Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Create original poetry or original rap lyrics about characters, events, and themes from the readings. TITLE: Black Power, Poverty & Progress. THEMES: Black Panther, The Promise Land, Dr. Ma - Writingforyou

Create original poetry or original rap lyrics about characters, events, and themes from the readings. TITLE: Black Power, Poverty & Progress. THEMES: Black Panther, The Promise Land, Dr. Ma

*Create original poetry or original rap lyrics about characters, events, and themes from the readings.

TITLE: Black Power, Poverty & Progress.

THEMES: Black Panther, The Promise Land, Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Is Black Power the opposite of White Power? 

*Themes can be changed

*PLEASE look at power points and poetry example uploads

*No specific word count

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AFAM B201 – Intro to African American Studies

Najmah Thomas, Ph.D.






Admin / Module To-Do List

  • Updated Schedule
  • Reading – Eyes on The Prize Study Guide:
  • Week 1a Reading – Episode 7-8
  • Week 1b Reading – Episode 9-10
  • Reading Response Assignments
  • Quiz due EOD 11/20
  • Reading Response due EOD 11/27







Black Power, Progress & Poverty – Lecture Topics

  • RECAP: EOTP Episode 6
  • Timeline of events
  • Antecedents of the Black Power Movement
  • EOTP Episode 7:
  • Black Power
  • Malcolm X
  • EOTP Episode 8: A Tale of Two Societies:
  • Watts, Chicago & Detroit Riots
  • The Kerner Commission Report






RECAP: EOTP Episode 6

      • Shall Overcome – The Voting Rights Act of 1965:
      • Literacy tests banned
      • Federal oversight of voter registration in certain areas
      • attorney general authorized to investigate poll taxes in state/local elections
      • Section 4* – Identifies states & localities with history of racial discrimination (AL, AK, AZ, GA, LA, MS, SC, TX, VA & counties in CA, FL, NY, NC, SD, MI, others)…*Shelby v Holder
      • Section 5 – ‘preclearance’ process requires states & localities with history of racial discrimination to get federal permission to change voting laws
        • Selma to Montgomery
        • Marches I, II & III
        • King’s 4 point plan:
        • Nonviolent demonstrators confront injustice…
        • Racists react with violence
        • Americans of conscience demand federal legislation
        • Under pressure, the administration intervenes

civil rights movement: “We march with Selma!”






Opening Discussion






Black Power, Black Progress, Black Poverty

        • Timeline of events:
        • Feb. 21, 1965, NY – Malcom X is assassinated
        • Aug. 6, 1965, DC – President Johnson signs the landmark Voting Rights Act
        • Aug. 11, 1965, CA – Black neighborhood of Watts (Los Angeles) experiences widespread riots, 34 residents killed during the rioting
        • January 1966 – King and SCLC begin shift to northern urban city centers, join Chicago Freedom Movement
        • May 1966 – Stokely Carmichael elected SNCC national chairman
        • June 1966 – James Meredith shot during ‘Walk Against Fear’ from Nashville, TN to Jackson, MS
        • August 1966 – Escalation of Vietnam War
        • November 1966 (St. Helena Is., SC) – Dr. King & SCLC meet at Penn Center
        • April 28, 1967 – Muhammad Ali refuses to be inducted into the U.S. Army, is immediately stripped of his heavyweight title
          • July 1967, Detroit, MI – Rioting, 43 residents killed, Kerner Commission established
          • February 1968, Washington, DC – Kerner Commission report on economic disparities and racial discrimination, ‘separate & unequal societies’
          • February 8, 1968, Orangeburg, SC – 3 students killed, 27 wounded by police on SCSU campus
          • February 12, 1968, Memphis, TN – Union of Black sanitation workers strike begins
          • April 4, 1968, Memphis, TN – Dr. King is assassinated
          • May 14, 1968, Washington, DC – The Poor People’s Campaign begins
          • June 5, 1968, Los Angeles, CA – Senator Robert Kennedy is assassinated
          • March 1969, Charleston, SC – hospital workers strike begins






Black Power

          • Demanding cultural, political and economic self-determination
          • Stokely Carmichael / Kwame Ture – coined term Black Power – self-worth, self-love, self-respect
          • Symbols , salutations, celebrations, education, hair/clothing, media
          • Revolutionary/Cultural Nationalism
          • Black Panther Party, Nation of Islam (NOI), US
          • Black Studies/African American Studies at HBCUs & PWIs







Black Power’s Antecedents

          • Black nationalism:
          • Martin R. Delaney, 1843 The Mystery, black-controlled newspaper, emigration commission
          • Black-controlled educational and religious institutions (A.M.E. Church, etc.)
          • Pan-Africanism:
          • Marcus Garvey & the UNIA, 1920s
          • Principles of self-determination and self-reliance
          • Labor civil-rights:
          1. March on Washington proposed by A. Phillip Randolph
          • Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
          • Black-led, independent protest for wartime jobs and desegregation of the armed forces
          • Examples of self-defense in the nonviolent Civil Rights Movement:



Gloria Richardson — Women In Peace


“A first-class citizen does not beg for freedom. A first-class citizen does not plead to the white power-structure to give him something that the whites have no power to give or take away. Human rights are human rights, not white rights.”





