Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Select one of the following brands:Aston Martin. Vision: To be the world’s most desirable, ultra-luxury British brand, creating the most e - Writingforyou

Select one of the following brands:Aston Martin. Vision: To be the world’s most desirable, ultra-luxury British brand, creating the most e


  • To complete this assignment:
    1. Download the Week 4 Assignment: Positioning Statement and Motto Template [DOCX] to your computer and Save As using the following identifier: LastName_FirstName_Week4_Assignment.
    2. Select one of the following brands:
      • Aston Martin.
        • Vision: To be the world’s most desirable, ultra-luxury British brand, creating the most exquisitely addictive performance cars.
      • Jenny Craig.
        • Vision: Jenny Craig is passionate about improving others’ lives and making weight loss easier with great-tasting food, unparalleled support, and the latest science-backed strategies.
        • Mission: Help their clients learn how to lose weight and keep it off, so they can live life to the Max!
      • Evenflo Baby.
        • Mission: Have families trust their brand products more than ever for leading-edge safety, smart innovation, everyday convenience, and lasting comfort.
        • Vision: We look forward to serving and delighting new generations of babies, kids, parents, and caregivers.
      • Fanatics Sports Gear.
        • Mission: Amplify pride and create connections for all fans by changing the way fans purchase their favorite team apparel, jerseys, headwear, and hard goods through an innovative, tech-infused approach to making and quickly distributing fan gear in today’s 24/7 mobile-first economy.
    3. Use the information listed, as well as your own research and original analysis, to assess the brand.
    4. At the end of the template, you will present a new or better positioning statement and motto for the selected brand.
    5. Submit the completed template by clicking the title to this assignment.
    6. Formatting Requirements
      This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course outcome associated with this assignment is:
    • Develop a positioning statement and motto for a brand.

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Assignment: Positioning Statement and Motto

Use the provided information, as well as your own research, to assess one (1) of the stated brands (Aston Martin, Jenny Craig, Evenflo Baby or Fanatics) by completing the questions below with an ORIGINAL response to each. At the end of the worksheet, be sure to develop a new ORIGINAL positioning statement and motto for the brand you selected. Submit the completed template in the Week 4 assignment submission link.


Professor’s Name:

Course Title:


Company/Brand Selected ( Aston Martin, Jenny Craig, Evenflo Baby or Fanatics Sports Gear ):

1. Target Customers/Users

Who are the current customers/users of the brand? Include information related to the segmentation variables listed below in at least two substantive sentences for each item below. (NOTE: DO NOT say “ANY, ALL, EVERYONE” you cannot target everyone, you must be specific)

Age Bracket: [Insert response]

Gender: [Insert response]

Income Bracket: [Insert response]

Education Level: [Insert response]

Lifestyle: [Insert response]

Psychographics (Interest, Hobbies, Past-times): [Insert response]

Values (What the customer values overall in life): [Insert response]

Other items you would segment up on (optional): [Insert response]

How does the company currently reach its customers/users? Look at the methods and media the company is currently using to reach the customers/users. What methods and media should the company use to currently reach the customers/users identified above? Why have you decided up on this suggestion?

[Insert response-at least 4 good sentences-addressing all questions]

What would grab the customers/users’ attention? Why do you think this will capture their attention?

[Insert response-at least 4 good sentences-addressing all questions]

2. Competitive Analysis

Who are the main competitors? Label the top three competitors and discuss in at least two substantive sentences per competitor examining how each competitor is different from your business.

Competitor 1: [Insert response]

Competitor 2: [Insert response]

Competitor 3: [Insert response]

What product category does the brand fit into? Why have you placed this brand into the product category that you did?

[Insert response-at least 4 good sentences-addressing all questions]

3. USP (Unique Selling Proposition) Creation

What are the brand’s uniqueness’s? (Example: What attributes and benefits does the brand have that makes it stand out with the customers.)

[Insert response-at least 4 good sentences-addressing all questions]

What are the competitive advantages of the brand? (Example: What makes the brand stand out above its leading competitors? Why do you consider this a competitive advantage?)

[Insert response-at least 4 good sentences-addressing all questions]

Create a new Unique Selling Proposition based upon your analysis above: [Insert response]

Discuss why have you created this particular USP: [Insert response-at least two good sentences here]

4. Positioning Statement & Motto

Develop a new positioning statement and discuss why you created it at least two substantive sentences. Create a new motto for the brand you selected and discuss why you created it least two substantive sentences.

Newly Created Positioning Statement: [Insert response]

Defense/Justification of Positioning Statement Creation (Why have you created this): [Insert response]

Newly Created Motto: [Insert response]

Defense/ Justification of Motto Creation (Why have you created this): [Insert response]

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