Chat with us, powered by LiveChat For this assignment, you will again assume the role of a marketing analyst. Your consulting firm has been hired to assist with a campaign effort for the client company of your - Writingforyou

For this assignment, you will again assume the role of a marketing analyst. Your consulting firm has been hired to assist with a campaign effort for the client company of your


The purpose of this assignment is to create marketing communications recommendations for a marketing campaign. This connects to course learning outcomes of identifying the role of marketing in communicating value for customers, as well as applying the concepts of value proposition and positioning. This assignment also connects with prior assignments from Weeks 2 and 4.   

Assignment Task Overview  

For this assignment, you will again assume the role of a marketing analyst. Your consulting firm has been hired to assist with a campaign effort for the client company of your selected product/service. This time the task will be to help create aspects of the marketing campaign. You will communicate your results in a professional presentation slide show commonly known in marketing as a "deck." 

Your client was persuaded that your new segment is a promising one to approach. The client has requested your firm to create a single message that can reflect your client's brand value proposition and positioning. This message must reach consumers to create awareness of how the brand and offering can satisfy the wants and needs of potential customers.

 There are three steps to this assignment. Review all three steps before you begin.  

 Step 1: Refer to the same product/service used for Weeks 2 and 4 assignments.  

  • The same product/service used for Weeks 2 and 4 will be the subject of this assignment.  
  • Review any feedback you received on your prior assignments.  
  • Follow the specific instructions outlined in Steps 2 and 3 below.  

Step 2: Complete each of the following tasks as they relate to your product/service. Note the research and references requirement.  

I. The Marketing Message

Your client was persuaded that your new segment is a promising one to approach. The client has requested your firm to create a single message that can reflect your client's brand value proposition and positioning. This message must reach consumers to create awareness and generate potential customers' needs. 

  1. Define the Segment. Refer to your Market Segmentation Memo from Week 4.  
  2. Describe the segment you recommended for this client in Week 4. You may refine the segment based on any feedback you have received. Present here the revised or updated segment description.  
  3. Discuss the purpose of your client's marketing communication with this segment.  
  4. Define the Value Proposition. Refer to the value proposition from your Value Proposition Memo from Week 2.  
  5. Refer to the value proposition you identified for this client in Week 2. Adapt that value proposition to your new segment. You also may refine the value proposition based on any feedback you have received. Present here the new value proposition that you will use to create the message for the new segment. 
  6. Create the message.  
  7. Create and provide here an example message that would be appropriate to resonate with your new market segment for the client's purpose.  See the "Integrated Marketing Strategies" learning resource. Use words and/or images. 

II. The Marketing Communication Tools  

  1. Choose the tools. You have determined the message. Now, you'll consider the marketing communication mix. What are the best marketing communications or promotional tools for this message?  
  2. Consider the promotion tools described in the "Tools of Promotion" learning resource. Begin by identifying for yourself which ones are not appropriate and why. Present two tools you recommend for communicating this message to this target segment. Choose and discuss at least two different tools described in the "Tools of Promotion" learning resource. Your choices must reflect the characteristics of your target segment. 
  3. For the two promotional tools you recommended in this section, add additional detail. For example, if "events and experiences" was one of your recommendations, provide an example of an event that would be appropriate to communicate the message to your target segment.   

III. Recommendations (Summary and Conclusion) 

  1. The right message and medium for the segment. What is the message and the medium you recommend to reach this new target consumer segment?  
  2. The segment: Summarize the new segment you created. You are reminding the client of the goal. 
  3. The message: Present the message appropriate for the segment. Use words and/or images. 
  4. The promotion tool: Present at least two different promotional tools from the major modes of communication, along with an example for each.  
  5. How to integrate the marketing communications? Make some specific recommendations for your client to best integrate the message and the marketing communications you have recommended. 

Step 3: Format your submission as a PowerPoint presentation to comply with these requirements. Meet the research and reference requirements.   

Communicate your results in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. This is a presentation that would be effective in a professional marketing setting. See Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations

  • Your presentation will have a cover slide, an agenda slide (also known as index slide), three major content sections (see below), and references slide(s) 
  • It is reasonable to expect this assignment to be about 10 slides in length, not including cover and references slides. 

