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What is a real-life example of how layers in a system indirectly connect two entities (such as a person or company) in communication?

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Discussion 200-250 words

Replys: 80-100 words

Week-1 Discussion

Answer the following questions and respond to 2 students

Module 1 question about Communication Layers:

In this module 1, you learned about a foundational organizing principle in networking: layers of communication. The OSI model and the TCP/IP model are both commonly used to guide network design, maintenance, and troubleshooting tasks.

This text gave the analogy of a letter being mailed via the post office to illustrate the nature of each layer in the OSI model. Many other analogies can be used to further describe how communications layers function in a system. What examples can you think of? Consider in what ways you notice one person, company, or other entity communicate with another person, company, or other entity indirectly through multiple layers. Then answer the following question:

· What is a real-life example of how layers in a system indirectly connect two entities (such as a person or company) in communication?

Module 2 question about Networking for life working in technology:

As you move into your career, you will find that your continued success relies on your ability to keep learning. In addition, the more you learn, you will find that you are able to advance more quickly in your career and achieve your goals. is a website devoted to providing information about technology careers. By understanding more about the interplay between your educational pursuits and the needs of the IT industry, you will better position yourself for success. Go to and find an article relevant to your career goals.

Respond to the following question:

· What did you learn about your chosen career path that you did not already know?


Answer the following questions and Respond to two students

Module 3 question about CLI vs GUI

In this module, you started learning how to work from the command line to interact with computers and other devices on the network. Working in a CLI (command-line interface) can feel intimidating and unfamiliar, especially if you have not used a CLI before. But, it also might provide options to automate functions and to do tasks you cannot do from a GUI. Think about your experiences during this module and in the past using both a GUI and a CLI, and do a little reading online to learn about other people’s perspectives on this issue. Then respond to the following questions:

· What are some advantages of working with a GUI? Give an example of when a GUI is a better fit for the task.

Module 4 question about Linux Distros

Because Linux is a free, open source operating system, many companies and individuals have developed their own version of Linux. Each of these is called a distribution, or distro for short. You have already worked with Ubuntu (pronounced oo-boon-too). Other popular Linux distros include MX Linux, Linux Mint, Debian, Elementary OS, Fedora, openSUSE (pronounced soo-suh), and Kali Linux. Note that while the Linux OS itself is free, some distros include other tools, trademarks, or support services, which incur a charge. One example of this is the robust Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Do some research online about three of these Linux distros, Then respond to the following question:

· Which three Linux distros did you research?


Answer the following questions and Respond to two students

Module 5 question about Cabling Upgrade

· Research online to find how much cabling of higher categories would cost. Choose a higher category that offers better throughput for reasonable costs. Consider whether you would be able to use existing connectors on devices or if devices would need adapters or replacement. What target cable category did you choose? How much does this cabling cost, on average, per meter?

Module 6 question about Wi-Fi Innovations

· How would you explain OFDMA to non-IT executive at your company?


In this module, you learned about spine-and-leaf architecture and the improvements this design offers over the older, three-tiered architecture. Some of the advantages this design are improved redundancy, decreased latency, increased performance, improved scalability, increased security, and reduced expense. The spine-and-leaf switch architecture is especially adaptable to newer networking technologies, such as virtualization and hybrid cloud. Do some research online about spine-and-leaf architecture and respond to the following question:

· What are the advantages and disadvantages of building the spine-and-leaf network at layer 2 (VLANs) or layer 3 (subnets)?


· List some tips for VLAN configuration that increase security and overall network performance.


Module 9 question Trouble Shooting Internet Connections

If there’s one networking challenge everyone who’s used a computer has faced, it’s figuring out how to connect your devices to the Internet. Whether you’re looking for an open Wi-Fi hotspot, changing the password on your own Wi-Fi, or talking with your ISP’s customer service to troubleshoot a connection problem, you’ve used problem solving to work through the challenges. When facing these potentially frustrating problems, it helps to have a plan for how to find the solution. Answer the following questions.

