Chat with us, powered by LiveChat You have successfully made it through two rounds of interviews for an internal position that will focus heavily on research skills. The hiring team has narrowed the candidate fi - Writingforyou

You have successfully made it through two rounds of interviews for an internal position that will focus heavily on research skills. The hiring team has narrowed the candidate fi


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Develop data-driven research questions for addressing professional problems


Congratulations! You have successfully made it through two rounds of interviews for an internal position that will focus heavily on research skills. The hiring team has narrowed the candidate field to you and one other candidate, and now they want to understand your process and rationale for creating research-based questions. You have been asked by the interview committee to present your process and rationale for creating one research-based question in order to exhibit your leadership qualities in your critical thinking about research.


Research Question and Process
Document your process and rationale for creating one research-based question that addresses the problem you identified in your previous research studies.

  1. Create a research question that meets the following criteria:
    • Researchable
    • Measurable but not too factual
    • Complex yet clear
    • Neither too broad nor too narrow
    • Has value for gathering information
    • Has relevance to your identified research problem
  2. Identify the problem your research question addresses.
    • Summarize the problem the profession faces.
      • Identify the most important factor(s) in the problem that your question was created to answer.
  3. Demonstrate how you developed your question through the following four steps:
    • Identify patterns of symptoms.
    • Analyze patterns of symptoms.
    • Investigate symptoms through research.
    • Hone question through multiple iterative drafts.
  4. Identify how to mitigate multiple threats to the ethical research process within your topic. Include the following:
    • When and how you might consider various ethical threats, including personal bias
    • How you might ensure these threats were reduced or mitigated in your question

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Flowchart or Presentation
Create a detailed flowchart that explains your process for creating and analyzing a question. Alternatively, complete a different type of presentation that clearly explains your process for creating and analyzing a question.

Supporting Materials

The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:

Website: 40 Fantastic Flow Chart Templates
This site presents downloadable flowchart formats for specific Microsoft programs.

Reading: PowerPoint: Guides, Tips and Help
This site gives helpful tips for creating a professional presentation.

Reading: Slide Layout
This site gives tips for making sure your presentation slides are readable, which is an important aspect of creating a professional presentation.

Reading: 15 Strategies for Giving Oral Presentations
This site gives specific tips on how to perform public speaking well.

Project Three Guidelines and Rubric.html

SCS 285 Project Three Guidelines and Rubric


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Develop data-driven research questions for addressing professional problems


Congratulations! You have successfully made it through two rounds of interviews for an internal position that will focus heavily on research skills. The hiring team has narrowed the candidate field to you and one other candidate, and now they want to understand your process and rationale for creating research-based questions. You have been asked by the interview committee to present your process and rationale for creating one research-based question in order to exhibit your leadership qualities in your critical thinking about research.


Research Question and Process Document your process and rationale for creating one research-based question that addresses the problem you identified in your previous research studies.

  1. Create a research question that meets the following criteria:
    • Researchable
    • Measurable but not too factual
    • Complex yet clear
    • Neither too broad nor too narrow
    • Has value for gathering information
    • Has relevance to your identified research problem
  2. Identify the problem your research question addresses.
    • Summarize the problem the profession faces.
      • Identify the most important factor(s) in the problem that your question was created to answer.
  3. Demonstrate how you developed your question through the following four steps:
    • Identify patterns of symptoms.
    • Analyze patterns of symptoms.
    • Investigate symptoms through research.
    • Hone question through multiple iterative drafts.
  4. Identify how to mitigate multiple threats to the ethical research process within your topic. Include the following:
    • When and how you might consider various ethical threats, including personal bias
    • How you might ensure these threats were reduced or mitigated in your question

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Flowchart or Presentation Create a detailed flowchart that explains your process for creating and analyzing a question. Alternatively, complete a different type of presentation that clearly explains your process for creating and analyzing a question.

Supporting Materials

The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:

Website: 40 Fantastic Flow Chart Templates This site presents downloadable flowchart formats for specific Microsoft programs.

Reading: PowerPoint: Guides, Tips and Help This site gives helpful tips for creating a professional presentation.

Reading: Slide Layout This site gives tips for making sure your presentation slides are readable, which is an important aspect of creating a professional presentation.

Reading: 15 Strategies for Giving Oral Presentations This site gives specific tips on how to perform public speaking well.

Project Three Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Articulation of Response Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling 15
Crafting Question Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Creates a research question that meets the criteria for a well- crafted research question Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include creating a research question that is researchable, measurable, complex, appropriately sized, or relevant to the identified research problem Does not attempt criterion 20
Link to Problem Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Identifies the problem the research question addresses Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include summarizing the problem your profession faces, or identifying the most important factors in the problem that your question was created to answer Does not attempt criterion 20
Process Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Develops research question through a clearly articulated process Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include identifying patterns of symptoms, analyzing patterns of symptoms, investigating symptoms through research, or explaining how the question was honed through multiple iterative drafts Does not attempt criterion 20
Threats Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Identifies how to mitigate multiple threats to the ethical research process within your topic Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include an explanation of when and how you might consider various ethical threats, including personal bias, or an explanation of how you might ensure these threats were reduced or mitigated Does not attempt criterion 20
Citations and Attributions Uses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with few or no minor errors Uses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with consistent minor errors Uses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with major errors Does not use citations for ideas requiring attribution 5
Total: 100%