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Ethical Dilemma Oral Presentation and Literature Review: Please select a minimum of 3 ethical standards from the NOHS Ethical Standards website (www.nationalhumanser


Ethical Dilemma Oral Presentation and Literature Review:
Please select a minimum of 3 ethical standards from the NOHS Ethical Standards website ( Create an ethical dilemma based upon the standard(s). You may use the vignettes in the textbook to base your hypothetical ethical dilemma on. Research the standard(s) to support the dilemma you developed, and the presentation must include:

  1. Clear description of the ethical standard(s), the reason why the standard(s) is important, any relevant history or examples (i.e., abuses).
  2. A clear description of the dilemma being proposed, and how it relates to the ethical standard(s).
  3. Resolution to the ethical dilemma (feel free to be creative).
  4. Research supporting the ethical dilemma and resolution as being valid. 
  5. An explanation of how this relates to the human services field (i.e., not medical, etc.).
  6. The use of PowerPoint for the presentation of at least five or more references.
  7. A power point presentation should be submitted with 10-20 slides with lecture notes stating what you would have explained if in person presenting this information. At the instructor's discretion, students should either record a voice-over for the presentation or provide speaking notes in the "notes" section of each slide
  8. A two to three-page Literature Review summary should be submitted in APA format, explaining key points from your research.
  9. Should have some media and/or interactive portion with the audience.