Chat with us, powered by LiveChat As a practitioner-scholar, how can you make an impact on positive social change? As a healthcare administrator investigating various theories of social change and their potential releva - Writingforyou

As a practitioner-scholar, how can you make an impact on positive social change? As a healthcare administrator investigating various theories of social change and their potential releva

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Complete the journey log by using the information from the discussion and completed the requirements showed at the end of the log.

Part 1:


1. As a practitioner-scholar, how can you make an impact on positive social change?

As a healthcare administrator investigating various theories of social change and their potential relevance to health and healthcare, I understand that health improvement initiatives and performance evaluations require community transformation.  Expanding upon previous public health and social change models, the cross-sector alignment theory of change focuses on how health care, public health, and social services may more effectively and sustainably meet the needs and objectives of the people and communities they serve (Landers et al., 2020). The need for change is pervasive in today's healthcare systems' social and healthcare policies. Public health is becoming more critical than individual health, primary care is replacing tertiary care, and health promotion is replacing preventive care. However, all aspects of transformation are complicated by the conflict between reducing expenses and enhancing health. 

Hospitals and other healthcare institutions are adopting new organizational models considering social conditions and community goals when providing care. Community-based assessments are rapidly replacing individual-based assessments of the impact of healthcare institutions. Old structures and processes are undergoing positive, long-term transformations. These modifications include:

· Improving Communication Skills

· Increasing the horizontality and inclusiveness of management systems

· Creating participant roles for members of the community

· Making new commitments to positive change

· Setting aside time and resources for additional learning and adjustment

· Obtaining more accurate and up-to-date patient information 

· More effective planning for both short-term and long-term objectives


2. How can you translate your passion (advocacy) into research (scientific inquiry)?

Clinical research and healthcare have evolved, and outcomes research has played a significant role in this transformation. Patient experience and progress observations are now considered essential factors in decision-making. Healthcare organizations can utilize patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) to guide service changes (Snowdon et al., 2023). Outcomes research has made patient-centered care mandatory rather than just an option and provides the data required to inform critical and pertinent research. It can determine the effectiveness of treatment options, associated costs, and patient preferences by measuring patient results. That is why it has emerged as a crucial tool for producing more effective monitoring and enhancing the standard of care provided to patients by connecting their treatment with their experiences. Results research has several benefits, including raising the standard of living for patients, enabling them to make better health decisions, and assisting healthcare decision-makers in selecting the most successful interventions.

Part 2:


Develop one potential research problem that relates to your HSO and explain what led you to this research problem.

The proposed research problem focuses on the impact of telehealth adoption on healthcare accessibility and quality in underserved rural communities. This problem stems from the urgent need to tackle healthcare inequalities and obstacles rural communities encounter in obtaining prompt, high-quality healthcare services. The Health Standard Organization (HSO) acknowledges that rural populations often have geographical obstacles, limited healthcare infrastructure, and a scarcity of healthcare experts, which result in insufficient healthcare accessibility and reduced quality of service (Bashshur et al., 2016). With the rise of technology, namely telehealth, as a possible way to address these gaps, it is crucial to examine the efficacy and consequences of telehealth in underserved rural regions.

The trend of technology integration in healthcare and its potential to alter healthcare delivery led to the study of telehealth. The socio-ecological model explores how individual, interpersonal, communal, and societal characteristics affect health outcomes. The deployment of telehealth involves the integration of technology, healthcare practitioners, community participation, and policy implementation at many levels (Bashshur et al., 2016). The study seeks to provide a thorough evaluation of the effects of telehealth adoption by examining the interplay of these elements within rural regions.

Support your research problem with at least one scholarly resource.

Kruse et al. (2017) performed an in-depth research and subjective assessment of telehealth and its impact on how satisfied patients are and offered valuable insights that support the research problem of examining the effect of telehealth adoption on medical availability and efficacy in marginalized rural communities. The study systematically explored existing literature to understand the relationship between telehealth and patient satisfaction. The findings suggested a positive association between telehealth interventions in rural areas and high levels of patient satisfaction. Kruse et al. (2017) implied that telehealth not only addresses geographical barriers in rural areas but also has the potential to enhance patient experiences.

The systematic review underscored the importance of assessing patient satisfaction as an outcome measure, indicating that successful telehealth implementation positively influences the patient-provider relationship. In underserved rural communities, where traditional healthcare access is limited, the positive correlation between telehealth and patient satisfaction supports the hypothesis that telehealth adoption can improve healthcare accessibility and quality in these areas. Consequently, the study by Kruse et al. (2017) provides empirical evidence that strengthens the rationale for investigating telehealth's impact on healthcare outcomes in underserved rural communities.

In conclusion, examining the influence of the rise of telehealth on medical availability and efficacy in disadvantaged rural communities arises from the pressing need to tackle healthcare inequities in these areas. By investigating the multi-dimensional aspects of telehealth implementation, the research aims to contribute valuable insights that can inform policies, practices, and interventions to improve healthcare outcomes for rural populations.

