a strength or a weakness

impacts the organization’s


Identi�es strengths and

weaknesses and provides an

explanation of why they are

either a strength or weakness

Identi�es strengths and

weaknesses, but the discussion

is cursory

Does not include an analysis 10

Conclusion Meets “Pro�cient” criteria and

includes a conclusion that

re�ects personal growth and


Includes a conclusion that

answers the questions in the

prompt to a satisfactory level of


Includes a conclusion, but it is


Does not include a conclusion 5

Interview Consent Form Form is uploaded with the short

paper as a PDF or JPEG

N/A N/A Form is not present with the

upload of the short paper


Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors

related to citations, grammar,

spelling, syntax, and

organization and is presented

in a professional and easy-to-

read format

Submission has no major errors

related to citations, grammar,

spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors

related to citations, grammar,

spelling, syntax, or organization

that negatively impact

readability and articulation of

main ideas

Submission has critical errors

related to citations, grammar,

spelling, syntax, or organization

that prevent understanding of



Total: 100%


Chester Freedom Ministries: 729 Village Drive, Chester, SC 29706

Interview Questions:

What is the organization’s mission?

· Our mission is to reach people with the message of Christ and to share the message of God’s love to mankind by sending Christ to earth to save mankind from sin by dying on the cross. We also seek to serve and love and meet people’s needs in both the church and community. We provide counsel, care, and help for those in need and follow Christ’s example in doing so.

Whom does the organization serve?

· We serve both the church congregation, people inside the church as well as those in the community.

Who serves on the board of directors?

· Our church elders do. We have 3 elders. 3 pastors as well as church staff and deacons.

What information does the organization provide on its website?

· Our heart, background, mission, info, sermon messages, calendar, announcements, and events.

How does the organization communicate its goals and strategies internally?

· Through meetings, digital and print media, website, email web pages, group apps and texts, verbal announcements, and social media.

How does the organization communicate its goals and strategies externally?

· Monthly meetings with staff and area leaders, outreach groups, group texts and discussion forums.

What are some of the fundraising strategies and activities this organization uses?

· Word of mouth, social media pages, and verbal communication as well as print announcements and media.

How does the organization seek and recruit volunteers?

· We provide and promote area serve and volunteer cards every year during our worship meetings and gatherings, as well as through our web pages. Our area leaders make contacts and connections with those interested in serving in those areas.

Is this organization looking to expand or sustain its current operation?

· We aim to do both. As a church body our goal is to constantly be growing and reaching those in the community with the message of Christ. We desire for people to connect with Christ and Christ’s message and also to foster relationships with each other.

What are some of the organization’s long-term goals?

· To expand our preschool and afterschool programs. To build a new gym and facility with a children’s area and more classrooms to accommodate the new housing subdivisions being built within a mile of the church.

What are your responsibilities within the organization?

· I provide family counseling, perform weddings, oversee and lead the youth ministry, teach youth Bible classes on Wed nights for grades 6-12. Oversee the Sunday morning children’s classes from K3-5th as well as the nurseries. Planning, oversight, teaching, scheduling of leaders in those areas and curriculum development. I also help with outreach events such as soup kitchen and winter coat drive.

What are some of your key challenges?

· Having enough volunteers to meet the growth. Also there has been a rise in the number of counselee’s and kids who are depressed, bullied, and suicidal than ever before in the last year and a half. So, trying to meet the growing needs can be tricky at times, however God always seems to provide what we need.

What do you think is the best theory for this type of organization?

· Following the Bible, God’s Word as a guide for mission and ministry. Following Jesus’ model for us in the Scriptures of sacrificial love and service of others in a relational and real way.

Do you find it difficult to share information or communicate within the organization?

· Not the communication as much as having people to implement what is communicated and vision casted on a consistent basis.

What happens if the organization is unable to meet its financial obligations?

· This has never been an issue in the 15 years that I have been at Chester Freedom Ministries. However, less growth, loss of families and attendance are the most likely things to occur. Worse case the church could bankrupt and or lose it’s building and place of meeting, which would force it to downsize and meet in homes.

Do you have goals that you must meet within your department?

Yes, Student care, counsel and growth. To lead and organize teams in both student ministry and children’s ministry who effectively love and serve those who attend. To provide environments where Biblical truth is taught and love is displayed and fellowship is encouraged.

Is the organization focused more on management than it is on leadership?

· It is more focused on leadership and building relationships within the church.

Does the organization take responsibility for ensuring adherence to rules and regulations?

Yes, The board of elders and leaders make sure that the church runs smoothly and operates according to the Bible and it’s by-laws and mission statement. It ensures that congregants and members and ministries within the church are in adherence and operate in line with what the Scripture teaches, Christ’s commands, and the church structure. This keeps things being done in order and in a fashion that leads toward unity and growth of all.


Interview Consent Form Southern New Hampshire University: College of Online and Continuing Education

33 South Commercial Street, Suite 203

Manchester, NH 03101


I, (please print your name) _______________________________________________, give

Southern New Hampshire University the absolute right and permission to use my written or spoken material for educational purposes in the OL 665 Leading and Managing Not-for-Profit Organizations course. I understand that the written material may be used in a course presentation, discussion forums, or other educational setting.

The results of the interview will be used in course assignments or discussion forums, but your name or identity will not be revealed.

I release the University, their offices, employees, agents, and designees from liability for any violation of any personal or proprietary right I may have in connection with such use. I am 18 years of age or older.

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Address: ___________________________________________State: ______ Zip: __________

Phone: ________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________________

Please return this form to the student(s) involved in the OL 665 course; you may keep one copy for your records. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the instructor or the SNHU College of Online and Continuing Education Office at 1-800-668-1249.

Nathan A Malone

Nathan A Malone


729 Village Drive Chester




  • Interview Consent Form