EOTP: Episode 7 – The Time Has Come

          • Growing frustration with the slow pace of change
          • Leaders and organizations respond
          • Malcolm X (Malcolm Little):
          • Born 5.19.1925, Omaha, Nebraska; mother was national recording secretary for UNIA; father was a Baptist minister and UNIA chapter president; Littles were terrorized for activism, home burned in Lansing, MI; 1931, father murdered; mother institutionalized, children split up among foster homes and orphanages; Malcolm follows path of many at-risk youth.
          • Nation of Islam (NOI) leader, then defector
          • About hating Africa; “ The hate that hate produced” 1959 broadcast
          • Mecca and assassination (39 years old)


301 Moved Permanently






Black Power & Womanism

          • Black power & intersectionality:
          • Black Power = male-centered response to emasculation
          • Black women provided support AND leadership
          • few key figures:


Image result for chaka khan black panther


Gloria Richardson — Women In Peace







EOTP Episode 8: Two Societies

          • Racial Inequality in the City:
          • Watts – riot in response to ‘routine’ police brutality, 600 buildings destroyed over 6 days of rioting;
          • Chicago – de facto discrimination, high unemployment, ghettos, poverty, crime
          • Detroit – de facto housing discrimination, police brutality (‘tac squads’); tac squad response to reception for Black Vietnam Vets resulted in rioting; 43 dead, 600 injured, 682 buildings damaged
          • “Why don’t all the Negroes in the South just move North? They do not escape Jim Crow: they merely encounter another, not-less-deadly variety. They do not move to Chicago, they move to the Southside; they do not move to New York, they move to Harlem.” –James Baldwin



Scars Still Run Deep In Motor City 50 Years After Detroit Riots : NPR






EOTP Episode 8: Two societies

          • The Kerner Report:
          • Commission headed by Illinois Gov. Otto Kerner – researchers, social scientists, and commissioners
          • Purpose: investigate the Detroit Riots – what happened, why did it happen, what can be done to prevent it from happening again?
          • Findings:
          • One common denominator among those most likely to riot: they had experienced or witnessed an act of police brutality.
          • “Discrimination and segregation have long permeated much of American life; they now threaten the future of every American.”
          • Without drastic and costly remedies, there will be “continuing polarization of the American community and, ultimately, the destruction of basic democratic values.”
          • Report urged the nation to remove racial barriers in education, employment, housing, policing and all other areas of public services
          • Initial report ( Harvest of American Racism ) destroyed, all but1social scientist dismissed; watered down report still rejected by LBJ

          Our recommendations embrace three basic principles:

          1. To mount programs on a scale equal to the dimensions of the problems
          2. To aim these programs for high impact in the immediate future to close the gap between promise and performance
          3. To undertake new initiatives and experiments that can change the system of failure and frustration that now dominates the ghetto and weakens our society.





EOTP Episodes 9-10 – POWER! & PROMISED LAND:

          • Read Eyes on the Prize – Episode 9-10 before next session
          • Watch Eyes on the Prize – Episodes 9-10 before next session

Next Session: Thursday, November 17th @4:30pm





Discussion Questions

          • How did Malcolm X’s vision challenge practitioners of nonviolent direct action? Why do you think his ideas resonated with Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) and so many of the SNCC activists?
          • According to Coretta Scott King, how did Malcom X’s view of the struggle against discrimination and exploitation differ from that of her husband? What did the two have in common?







Discussion Questions

          • What were some characteristics of discrimination in Northern cities?
          • What is the distinction between a protest and a riot? Why did the conflicts in Los Angeles and Detroit escalate into riots?
          • What actions did the Kerner Commission recommend in order for America to address the “unfinished business of this nation”?





AFAM B201–Intro to African American Studies

Najmah Thomas, Ph.D.