· In a web browser, do a search for tips, tricks, hints, and steps for troubleshooting Internet connection issues. Make a list of ideas from at least three sources that you can use for future reference.

Module 10 question about Password Design

Recommendations on how to create secure passwords continue to shift as researchers study the vulnerability of passwords in known data breaches. For example, how long should a password  really be? How much complexity is  really needed? How often should passwords be rotated—if at all? Are long passphrases more secure than complex passwords?

Do some research online about debates surrounding passwords. Then respond to the following question:

· What is one password debate you believe is significant?


· In your opinion at this point in your career, what do you believe is the greatest threat network admins should work to mitigate on their networks?


· What personal computing or network resources are essential to your personal life, schooling, and work life?



Exploring Indirect Entity Connection through System Layers A Reflection on Career Insights

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In today's interconnected world, systems often play a vital role in facilitating communication between entities, whether they are individuals or companies. A prime example of how layers within a system indirectly connect two entities can be observed in the context of social media platforms. As users interact with these platforms, data travels through various layers of infrastructure, ultimately connecting them with others. This connection can be appreciated through the example of Facebook's social graph, where users are linked to friends and acquaintances, forming a complex web of indirect connections (Smith, 2018).

Through this example, I realized that my chosen career path in software engineering holds much more significance than I initially thought. I recognized that the layers of abstraction and infrastructure within a system not only enable seamless communication but also contribute to the foundation of modern-day digital interactions. In the case of social media, layers such as the presentation layer, application logic layer, and database layer work harmoniously to process and transmit information, underscoring the complexity of seemingly straightforward connections (Johnson, 2016).

My newfound understanding of system layers has broadened my perspective on how technologies function as intermediaries in connecting entities. Beyond the superficial interaction on the user interface, there exists a multi-layered architecture that operates behind the scenes, intricately weaving connections between people and organizations. This insight has reinforced my appreciation for the meticulous work that goes into crafting reliable and efficient systems, solidifying my commitment to pursuing excellence in my software engineering career (Williams, 2019).

In conclusion, the example of social media platforms illustrates how layers within a system indirectly connect entities in communication. This understanding has shed light on the intricate layers of technology that support our interconnected world. With a deeper appreciation for the significance of these layers, I am motivated to contribute meaningfully to my chosen career path, armed with insights that extend beyond the surface-level interactions.

Reply 1

Hey there! Your discussion about how system layers indirectly connect entities through the example of social media platforms really resonated with me. It's fascinating how something as simple as a Facebook friend request actually involves this intricate web of underlying layers. It's like peeking behind the curtain of technology magic!Your insights also hit home for me. I'm in the early stages of my career in data science, and your analogy made me realize that just like those layers connecting users, data flows through its own layers of processing and interpretation. It's not just about numbers and algorithms – there's a whole world of complexity underneath.Your references to Johnson's insights and the social graph were spot-on. They brought this tangible reality to your words. And who knew that understanding these layers could ignite such a sense of purpose? Your journey has inspired me to delve deeper into the layers of my own field. Thanks for the enlightening read!

Reply 2

Hi! I absolutely loved your discussion on system layers and entity connections – such an innovative way to think about modern connectivity. The example of social media layers working their magic behind the scenes struck a chord with me. It's like envisioning digital pathways forming a bridge between people, and each layer adding its own brushstroke to the masterpiece.Your revelation about software engineering resonated with me, even though I'm in the world of marketing. Just like those layers harmonize to create connections, marketing strategies work through various layers too – from understanding consumer behavior to crafting compelling messages. I guess it's all about seeing the hidden complexity in what seems straightforward.Your choice of references was a cherry on top. Johnson's insights and the social graph painted a vivid picture of the layers' impact. And your personal connection to the topic really shone through. Your journey has sparked my curiosity to explore the deeper layers of my own career path. Thanks for sharing this eye-opening discussion!


Johnson, B. (2016). Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Rules. Morgan Kaufmann.

Smith, M. (2018). Facebook's Social Graph. In Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (pp. 642-643). Springer.

Williams, S. (2019). Foundations of Software Engineering . Pearson.