Chat with us, powered by LiveChat What kinds of things do you read? Think about the texts you have to read, like for school, and also the texts you choose to read. I want you to be as inclusive as po - Writingforyou

What kinds of things do you read? Think about the texts you have to read, like for school, and also the texts you choose to read. I want you to be as inclusive as po

I want to know about your experiences with reading and writing. Please respond to each of the following questions with at least one paragraph. This is an informal writing assignment, but please use paragraphs to organize your thoughts so that your text is easily readable for me.

  1. What kinds of things do you read? Think about the texts you have to read, like for school, and also the texts you choose to read. I want you to be as inclusive as possible in this response, so think about things like emails, DMs, social media, news, etc. Audio counts too! If you’re listening to audiobooks, podcasts, newscasts, etc., tell me about it.
  2. What kinds of texts do you write? Again, think of things you are assigned to write, but also things you choose to write and all the ways you communicate with others in writing.
  3. How do you feel about your writing? Think about your confidence level, your experience of the writing process in the past, whether you find parts of the writing process fun or satisfying, or parts of the process that make you miserable, etc.
  4. What are your goals for your writing? What would you like to be able to do with writing? This can be as specific or broad as you want. Think about all the ways you use writing every day and how your life could be enhanced by increased confidence in your writing.
  5. Do you have any questions or concerns about your writing or about the course? If not, please summarize my grading style from the syllabus in your own words to demonstrate that you understand how I will be assessing you and how you can achieve the grade you want in this course.