Chat with us, powered by LiveChat You will manipulate and analyze data using Excel or SPSS. You will copy charts, graphs, tables, from Excel or SPSS into a Word document. Write a report on your findings in - Writingforyou

You will manipulate and analyze data using Excel or SPSS. You will copy charts, graphs, tables, from Excel or SPSS into a Word document. Write a report on your findings in


Questions available in the data file.

Problem Guide:

  1. You will manipulate and analyze data using Excel or SPSS.
  2. You will copy charts, graphs, tables, from Excel or SPSS into a Word document.
  3. Write a report on your findings in the Word document referencing the charts, graphs, and tables from Excel or SPSS.

The original questions must be typed out as headings, with follow up  answers + charts, graphs, and tables in paragraph format, and a summary  or conclusion at the end of the paper. Problems have no references limit  and must be in APA format.

Hrs by Gender

Gender Average of Usual Hours Worked
Female 40.6346153846
Male 43.2575677111
Grand Total 42.1863022306

Hrs by Gndr State

Average of Usual Hours Worked Column Labels
Gender Alabama Florida Georgia North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Grand Total
Female 41.6046511628 40.5057603687 40.250764526 40.5608465608 42.5 41.235059761 40.6346153846
Male 43.1294117647 42.6602348993 43.015037594 43.8492407809 45 44.3984168865 43.2575677111
Grand Total 42.4715719064 41.7524271845 41.8744479495 42.5970449966 43.75 43.1380952381 42.1863022306


Usual Hours Worked Education (yrs) Yearly Earnings Race Gender Usual Weekly Earnings State Month in Sample A_RACE Gender TotalWages
40 13 44000 White Male 858 Georgia 8 1 1 44000
35 12 12000 White Female . Georgia 3 1 2 12000
70 11 54000 White Male . Georgia 3 1 1 54000
40 16 48200 White Male . Georgia 7 1 1 48200
38 12 24000 White Male . Georgia 2 1 1 24000
60 18 62000 White Female . Georgia 5 1 2 62000
40 13 17000 White Female . Georgia 5 1 2 17000
50 8 25000 Black Male . Georgia 5 2 1 25000
40 11 10000 Black Male . Georgia 5 2 1 10000
50 16 65000 White Male . Georgia 7 1 1 65000
45 12 30000 White Male . Georgia 2 1 1 30000
50 16 306731 White Male . Georgia 1 1 1 306731
50 11 37000 White Male 643 Georgia 4 1 1 37000
40 12 34000 White Male 600 Georgia 4 1 1 34000
40 13 25000 White Male 520 Georgia 4 1 1 25000
40 12 42000 White Male 680 Georgia 8 1 1 42000
40 16 68000 White Male . Georgia 6 1 1 68000
50 13 70000 White Male . Georgia 6 1 1 70000
40 12 25000 White Female . Georgia 7 1 2 25000
35 13 15400 White Female . Georgia 7 1 2 15400
40 13 56426 White Male . Georgia 7 1 1 56426
40 12 21087 White Male . Georgia 7 1 1 21087
40 13 50000 White Male . Georgia 7 1 1 50000
49 12 11500 Black Female 173 Georgia 4 2 2 11500
60 12 40000 White Male . Georgia 5 1 1 40000
60 18 70000 White Female . Georgia 1 1 2 70000
45 18 62000 White Male . Georgia 1 1 1 62000
40 12 30000 White Male . Georgia 1 1 1 30000
40 16 20000 Black Female . Georgia 6 2 2 20000
72 12 17360 White Female 224 Georgia 8 1 2 17360
50 12 32000 White Male . Georgia 7 1 1 32000
60 16 60000 White Male . Georgia 2 1 1 60000
40 11 9500 White Female . Georgia 6 1 2 9500
40 11 9000 White Male . Georgia 6 1 1 9000
40 12 0 White Male . Georgia 6 1 1 0
60 11.5 38000 White Male . Georgia 1 1 1 38000
52 11 45000 White Female . Georgia 1 1 2 45000
45 12 16000 White Male . Georgia 1 1 1 16000
40 12 30000 White Male . Georgia 2 1 1 30000
40 18 29530 White Female . Georgia 2 1 2 29530
38 12 8274 White Male . Georgia 2 1 1 8274
40 12 11200 White Female . Georgia 1 1 2 11200
45 12 21000 White Male . Georgia 1 1 1 21000
45 12 24500 White Male . Georgia 7 1 1 24500
40 16 30000 White Female . Georgia 3 1 2 30000
40 12 30000 White Female 522 Georgia 4 1 2 30000
40 16 36400 White Male 765 Georgia 4 1 1 36400
50 16 29000 White Female 635 Georgia 4 1 2 29000
45 13 18000 White Female . Georgia 1 1 2 18000
40 12 65000 White Male . Georgia 1 1 1 65000
40 12 15000 White Female . Georgia 1 1 2 15000
40 12 30000 White Male . Georgia 1 1 1 30000
40 13 72000 White Male . Georgia 6 1 1 72000
40 12 42000 White Female . Georgia 6 1 2 42000
40 16 144499 White Male . Georgia 7 1 1 144499
40 13 30000 White Male 480 Georgia 8 1 1 30000
40 12 35000 White Male 1280 Georgia 8 1 1 35000
35 10 35000 White Male . Georgia 8 1 1 35000
40 12 11000 White Male . Georgia 1 1 1 11000
35 11 8000 White Female . Georgia 1 1 2 8000
40 16 25000 White Male 625 Georgia 8 1 1 25000
40 16 12340 White Female 237 Georgia 8 1 2 12340
48 12 29