Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Using an ERD to create tables in MS Access Refer to the?ERD that you created in the Week 8 assignment (attached).?Create an ERD, and perform the following steps in MS Access:? - Writingforyou

Using an ERD to create tables in MS Access Refer to the?ERD that you created in the Week 8 assignment (attached).?Create an ERD, and perform the following steps in MS Access:?


Using an ERD to create tables in MS Access
  • Refer to the ERD that you created in the Week 8 assignment (attached). Create an ERD, and perform the following steps in MS Access: 
    • Create the tables and relationships from the database design created in the Week 8 assignment. 
    • Add at least five records into each table (Note: You must determine the field values).

Include the following screenshots in a Microsoft Word document to show the completion of the steps above: 

  • Screenshot depicting the tables created within MS Access.
  • Screenshots depicting the records added into each table. Include one student where the student's last name is your name. 
Query tables in MS Access

Perform the following steps in MS Access:

  • Create a query with all fields from the student table, where the student's last name is your name.
  • Create a query that includes students’ first names, last names, and phone numbers.
  • Create a query that includes instructors' first names, last names, and courses they teach.

Include the following screenshots in a Microsoft Word document to show the completion of the steps above:

  • Screenshot depicting the tables created.
  • Screenshots depicting the records added into each table.
  • Screenshots depicting the query results from each of the queries created.

Database Design

Student Name

Student Id


Date of Submission

Database Design

Assumptions about Business Rules and Relationships

Enrollment Process: To manage the many-to-many relationship between students and courses, I've introduced an "Enrollment" entity. This assumption is based on the common practice in colleges where students enroll in courses. The Enrollment entity has an EnrollmentID (Primary Key) and an Enrollment Date attribute, which captures the date when a student enrolls in a course.

Instructor-Course Relationship: I assumed that each course is taught by a single instructor. This simplifies the relationship between the Instructor and Course entities to a one-to-many relationship. However, in reality, there might be situations where multiple instructors co-teach a course or an instructor teaches multiple courses.

Attributes: I included essential attributes for each entity based on the scenario. However, there might be additional attributes that the college wants to track, such as Student GPA, Course Schedule, Instructor Qualifications, and more.

Cardinality: The cardinality indicators on the relationships (1 or Many) reflect the assumptions I made about the number of entities that can be involved in each relationship. These assumptions should be confirmed with the client or stakeholders to ensure accuracy.

Primary Keys: I assumed that each entity has a unique identifier (Primary Key) to distinguish records. StudentID, CourseID, and InstructorID are used as primary keys for their respective entities.


Mistler, S. A., & Enders, C. K. (2012). Planned missing data designs for developmental research.
