Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Attached tables listed below. — 150 words, 1 page, no cover or citations needed Please note that there are two posts needed to successfully complete the discussion board assignment. - Writingforyou

Attached tables listed below. — 150 words, 1 page, no cover or citations needed Please note that there are two posts needed to successfully complete the discussion board assignment.

 Attached tables listed below. — 150 words, 1 page, no cover or citations needed

Please note that there are two posts needed to successfully complete the discussion board assignment. An initial post addressing the discussion board topic is due by end of day Saturday. A response post to at least one other student is due by end of day Tuesday.

After reviewing the task, social, and individual roles in section 9.2.1 of your eTextbook, share one role from each table that you feel you tend to gravitate to the most when working with a group. Provide real-life experiences to illustrate why you feel you do this. Share a role you would be uncomfortable being in and explain why. 

Of the individual roles listed in Table 9.3 in section 9.2.1 of your eTextbook, which do you feel is the most detrimental to group project work


Disctisi Lr't Tcrll i ()

Please note that ihere are r!,{c posts needeci to successfuliy (ornplete the discussiefi board assignmEnt. An inltial post

addressing the dilcussirn b'lard t')pic is due by enC of day Saturday. A responie psit to at least one other stlrdent te

due by end of day Tuesday.

After reviewin8 the lark, sorial. and individual roles in serticr"i 9.2.1 of your eTehtbook, share one role irom earh table

thit you feel you terld ic Bravitate to the rncst when working with a group. Proriide real-life experien(es to illustrdte lrrhy you feel you do thl!. Share a role you would be uncomrsrtable being in and explain why.

Of the i!'lclividiral roles listed in Table 8.3 in sediefi 9.2.1 of eTextbsok, whi(h da you feel is {ire most detrimentil to

Broup Froject rrork? Expldin your ratisnale.

lf no initial posts exist to allouJ for a r€sponle t+ be maCe, yeu may submit an additional initial ps5t addressing snother

aspecr 0f the unit topic.

By subrnitting lhis tsssigr1,.'nent. I vefifu that I afi'l submittinB an original lrGrk in ac€ordance with the Acadefiic htegrity Poli{y ifi the fsu Student l-tandbook.

Task Roles

T'*s& roles are behavi*re that help the SrouF achieve its gaal and. accomplish its

ftFork. Gathering and sharing resear(h urith the group, taking rninutes $l-

flreetirr$s, and u.riting ideas nn a chalkboard are exarnples oi task role

behavisr. These rotres are listed in Tahle 9.L.

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lndividual Roles

indfrfdusl roles are those that tocus attentiqrn cn the individual rather than the

grolrp. Thess are rol*s that do mof help the group; they *mphasiz* individual

acrmnqpLishanents and issues rather than ttrose of th* entire group.{c7

DominafirLg gleup discussiafls to tatrk ahout personal issues sr cencerfls, telling

joke* that get the group otf trach arld constanttry complaining are examples of

inrl.irirlual roles. These roles are listed in TabXe 9"3.

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