Research and References Requirement   

  • All statements of fact within the memo must be supported by a credible source, and that source must be cited using APA in-text citations. See Is my source credible?
  • Include a slide with a list of your sources in APA format. The reference list slide is required and should appear at the end of the slide deck. See APA Citation Examples (UMGC Library)

TO: Emil Moumani, Market Executive

FROM: Moesha Moncrieffe, Marketing Consultant

DATE: December 24, 2023

SUBJECT: Value Proposition for Disney+

As a marketing consultant, I analyzed Disney+ in the streaming service category. Disney+ offers unparalleled content variety, exclusive originals, and family-friendly entertainment through leveraging its iconic brand and beloved franchises such as Marvel, Pixar, and Star Wars. The service emphasizes a seamless, user-friendly interface that ensures an enjoyable viewing journey. This emotional connection fosters customer loyalty by setting Disney+ apart from the streaming realm.

Value Proposition Analysis

· Disney+ excels in its value proposition for several reasons:

· Content Diversity: Disney+ has a vast library of animated features and originals, including Marvel and Star Wars

· Brand Trust and Nostalgia: Using Disney builds trust and invokes nostalgia.

· User-Friendly Interface: The platform's simplicity and intuitiveness improve its usability.

· Emotional Connection: Disney+ emotionally engages with viewers through joy, laughter, and Disney enchantment.


Sturgill, J. (2019). Beyond the Castle: An Analysis of the Strategic Implications of Disney+.



TO: Tiffany Morrow, Vice President of Marketing

FROM: Moesha Moncrieffe, Marketing Analyst

DATE: January 2, 2024

SUBJECT: Market Segmentation Memo for Disney+ Streaming Service

1. Market Segment Analysis

Disney+ targets a diverse audience by offering captivating content on its website. The main target market comprises individuals of various age groups who possess the ability to utilize computer devices, smartphones, tablets, and the Internet. Effective market segmentation involves categorizing customers into groups based on their behavior, demographics, location, and psychology, among other factors. These groups are commonly referred to as segmentation bases. The current market segmentation of Disney+ and the characteristics of each segment are examined to enhance the user experience of the primary target audience. Further research from reputable sources and market insights have revealed potential new market segments for Disney+ to increase customer loyalty, attract new users, and maintain its competitive edge in the streaming industry.

Current Primary Segment: Families and Adventure Enthusiasts

Disney+ has established itself as a prominent participant within the streaming market by capitalizing on its robust brand, extensive content library, and original programming, catering to families and individuals who are drawn to a diverse array of family-oriented entertainment. This platform is widely regarded as an all-encompassing streaming service that takes into account different target audience segments, offering a blend of entertainment, nostalgia, and educational content.

Description of Primary Segment:

The primary demographic for Disney+ consists of individuals and households who savor and value superior quality family entertainment. Disney+ caters to a varied and inclusive audience, comprising children, adolescents, and adults, who are enthusiasts of Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic content. By providing a vast selection of content, Disney+ aspires to be an all-encompassing destination for captivating and enjoyable entertainment, delivering happiness, exhilaration, and imagination to its viewers.

Characteristics of the Primary Segment:

· Behavioral: This segment consists of frequent users who regularly access the platform on a specific device and are loyal to the company due to the specialized content and customer service. The consistent usage patterns of Disney+ subscribers suggest a preference for a dependable and entertaining streaming experience.

· Demographic: The majority of the demographic segment consists of teenagers and individuals in their late 30s. Disney+ has data that enables market segmentation based on factors such as the package form acquired, registration details, account number, and devices used with a single account. Teenagers extensively use the Disney+ streaming services to watch a wide range of foreign films (Jia, 2022).

· Psychographic: This segment seeks to understand consumers' routines and habits outside of their interactions with the product, and how this influences their decision-making and usage of knowledge. Disney+ has the capability to utilize technology to categorize its members and determine their preferences regarding the shows they watch and the frequency at which specific genre-based shows are supported. This enables the personalization of the Disney+ experience for each user .

Appropriate Name for the Segment: Family Entertainment Enthusiasts

The label "Family Entertainment Enthusiasts" signifies the emphasis on delivering wholesome and family-oriented content that appeals to both parents and children. It encapsulates the primary target audience of Disney+ and underscores the streaming service's commitment to creating a delightful and inclusive entertainment experience for families.

VALS Type Classification

In terms of VALS Type Classification, millennials are distinguished by their characteristics as experiencers, who are known for their sociability, receptiveness to new habits, and impulsiveness (particularly in response to visual cues). They are also highly driven by the need for self-expression. Disney+ imbues high-definition entertainment with a sense of creativity and genuineness, which serves to encourage loyalty among experiencers and other psychographic segmentation groups. (Bhasin, 2020).

