Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Do the 2 lesson plan acitivity that is for music and movement I already did the video so I just need the lesson plan My theme is exploring our worldModule6-MusicAndMovementExperienc - Writingforyou

Do the 2 lesson plan acitivity that is for music and movement  I already did the video so I just need the lesson plan My theme is exploring our worldModule6-MusicAndMovementExperienc

Do the 2 lesson plan acitivity that is for music and movement 

I already did the video so I just need the lesson plan

My theme is exploring our world

EEC1311-Early Childhood Curriculum II

Music and Movement Presentation Guide

· Directions: This guide is to assist you in the submission of your video and your reflection for this activity. You will create a music and a movement activity. Choose one of the activities that you created to your class and record it. Make it creative, engaging and fun for the children. Most of all have fun.

· YouTube Video

· One creative movement activity based on your project with the MDC lesson plan. Include the standards for 3-4 year olds for your activity. Submit lesson plan with the reflection.

· One music activity based on your project with the MDC lesson plan. Include the standards for 3-4 year olds for your activity. Submit lesson plan with the reflection.

· Implement and record one (movement of music) activity in your preservice classroom with children who are 3-4 years old You may not use youtube or a recording to teach the song.

· Record yourself implementing the activity.

· Include the following in your video. Before you start the lesson do an introduction. Include the age group, how many children are participating, the objective of the lesson, the subject areas being taught/integrated and what skills will the activity focus on. After the lesson ask a minimum of 3 students to share if they liked the lesson and to explain why or why not.

· Once you finish recording save in Youtube. You will record the link in your reflection paper.


· Write a reflection on what cognitive, physical, social/emotional, and language skills that may be developed through the song/movement activity you have chosen.

· Thoroughly discuss what cognitive skills may be developed through the song/movement activity.

· Thoroughly discuss what physical skills may be developed through the song/movement activity.

· Thoroughly discuss what social and emotional skills may be developed through the activity.

· What subject areas did you integrated with your Music/Creative Movement Experience? If you did not integrate any other subject area, identify how you could have integrated other subject areas.

· Share your experience and thought process while you were planning and teaching this lesson.

· What was the student’s reaction to the lesson?

· After you complete the lesson and you reflected on the experience, was there something you could have done differently? Reply and explain why or why not.

· Did you like how the lesson turned out? Why or why not?

· Add the link to your recording at the end of your reflection. Save it as a You Tube recording.

· You will upload your video, 2 lesson plans and reflection to Canvas.

· Be prepared to share your video the day after you have submitted. This will be your weekly activity grade for 6 points.