Part 3:



Here in this thread I have selected the “Research Ethics” that are offered by prominent research groups and academic institutions. In line with the knowledge of ethical procedures that is essential for any study at the doctorate level, this resource bolsters the study / Capstone competency by highlighting the ethical aspects of research. It stood out because research ethics guarantee honesty and responsible behavior, which are crucial for the legitimacy and reliability of academic work (Dawson, et al. 2020). The advantage is that it gives doctorate students a set of rules to follow when they are working on their capstone projects; these rules will help us stay true to their ethical values, follow all applicable standards, and look out for the rights and well-being of the participants.

Scholarly Process and Identity

A comprehensive doctorate study planner that substantially enhances the skill of good time management and strategic planning was a priceless resource that I discovered while navigating the complex PhD thread. This resource caught my eye because of the comprehensive way it helps Ph.D. candidates create a unique academic journey map. The flexibility of this planner is its greatest asset; it provides a detailed schedule that can be easily adjusted to meet the needs of each student and their goals for the program.

Its strength is in the thorough planning and organization it provides for the many activities and deadlines that make up a doctorate program. This planner allows me to easily map out my course by adapting it to my degree and goals, so I can make sure that everything from coursework to research milestones is clearly defined. Its all-encompassing layout makes it easy to not only stay organized, but also to develop a broad perspective on the whole doctorate journey.

To alleviate the stress that comes with the capstone project, this tool will help my classmates and me develop a systematic approach to time management. With its clear direction, it helps us deal with the academic maze, complete assignments on time, and avoid unnecessary stress (Malmqvist, et al. 2019). By providing a feeling of stability and assurance amidst the academic chaos, this planner proves to be a very useful tool in our pursuit of Ph.D. accomplishment.

Dawson, A., Lignou, S., Siriwardhana, C., & O’Mathúna, D. P. (2019). Why research ethics should add retrospective review. BMC Medical Ethics, 20, 1-8.

Malmqvist, J., Hellberg, K., Möllås, G., Rose, R., & Shevlin, M. (2019). Conducting the pilot study: A neglected part of the research process? Methodological findings support the importance of piloting in qualitative research studies. International journal of qualitative methods, 18, 1609406919878341.


Doctoral Study Seminar Course 1 Journey Log


Part 1: Your Journey Begins

Complete Part 1 following the Discussion in Module 1.  

Note: You will draft this journey log as you progress through the course. You will submit It as part of your final Assignment in Module 5. 

Summarize what you have learned from the Discussion regarding your motivation to pursue a doctorate and become a scholar practitioner.

Explain how you can make an impact on positive social change with your degree.

Explain your perspective on the difference between advocacy and inquiry.

Describe the purpose of research training in a doctoral program. 

Identify how research guides practice. 

Part 2: Capstone Expectations and Process

Complete Part 2 following the Quiz and Discussion in Module 2.  

Note: You will draft this journey log as you progress through the course. You will submit It as part of your final Assignment in Module 5. 

Describe the doctoral journey. 

Describe the elements of a completed Capstone. 

Part 3: Finding Resources

Complete Part 3 following the Discussion in Module 3.  

Note: You will draft this journey log as you progress through the course. You will submit It as part of your final Assignment in Module 5. 

Resource Title/Type

Resource Location (URL)

Explain how the resource will be used to support development of the Capstone

Part 4: Managing the Doctoral Journey

Complete Part 4 following the Discussion in Module 4.  

Note: You will draft this journey log as you progress through the course. You will submit It as part of your final Assignment in Module 5. 

How do you plan to manage your capstone journey so you can avoid procrastination and maintain work/life balance?

Based on your program of study and using the DHA Doctoral Study material, develop a preliminary plan of study and timeline. Summarize the result of your plan.

Part 5: Research Topics

Note: You will draft this journey log as you progress through the course. You will submit It as part of your final Assignment in Module 5. 

Describe a research topic that interests you and is important to the discipline.

Express your initial ideas for a potential capstone. 

Identify academic and professional communities that will help you find a place in the discipline and pursue your research goals.

Part 1:

1. Summarize what you have learned from the Discussion regarding your motivation to pursue a doctorate and become a scholar practitioner.

2. Explain how you can make an impact on positive social change with your degree.

3. Explain your perspective on the difference between advocacy and inquiry.

4. Describe the purpose of research training in a doctoral program.

5. Identify how research guides practice.

Briefly respond to each prompt in one or two paragraphs.

Part 2:

· Describe the doctoral journey.

· Describe timing and rationale for residencies.

· Describe the elements of a completed capstone.

Part 3:

Add resources you analyzed, ones identified through peers, and others you have found that may be helpful in your capstone journey. For each resource, be sure to include:

· Resource title

· Resource location/URL

· How it will be used

Part 4:

1. How do you plan to manage your capstone journey so you can avoid procrastination and maintain work/life balance?

2. Based on your program of study and using the DHA Process Overview Information, develop a preliminary plan of study and timeline. Summarize the result of your plan in the worksheet.

Part 5:

1. Describe a research topic that interests you and is important to the discipline. 

2. Express your initial ideas for a potential capstone.

3. Identify academic and professional communities that will help you find a place in the discipline and pursue your research goals.