Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Describe how the objects and events in the video are interconnected. How would Paley and other fans of the teleological argument explain all of this? What would they say must have created a - Writingforyou

Describe how the objects and events in the video are interconnected. How would Paley and other fans of the teleological argument explain all of this? What would they say must have created a



1. Describe how the objects and events in the video are interconnected. How would Paley and other fans of the teleological argument explain all of this? What would they say must have created all of these creatures and caused them to behave this way? Be sure to explain the main parts of the teleological argument. Then, give another example of something in nature that appears to operate according to a design. How does it appear to function according to a plan? Write 2-3 paragraphs. Begin typing your answer below.


2. Watch the following video:

Describe how Komodo dragons hunt. What would fans of the problem of evil say about this kind of thing happening in nature? Do they think a perfect God would create a world with this sort of event? Be sure to address the main parts of the problem of evil, including its conclusion. Then, share your own example of natural evil. Explain how this part of nature is painful for creatures experiencing it. Then, present an objection to the problem of evil from this course and discuss how this might explain why a perfect God would design a world this way. Do you think this explanation is successful? (Note: You don’t have to agree with the objection or the explanation. This assignment involves thinking about events from the perspective of people who accept or reject the problem of evil.) 

Write 2 paragraphs


3. Jose works as a mechanic at a Honda dealership. His garage is closed on Sundays and at the end of his shift on Saturday he “borrows” a Honda scanner that checks service codes. On Sunday, he uses the scanner while performing a job for a friend of a friend. He gets to work early on Monday and returns the scanner before anyone else arrives. The scanner isn’t damaged at all. Fully explain and apply Kantianism to this particular situation. Was it OK for Jose to steal and return the scanner? Describe how Kantian ethics works in general and address factors that would be important according to this view. Do you think Jose behaved morally? Justify your own view. Write 2-3 paragraphs. Begin typing your answer below.


4. A dentist has asked his assistant to perform a cleaning on a patient. The assistant has observed many cleanings and she’s confident she can do a good job. But the assistant is not licensed to carry out a cleaning and she points this out to her boss. The dentist offers her $30 cash on the side and the assistant accepts the arrangement. The assistant performs the cleaning and the procedure goes smoothly. The patient has no idea what’s happened and is satisfied with the office visit. Fully explain and apply utilitarianism to this particular situation. Was it OK for the dentist and assistant to treat the patient this way? Describe how utilitarianism works in general and address factors that would be important according to this view. Do you think the dentist and assistant behaved morally? Justify your own view. Write 2-3 paragraphs. Begin typing your answer below. 




We all know that nature is incredibly complex, yet still appears to function according to a plan. This is due to the fact that everything in nature has a purpose and works together with other things in order for them to operate successfully. Paley would no doubt say that all of these creatures were created by an intelligent designer who planned out their existence and how they would interact with one another. He would also say that the way they behave is due to certain intentions of this designer. The teleological argument states that everything in nature has a purpose (or end), therefore there must be a designer in order for it work so well

It is clear in the video that all the creatures and events in their habitat have a connection to one another. Although they may seem to operate at random, there is always something coming from something else and contributing to another thing. Paley would no doubt say that all of these creatures were created by an intelligent designer who planned out their existence and how they would interact with one another. He would also say that the way they behave is due to certain intentions of this designer. The teleological argument states that everything in nature has a purpose, therefore there must be a designer in order for it work so well. Another example of something in nature operating according to a design would be the human body. Humans are able to move, think, feel, and provide a home for other creatures such as bacteria (which help us digest our food). We are so complex inside yet simple on the outside.

The video gives us an idea of how Paley would explain all these things. He would say that God created everything for a purpose and that every creature has its own reason for being here on earth. In addition, he explains how these animals are interconnected with each other and their environment through food chains or webs of life that link them together in ways we cannot see because they operate behind closed doors (i.e., evolution). For example, humans belong to one species while dogs belong to another; however they both share DNA so they could easily interbreed if they lived near each other! This shows how interconnected everything is despite its seeming randomness especially since there are no barriers between different species except those made by humans themselves with fences around farms/yards etcetera

Everything seems connected somehow.

In the video, Paley argues that everything seems connected somehow. Everything has a purpose or function, he says; there is a designer who created all these things and they are all interconnected by some sort of plan or design.

Paley’s argument can be summarized as follows:

Everything appears to have been created by an intelligent being (God).

The universe has certain properties that couldn’t exist without being designed by this same God (for example: purpose).

These properties show evidence of design in nature because they don’t occur by chance alone but only through intelligence—the result of someone designing something from nothing!


In conclusion, all of the creatures and events in their habitat have a connection to one another. They may seem to operate at random, but there is always something coming from something else and contributing to another thing. Paley would no doubt say that all of these creatures were created by an intelligent designer who planned out their existence and how they would interact with one another. He would also say that the way they behave is due to certain intentions of this designer. The teleological argument states that everything in nature has a purpose, therefore there must be a designer in order for it work so well