Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Based on your Week 5 Assignment, what are some needs and social justice issues you plan to explore for your Week 8 Assignment? What connections to what you’ve already learned in the - Writingforyou

Based on your Week 5 Assignment, what are some needs and social justice issues you plan to explore for your Week 8 Assignment? What connections to what you’ve already learned in the


In this informal reflective journal entry, you have an opportunity to consider your hopes for your learning in this course and engage in initial brainstorming for your assignments. Reflection is the necessary bridge in the learning process that takes place when you are involved in a learning experience.

To prepare, you should use this reflection activity to brainstorm your ideas for next week's assignment, make connections to previous work completed in the course, and analyze how you might apply what you learn to your personal and/or professional life. As a reminder, in your assignment for next week, you will research the needs and social justice issues of the location you chose in your Week 5 Assignment. Please address the following as you craft your response:

  • Based on your Week 5 Assignment, what are some needs and social justice issues you plan to explore for your Week 8 Assignment?
  • What connections to what you've already learned in the course do you plan to explore as you complete your Week 8 Assignment next week?
  • How could you apply what you've learned so far in this course to your personal and/or professional life?

Provide specific examples in your response. 


Analysing Urban Planning and Crime Dynamics in Atlanta: A PESTEL Perspective

LaShanda Lewis

Strayer University

Urban Planning and Management

Professor Neely

5 November 2023

Analyzing Urban Planning and Crime Dynamics in Atlanta: A PESTEL Perspective

In Atlanta urban planning, a thorough PESTEL analysis is essential to comprehending the complex crime landscape. This investigation will examine Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal aspects affecting municipal crime and public safety.

Political Factors

Political dynamics shape Atlanta's urban planning. Political actions, governance, and policies shape metropolitan landscapes. The city's politics affect resource distribution, public safety financing, and crime prevention initiatives. Law enforcement budgets are a major Atlanta political issue. Politicians must appropriate police and public safety funds. Political views on law enforcement spending affect the availability of personnel, equipment, and technology, which are essential to fighting crime.

Furthermore, political discourse on immigration restrictions also affects Atlanta's varied population. Immigration policies and enforcement affect immigrant crime patterns and underreporting. Deportation and detention methods can impact law enforcement-immigrant confidence in the city. A welcoming and inclusive immigration policy may improve crime reporting, while a hostile or punishing approach may cause fear and underreporting (Gutierrez & Kirk, 2019). Atlanta's political leaders must assess these complicated concerns and make decisions that affect public safety and the city's diversity and inclusion. Thus, political factors dominate Atlanta's urban planning and crime control discussions.

Economic Factors

Urban economies, like Atlanta's, greatly impact crime and public safety. The city's crime rate is heavily influenced by economic inequality. Income and economic inequality can increase the chance of crime. These discrepancies are evident in Atlanta's different neighborhoods and demographics. Atlanta's unemployment rate contributes to crime. High unemployment rates in certain locations might lead to financial challenges, making criminal activity a survival option. The absence of jobs in these neighborhoods can lead others to turn to unlawful ways of income, increasing crime.

Moreover, Income inequality is also linked to economic variables. Atlanta neighborhoods have large income gaps. Poverty and lack of resources might increase property and drug crime. Urban planners must understand the city's economic disparity to address crime (Anser & Yousaf, 2020). Law enforcement budget limits are another important economic factor in Atlanta. These limits can hinder law enforcement's crime-fighting. Crime prevention, community participation, and police presence in high-crime areas may be limited by budget cuts. It may also limit investment in contemporary policing and data-driven crime reduction.

Social Factors

Atlanta's urban development is influenced by its broad social fabric. Atlanta is diverse in culture, ethnicity, and background. This diversity makes the city unique and social. Urban planning and crime patterns must be considered as Atlanta's population grows, especially in certain neighborhoods. Population growth may strain resources and services, affecting crime rates. Key social factors include community cohesion. Strong, close-knit communities frequently have lower crime rates because residents work together to improve safety. However, neighborhoods with dispersed social networks may struggle to prevent and address crime. Atlanta urban planners must promote community cohesion and social relationships.