Disney+ has strategically positioned itself to capture the affection and attention of families and entertainment enthusiasts, carving out a unique niche for itself in the streaming industry by focusing on the values, attitudes, and lifestyles of its target demographic.

II. New Market Segments

The objective of addressing two potential market segments was to improve their capacity to cater to distinct demographic, behavioral, and psychographic characteristics. In order to expand its market segments and maximize revenue, Disney+ aims to embrace new growth opportunities, diversify its content, and gain a competitive advantage. Additionally, the company seeks to leverage cross-promotion among its various brands.

New Market Segments 1: Nostalgic Viewers

One of the segments identified is the Nostalgic Viewers, who are individuals who enjoy watching nostalgic and vintage TV shows and films, and who appreciate the emotional bond and sentimental significance of the medium. This segment is characterized by individuals over the age of forty, a lack of gender discrimination, and a range of economic levels relative to the geographic area. The corporation offers coverage across the entirety of the United States.

Some of the psychographic traits of Nostalgic Viewers include a preference for classic Disney+ shows and movies, a desire for comfort and familiarity in entertainment choices, and an appreciation for authenticity and history in narrative presentation (Week, 2021).

New Market Segments 2: Diversified Consumer

The viewing audience comprises of Indie Content Lovers, who exhibit certain behavioral characteristics, such as a preference for unique and independent television programs and films. This demographic, which encompasses both low and high-income brackets, includes teenagers and millennials (aged 18-34) who enjoy diverse content without any gender bias. The audience is passionate about independent and alternative cinema, admires originality and creativity, seeks thought-provoking content, and desires to belong to a community of like-minded individuals.

Upon evaluating the potential of both target segments, the Indie Content Lovers market segment presents the most significant commercial potential. The rise of content creators and innovators has fueled the growing interest in unconventional and unique content.

III. Recommendation

Given the market analysis, Disney+ should concentrate on catering to the Indie Content Lovers segment, as they possess substantial market potential. By fulfilling the specific needs and interests of this younger audience, Disney+ can enhance its reputation as a provider of diverse content, including independent films and television series.

Customer Persona

Accra Indie Filmfest Partners With Clermont-Ferrand International Short  Film Festival and Institut Francaise for a Special Screening. – Accra Indie  Filmfest

Segment Name

Indie Content Lover


Young adults and millennials


Tech-savvy, digitally connected


Unique and unconventional content


Discovering hidden gems, supporting independent creators.


Limited availability of indie content on mainstream platforms.


Appreciates creativity, originality, and artistic value


Seeking a sense of belonging to a community of like-minded individuals



Products/Service Upgrades

To effectively cater to the Indie Content Lover target group, Disney+ may consider implementing the following recommendations to transform or modify its products and services:

· Adding a dedicated section or category to its platform that features independent TV shows and films, making it easier for customers in this group to access and locate content relevant to their interests.

· Collaborating with production companies, independent producers, and filmmakers to create high-quality content for Disney+, thereby attracting the attention of the target market and encouraging registration.

· Developing community engagement tools and interactive features that enable the segment to communicate with other fans of independent content through forums, recommendations, and discussion threads, enhancing their overall experience and fostering a strong sense of community.

Disney+ is attracted to the profitable Indie Content Lover market for several reasons. The growing number of young adults and millennials in this category, who are adept at locating unique and unusual information, is one factor. Additionally, the segment's psychographic characteristics align with the VALS "Innovators" classification, indicating a preference for original experiences and innovative solutions. Furthermore, by focusing on this market, Disney+ can enter the larger independent content market, which presents a significant opportunity for growth and profitability.

Undertaking a longer-term marketing campaign for Disney+ will appeal to enthusiasts of independent programming, as this demographic is deemed highly desirable. This campaign will emphasize the platform's commitment to independent content creation, its partnerships with independent producers, and the interactive features that foster a sense of community, all of which will serve to entice the target audience and drive subscription growth (McCarthy, 2022).


Barnes, B., & Koblin, J. (2019, April 11). Disney plus streaming service is unveiled to Hollywood fanfare. The New York Times.

Bhasin, H. (2020, January 30). Vals – Values Attitude Lifestyle. Marketing91.

Jia, Y. (2022). The streaming service under pandemic with the example of performance of Disney+. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research.

McArthur, A. (2022, April 23). How Disney+ maximized their user’s overall experience to build their customer base. Taplytics.

McCarthy, J. (2022, April 19). Covid-19’s impact on the competitiveness of streaming services: Comparative analysis of Netflix, Disney+, and Peacock. Home.

Week, A. (2021, February 3). Advertising week. Advertising Week.
