Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Compare and contrast two events motivated by incentives, one where the self-interested behavior was good for society and the other where it was bad. Click Writing Assignment Guidelines - Writingforyou

Compare and contrast two events motivated by incentives, one where the self-interested behavior was good for society and the other where it was bad. Click Writing Assignment Guidelines


Compare and contrast two events motivated by incentives, one where the self-interested behavior was good for society and the other where it was bad.

Click Writing Assignment Guidelines and Rubric for further directions and requirements.

ECO 110HA: Economics for Life Writing Assignment Guidelines and Rubric There are a total of three (3) Writing Assignments in this course. Directions for each Writing Assignment are located within the module in which the assignment is due. Writing assignments are to be completed in APA format, double spaced, and 1-2 pages in length. In your response, be certain to answer all questions clearly and concisely. The Writing Assignments are due in Modules 3, 6, and 8. (All Writing Assignments are linked to Turnitin.)




Not Attempted (Criterion is

missing or not in evidence)

Novice (does not meet expectations;

performance is substandard)

Basic (works towards meeting

expectations; performance needs


Proficient (meets expectations;

performance is satisfactory)

Exemplary (exceeds expectations;

performance is outstanding)

Length Requirements

There was little or no evidence of an essay.

The paper is entirely too short.

The paper contains a great deal of “fluff” and still doesn’t meet the length requirements.

The paper is just a little on the short side and/or it meets the requirements only because it contains “fluff” that could use trimming.

The paper falls within the required length requirements without going over and without straying from the main topic(s).


Mechanics of Writing

Little to no evidence of proper writing mechanics.

The grammar of the paper greatly impedes understanding of content; and/or the paper contains no citations.

The paper needs a good deal of improvement with respect to grammar, citations, spelling, and/or style.

The paper is mostly free of errors with respect to grammar, citations, spelling, and/or style, but needs some improvement in this area.

The paper is nearly perfect with respect to grammar, citations, spelling, and style.


Understanding & Application

The paper exhibits a complete lack of understanding of the text and/or course materials, and the application was incorrect.

The paper exhibits very little understanding of the text and/or course materials, and the application was vague.

The paper exhibits basic understanding of the text and/or course materials, but needs improvement in this area. The application was superficial and did not go in depth.

The paper exhibits sufficient understanding of the text and/or course materials, but some improvement needed. The application was detailed and shows a developing level of understanding.

The paper does an excellent job demonstrating an accurate understanding of the text and/or course materials. The application showed a higher level of analysis.

