Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Answer the following questions. STEP ONE: Mission statement core message that guides and influences your marketing strategy. Expose and explain the mission statement of the co - Writingforyou

Answer the following questions. STEP ONE: Mission statement core message that guides and influences your marketing strategy. Expose and explain the mission statement of the co

Answer the

following questions.

STEP ONE: Mission statement core message that guides and influences your marketing strategy.

Expose and explain the mission statement of the company

STEP TWO: SITUATION ANALYSIS: Students are to use a variety of theoretical paradigms and

models as well as company/market/sector/ or product to analyze the significant changes in the

internal and external environments of the case study organization. Major Forces in the

Marketing Environment this method comprehensively analyzes external factors that could

affect your company.

Once you have a clear picture of your business, you can identify potential markets and products.


develop a range of tactic options available to your organization to ensure its success and

sustainability. After selecting a product of the companies chosen, you should cover the

following points.

Define your segment and profile your target consumer (buyer persona)

Positioning for a concrete product of the company selected

STEP FOUR: DEVELOPING MARKETING MIX DECISIONS: At this stage of the strategic marketing

process, it’s time to focus on the “how” of planning. Your marketing mix is based on the 4Ps,

including Product, Price, Promotion, and Place.

this is the product ( Philips OneBlade 360 conectada)

BCOBM113 MARKETING & UX FINAL REPORT & PRESENTATION FINAL PRESENTATION: Selecting one company from the list below, you should answer the

following questions.

STEP ONE: Mission statement core message that guides and influences your marketing strategy. Expose and explain the mission statement of the company STEP TWO: SITUATION ANALYSIS: Students are to use a variety of theoretical paradigms and models as well as company/market/sector/ or product to analyze the significant changes in the internal and external environments of the case study organization. Major Forces in the Marketing Environment this method comprehensively analyzes external factors that could affect your company. Once you have a clear picture of your business, you can identify potential markets and products.

STEP THREE: SEGMENTATION, TARGETING, AND POSITIONING: Based on the above, you must develop a range of tactic options available to your organization to ensure its success and

sustainability. After selecting a product of the companies chosen, you should cover the

following points. Define your segment and profile your target consumer (buyer persona) Positioning for a concrete product of the company selected STEP FOUR: DEVELOPING MARKETING MIX DECISIONS: At this stage of the strategic marketing process, it’s time to focus on the “how” of planning. Your marketing mix is based on the 4Ps, including Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. BE SURE YOU REGISTER IN THE EXCEL TO AVOID DUPLICATE IN YOUR COMPANY SELECTED

List of companies:

Name INDUSTRY Name INDUSTRY Alphabet Technology

SAP Technology

Samsung Technology

Adidas Consumer Goods

Huawei Technology

Hitachi Technology

IBM Technology Consumer Goods

Cisco Systems Technology

Airbus Transportation & Energy

Tencent Other

JPMorgan Chase


HP Inc. Technology

Uber Technology

LG Electronics Consumer Goods

Toyota Transportation & Energy

Intel Technology

Nestle Consumer Goods

Dell Technology

ABB Other

Siemens Other

3M Other

Target Consumer Goods

Unilever Consumer Goods

Philips Pharmaceuticals & Medtech

Xiaomi Technology

Novartis Pharmaceuticals & Medtech

Task formalities:

• Word count: 1500 in the report, 15 Slides in the presentation (15 minutes)

• Cover, Table of Contents, References, and Appendix are excluded from the total word count.

• Group of 4 people

• Font: Arial 12,5 pts.

• Text alignment: Justified.

• The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.

• PDF file uploaded it on Turnitin in Moodle

• Submission: Jan 7th 2024 Final report and presentation, 60%, – Presentation in class will take place during the last sessions LATE SUBMISSION 48 HS CAPPED TO 70. MORET HAN 48 HOURS NOT ALLOWED

Learning outcomes:

• 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of marketing and their applicability.

• 4. Illustrate the impact of effective marketing programs and marketing plans.

• 5. Reflect on the importance of user experience in shaping marketing strategy and



Exceptional 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal fail 60-69

Knowledge &



Student demonstrates

an excellent

understanding of key

concepts and uses

vocabulary in an

entirely appropriate


The student

demonstrates a good

understanding of the

task, mentions some

relevant concepts, and

uses the appropriate


The student

understands the task

and provides

minimum theory

and/or some use of


The student understands the

task and attempts to answer

the question but does not

mention critical concepts or

uses a minimum amount of

relevant vocabulary.

Application (25%) The student applies

entirely relevant

knowledge from the

topics delivered in


The student applies

relevant primary

knowledge from the

topics delivered in class.

The student applies

some relevant

knowledge from the

topics delivered in



may be evident.

Student applies little relevant

knowledge from the topics

delivered in class.

Misunderstands are evident.

Critical Thinking


Student critically

assesses in excellent

ways, drawing


conclusions from

relevant authors.

Student critically

assesses in good ways,

concluding with relevant

authors and references.

Student provides

some insights but

stays on the surface

of the topic.

References may not

be relevant.

Student makes little or no

critical thinking insights, does

not quote appropriate

authors, and does not

provide good sources.



Student communicates

their ideas

exceptionally clearly

and concisely,

respecting word count,

grammar, and


Student communicates

their ideas clearly and

concisely, respecting

word count, grammar,

and spellcheck

The student

communicates their

ideas with some

clarity and concision.

It may be slightly

over or under the

wordcount limit.

Some misspelling

errors may be


Student communicates their

ideas in a somewhat unclear

and unconcise way. Does not

reach or does exceed

wordcount excessively and

misspelling errors are
