Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Since 2000, the US has had?two major recessions and the both the stock and bond markets have experienced?big drops in value.??This has made investing a volatile experience.? Interest - Writingforyou

Since 2000, the US has had?two major recessions and the both the stock and bond markets have experienced?big drops in value.??This has made investing a volatile experience.? Interest

 Discussion Questions:Since 2000, the US has had two major recessions and the both the stock and bond markets have experienced big drops in value.  This has made investing a volatile experience.  Interest rates are currently at 50-year lows so returns on short term CDs or savings accounts are almost zero.  

  1. Has all this turmoil effected your outlook on investing? 
  2. Are you more cautious? 
  3. Has it changed your approach to your current or future investments or 401K accounts?