Social services including education, healthcare, and support shape crime patterns. Access disparities to these programs can increase crime in vulnerable areas. For instance, neighborhoods with poor education or healthcare may have increased unemployment or poverty, which can lead to crime. Cities must provide fair access to social services as part of urban planning. Additionally, Atlantans' social milieu also affects their propensity to report crimes and cooperate with police. Community-police trust is essential to crime prevention. Communities with good relationships with local police are more likely to report crimes, prevent crime, and make their areas safer. Building and retaining trust is crucial to Atlanta's urban planning.

Technological Factors

Technology increasingly shapes Atlanta's urban planning and crime prevention. City law enforcement is using cutting-edge technology to improve public safety. Urban crime prevention relies on surveillance. In Atlanta, strategically placing security cameras in public locations, transportation hubs, and high-crime areas has been useful. These devices deter crime and give critical evidence for investigations. AI and face recognition have improved surveillance systems by spotting dangers and speeding up police enforcement.

Data analytics is another crime-fighting technology. Atlanta's urban planners and law enforcement agencies use advanced algorithms to predict crime hotspots to better distribute resources in a data-driven society. These methods analyze historical crime data, social demography, and environmental factors to identify criminal causes and advise targeted solutions. Communication technology have transformed public-law enforcement relations. Mobile apps and community platforms let residents report crimes and questionable activity quickly. Community participation and real-time law enforcement collaboration are fostered by such platforms. This technology builds trust and promotes proactive crime prevention between police and the public.

Environmental Factors

Atlanta's crime patterns are shaped by its physical environment. From infrastructure to public areas to community design, environmental variables can encourage or deter crime. Atlanta's urban planning and development affect the environment. Criminal activity can thrive in poorly lit, lacking infrastructure, and abandoned properties. Low-light areas attract criminals because they provide cover for illegal activity. Neglected or abandoned properties might attract vandalism, drug use, and violent crime. Poorly maintained roadways and sidewalks can hinder law enforcement and give criminals escape routes.

However, well-planned urban areas with good land use policies can reduce crime. Crime is less likely in neighborhoods with clear sightlines, well-lit streets, and efficient public places. These design aspects increase natural surveillance and community, preventing crime. Careful arrangement of green spaces, parks, and recreational facilities can also give citizens pleasant options, minimizing crime. Environmental factors go beyond infrastructure. Climate change and natural calamities might indirectly affect Atlanta crime. Extreme weather and natural disasters can disrupt society, strain law enforcement, and increase looting and property crimes.

Legal Factors

Legal factors are crucial to Atlanta's urban development and crime prevention. The city's rules, regulations, and criminal justice system influence crime and safety. Atlanta's legal system covers policing policies and tactics. Policing policies guide law enforcement's crime prevention and response. Community policing projects can reduce crime by encouraging law enforcement and communities to work together (Manresa, 2023). When police interact with the community, trust, communication, and crime prevention improve.

The criminal code also affects Atlanta crime. The criminal code defines crimes and their consequences. Crime trends can change due to criminal code changes like decriminalization or tougher penalties. Decriminalizing low-level offenses may reduce the number of people entering the criminal justice system, but stiffer penalties may dissuade criminals.

Police resource distribution is a crucial legal aspect affecting crime prevention. Adequate police financing allows for officer employment and training, technology and equipment purchases, and community outreach activities. Conversely, a lack of resources can hinder crime prevention by reducing law enforcement's ability to confront and deter crime. Additionally, criminal justice reform can significantly impact Atlanta's public safety strategy. Reforms that emphasize alternatives to jail, rehabilitation, and addressing the causes of crime can shift from punitive to preventative and restorative methods.

In conclusion, comprehending urban planning, especially in a dynamic and diverse metropolis like Atlanta, requires a complete PESTEL analysis. Complex crime patterns result from these elements interacting and overlapping. Urban planners may construct safer, more livable Atlanta communities by studying these factors.


Anser, M. K., & Yousaf, Z. (2020). Dynamic Linkages between poverty, inequality, crime, and Social Expenditures in a Panel of 16 countries: two-step GMM Estimates. Journal of Economic Structures, 9(1).

Gutierrez, C. M., & Kirk, D. S. (2019). Silence Speaks: The Relationship between Immigration and the Underreporting of Crime. Crime & Delinquency, 63(8), 926–950.

Manresa, G. (2023, August 25). 5 Reasons Why Community Policing is Effective. The Lesniak Institute for American Leadership.