Admin / Module To-Do List

  • Updated Schedule
  • Reading-Eyes on The PrizeStudyGuide:
  • Week1b Reading–Episode 9-10
  • Module Assignments
  • QuizdueEOD11/20
  • Reading Response due EOD11/27



Black Power,Progress& Poverty–Lecture Topics

  • RECAP: EOTP Episodes 7 & 8
  • EOTP Episode 9: Power!
  • BlackPower-translatingwords into capital:
  • Casestudy of Black Powerstrategies:
  • EOTPEpisode 10: ThePromised Land
  • Time to break the silence
  • The costs of war and poverty
  • Memphis and themountaintop…


RECAP: EOTP Episode7

  • Defining Black Power:
  • Demandfor cultural, political and economic self-determination
  • Self-worth, self-love,self-respect
  • Pan-Africanism / Afro-centric
  • Some Key Organizations:
  • NOI (Nation of Islam)
  • Black Panther Party
  • Becoming Malcom X:
  • Parents, Earl & Louise Little, terrorized, murderedand institutionalized for leadership roles in UNIA
  • From at-risk youth, to inmate, to NOI lieutenant
  • Shifts views after hajj to Mecca, breaks withNOI, assassinated at age 39 (3 NOI membersconvicted)
  • Antecedents to the Black PowerMovement:
  • Black nationalism
  • Pan-Africanism
  • Labor civil-rights
  • Examplesof self-defense inthe nonviolent Civil RightsMovement




Gloria Richardson — Women In Peace


Scars Still Run Deep In Motor City 50 Years After Detroit Riots : NPR


RECAP: EOTP Episode8

  • 3 key findings of theKernerCommission’s 2ndreport (also rejectedby LBJ):
  • 1 commondenominator among those mostlikely to riot:they had experienced orwitnessed____________________
  • “Discrimination and segregation havelongpermeated much of American life; they nowthreaten the future of every American.”
  • Withoutdrastic and costly remedies, therewill be“continuing polarization of theAmerican community and, ultimately, thedestruction of basic democratic values”
  • Who said it & why?“Theydonot move to Chicago, they moveto the Southside; they do not moveto New York, they move toHarlem.”
  • Racial inequalityin thecity:
  • Riots in multiple cities,1967
  • Watts (LA), Detroit, & Chicago(Southside) among the mostdeadly



Opening Discussion


Eyes on the Prize–Power (Episode 9)

  • ‘Black Power’-translatingwords into capital:
  • Power in coalitions andpoliticians
  • Power in community controlover local programs
  • Case studies of BlackPower strategies:
  • TheBlack Panther Party
  • Ocean Hill-Brownsville(Brooklyn, NY)
  • Cleveland,OH


Black Power–BPP Translating WordsInto Capital

  • The Black Panther Party (BPP) forSelf-Defense (Oakland, CA,1966):
  • Founders, Huey Newton & BobbySeale
  • Inspired byStokelyCarmichael’sLowndes County FreedomOrganization
  • Called for community control andarmed defense against policebrutality
  • Some BPP projects:
  • Health clinics
  • Educational programs
  • Free breakfast for children
  • BPP 10-point platform:(1)freedom, (2)fullemployment, (3)restitution(40 acres+), (4)decenthousing, (5)education,(6)military exemption, (7)endpolice brutality, (8)prisonrelease, (9)trial bypeers,(10)justice andpeace


Image source:

Pirkle Jones captures a Black Panther demonstration in front of a courthouse during civil-rights leader Huey Newton's trial.



THEMES: Black Panther, The Promise Land, Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Is Black Power the opposite of White Power?


In the wake of the Black Panther movie, we’re all wondering: Is Black Power the opposite of White Power? And if so, how do we find that balance? We’ll explore these questions as we dive into some of the major themes in Black Panther.

THEMES: Black Panther, The Promise Land, Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X

Black Power is not the opposite of White Power. Black Power is a movement that was started by Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton in 1966. The name, “Black Power,” was chosen to represent self-determination for Black people as well as empowerment, pride in being black and resistance against white oppression.

Is Black Power the opposite of White Power?

Black Power is a political slogan that was coined by Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton in 1966. The term was used to describe the social, political and economic goals of the African-American Civil Rights Movement.

The movement was inspired by Malcolm X’s ideas about self-determination and black nationalism. These were rejected by most blacks at that time because they felt they couldn’t achieve anything without help from whites or other groups who had more power than them (like whites).


In conclusion, Black Power is about taking power back from white people and giving it to black people. It is also about creating a new world order in which all races will be equal under God’s law. This movement was started by Malcolm X who went against the teachings of his religion (Islam) by preaching this message across America and around the world before being assassinated in 1965.