Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Great Gator Gifts (GGG) launched a Touchdown Club, where Gator fans can create a wish list?? of Gator items.? Every year, at the beginning of football season, GGG sends a link to the spou - Writingforyou

Great Gator Gifts (GGG) launched a Touchdown Club, where Gator fans can create a wish list?? of Gator items.? Every year, at the beginning of football season, GGG sends a link to the spou

Great Gator Gifts (GGG) launched a Touchdown Club, where Gator fans can create a “wish list” of Gator items.  Every year, at the beginning of football season, GGG sends a link to the spouse of each member of the Touchdown Club with a reminder to kick the season off with a special Gator gift.  GGG attracted new customers at a cost of $25.00 each and tracked their purchases over a 4-year period.  The average annual purchase was $500.00, with a gross margin of 60% and annual per capita marketing expense of $50.00.  GGG uses a discount rate of 8%, and the observed annual retention rate of Touchdown Club members was 50%.  What was GGG’s 4-year CLV?



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  Data Given
  New Customers ??
  Acquisition Cost/customer $25
  Revenue/customer $500
  Gross Margin % 60%
  Mktg Exp Per Capita $50
  Discount Rate 8%
  Retention Rate 50%
  Time 4 Years
        1 2 3 4 Total
      Revenue 500 500 500 500
      COGS 200 200 200 200
      Gross Maring % 60% 60% 60% 60%
      Contribution 300 300 300 300
      Marketing Expense 50 50 50 50
      Cash Flow 250 250 250 250
      Discount Rate
      Retention Rate (zero @ Y1
      Expected NPV           Cumulative NPV
                25 Acquisition Cost

Computational Formula C = Cash Flow d = Discount rate t = Time period r = Retention probability A = Acquisition cost
















Great Gator Gifts (GGG) launched a Touchdown Club, where Gator fans can create a “wish list” of Gator items. Every year, at the beginning of football season, GGG sends a link to the spouse of each member of the Touchdown Club with a reminder to kick the season off with a special Gator gift. GGG attracted new customers at a cost of $25.00 each and tracked their purchases over a 4-year period. The average annual purchase was $500.00, with a gross margin of 60% and annual per capita marketing expense of $50.00. GGG uses a discount rate of 8%, and the observed annual retention rate of Touchdown Club members was 50%. What was GGG’s 4-year CLV?



Great Gator Gifts (GGG) launched a Touchdown Club, where Gator fans can create a “wish list” of Gator items. Every year, at the beginning of football season, GGG sends a link to the spouse of each member of the Touchdown Club with a reminder to kick the season off with a special Gator gift. GGG attracted new customers at a cost of $25.00 each and tracked their purchases over a 4-year period. The average annual purchase was $500.00, with a gross margin of 60% and annual per capita marketing expense of $50.00. GGG uses a discount rate of 8%, and the observed annual retention rate of Touchdown Club members was 50%. What was GGG’s 4-year CLV?


The Gator Gifts Great Gator Gifts (GGG) launched a Touchdown Club, where Gator fans can create a “wish list” of Gator items. Every year, at the beginning of football season, GGG sends a link to the spouse of each member of the Touchdown Club with a reminder to kick the season off with a special Gator gift. GGG attracted new customers at a cost of $25.00 each and tracked their purchases over a 4-year period. The average annual purchase was $500.00, with a gross margin of 60% and annual per capita marketing expense of $50.00

Let’s look at the inputs.

The first year of the Touchdown Club

The average purchase during the first year, $500

The average annual purchase over 4 years, $500

Gross margin percentage: 60% 5/8ths of sales price is profit! So this means that if you have a $100 item and sell it for $120, you make $20 on each sale (gross margin).

Calculation: 75.00

The calculation for the average first-year gross margin per customer is

(0.6)(500) = $300

The average annual purchase multiplied by gross margin percentage (0.6) yields an estimate of $500,000 in sales over four years.

First, we need to calculate the average first-year gross margin per customer, which is average annual purchase multiplied by gross margin percentage (0.6)

First, we need to calculate the average first-year gross margin per customer, which is average annual purchase multiplied by gross margin percentage (0.6).

The calculation for this is simple: $500 times 60% = $300.00 or 300 units per year at an average price of $500 each means that your business should expect to sell 3,000 units over four years if you continue at the same pace as you were going before launching your Touchdown Club campaign!


So, in summary, the club members spent $50.00 per year (on average) and GGG had an average annual profit of $150.00 per member. The club had 4 years to pay back its initial investment and still make a profit at the end of those 4 years.