Chat with us, powered by LiveChat As a financial analyst for Washburn Home Health Care, you are helping Sarah Alvarado, the director of the Financial Development Division, to create a marketing analysis report summar - Writingforyou

As a financial analyst for Washburn Home Health Care, you are helping Sarah Alvarado, the director of the Financial Development Division, to create a marketing analysis report summar

*** This project needs to be done by Friday at 11:00PM EST. ***

– Use the document "Instructions_NP_WD365_2021_7a" to follow instructions for this project.

– This is the document that you will need to work on: "NP_WD365_2021_7a_JessicaTrinidad_1"

*These are the supporting documents for this project:*





Market Projections

Projected Customers
Type Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
HHC – Medicare 2,500 2,700 3,150 3,750 5,000
HHC – Private 700 1,400 2,100 2,800 3,500
PI 250 625 1,000 1,375 2,000
Total 3,450 4,725 6,250 7,925 10,500

HHC – Medicare Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 2500 2700 3150 3750 5000 HHC – Private Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 699.99999999999966 1399.9999999999998 2100 2800 3500 PI Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 250 625 1000 1375 2000



Abbess CommHealth Greggs MedFirst Shepherd
Visiting nurses Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
In-home PT Yes No No Yes Yes
In-home OT No No No Yes Yes
Coordination No No No No No


Home Healthcare Providers

Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware

1. Abbess Rehabilitation

2. CommHealth United

3. Greggs Nursing Center

4. MedFirst Healthcare

5. Shepherd Care

6. Atlantic Home Health

7. Thomson Brown Medical

8. Kendall Johnson Nursing Care

9. Columbia Medical

10. Sinai Elsayad


New Perspectives Word 365/2021 | Module 7: SAM Project 1a

New Perspectives Word 365/2021 | Module 7: SAM Project 1a


Washburn Home Health Care

Collaborating on a report


Save the file NP_WD365_2021_7a_ FirstLastName_1.docx as NP_WD365_2021_7a_ FirstLastName_2.docx

Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”.

If you do not see the .docx file extension, do not type it. The file extension will be added for you automatically.

To complete this Project, you will also need the following files:





With the file NP_WD365_2021_7a_ FirstLastName_2.docx open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the footer.

If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy.

In this Project, you will Combine two Word documents. Be sure to save your completed file as NP_WD365_2021_7a_ FirstLastName_2.docx after completing the Project Steps and before submitting your file for grading.


As a financial analyst for Washburn Home Health Care, you are helping Sarah Alvarado, the director of the Financial Development Division, to create a marketing analysis report summarizing expansion plans. Sarah has reviewed a draft of the report using tracked changes. You will add her comments and revisions to your copy of the report and then complete it. Combine documents as follows to incorporate Sarah's revisions and comments into your copy of the report:

Combine your document (the original document) with the file Support_WD365_2021_7a_Sarah.docx. [Mac Hint: If prompted, select the file to grant access.]

Select all the Comparison settings and show changes in the original document.

Turn on Track Changes and display All Markup for review. Accept and reject tracked changes in the document as follows:

Accept each change in the first body paragraph because the changes improve the paragraph.

In the second body paragraph, reject the change to the text "Washburn Home Health Services" so that the bold formatting is removed.

Accept the remaining changes in the document, which are also improvements.

On page 2, with Tracked Changes on, apply the Heading 1 style to the heading "Executive Summary" because this heading begins a new major topic.

Turn off Track Changes. Read the first comment in the document, and then respond to Sarah's request as follows:

In the blank paragraph after the first paragraph on page 2 ("The secondary market…for service coordination."), insert a pie chart.

Type the chart data as shown in Figure 1.

Change the chart colors to Colorful Palette 4.

Figure 1: Pie Chart Data

Read the second comment in the document, and then respond to Sarah's request as follows:

Open the workbook Support_WD365_2021_7a_Chart.xlsx.

In the Market Projections worksheet, copy the column chart.

Return to the report document, and then move the insertion point to where Sarah instructs you to insert the column chart.

Link the chart to the document using the destination theme to keep the chart data the same in both locations while using the report document's theme.

Close Support_WD365_2021_7a_Chart.xlsx.

Modify the linked chart as follows to suit the design of the Word document and to update data:

In the report document, add Projected Customers as the chart title.

Change the chart style to Style 2 to display values on each segment of the columns.

Read the next comment in the document, and then continue editing as follows:

Open the workbook Support_WD365_2021_7a_Competition.xlsx.

In the Services worksheet, copy cells A1:F5.

Return to the report document, and then move the insertion point to where Sarah instructs you to insert the data about competitors.

Use Paste Special to embed the worksheet selection in the Word document as a Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object so that it retains the layout of the original worksheet. The source data is unlikely to change, so you do not need to link it to the source file.

Modify the embedded worksheet by formatting the text using the Automatic font color.

Close Support_WD365_2021_7a_Competition.xlsx.

Delete all the comments in the document because they are no longer needed.

On the last page in the document, insert a bookmark to the "Competitive Analysis" heading using Competition as the bookmark name to make it easy to find the table of competitor's data.

At the end of the first sentence in the document, format the word "competition" as a hyperlink to the "Competition" bookmark.

Insert another hyperlink as follows to make it easy for readers to access an external document:

In the last paragraph in the document, format the word "here" as a hyperlink that targets the document Support_WD365_2021_7a_TopTen.docx.

Add a ScreenTip with the following text: Table of top ten competitors

Your document should look like the Final Figure on the following pages. Rename your completed file to NP_WD365_7a_FirstLastName_2.docx. Save your changes, close the document, and then exit Word. Follow the directions on the website to submit your completed project.

Final Figure

© Anton Foltin/; © dikobraziy/; ©











Adventure Works Marketing Plan

Market Analysis Report


Executive Summary

Washburn Home Health Services Care offers an unusual combination of premier inpatient, outpatient, and home healthcare services different from the competition. Market research confirms that the company’s base in Montgomery County, Maryland, has a significant continuing need for quality healthcare services. This market analysis report answers the question ofexplores whether expanding to other locations in the mid-Atlantic region will prove as successful and profitable as the current business model. The answer is yes as long as Washburn conducts the expansion by employing competent, well-trained staff and providing them with a proven program and responsive management.

Consumers of the expanded services (called Washburn Home Health Services) will be people in need of healthcare servicesmedical treatment and therapy in their homes. Patients are typically referred by physicians, attorneys, insurance companies, and other healthcare facilities. Washburn already has an excellent reputation with referral organizations in Montgomery County and will continue using the same methods of engagement with similar organizations in other locations. Washburn can become the home healthcareHHC service provider of choice on the east coastin the mid-Atlantic region.

Market Segmentation

As the U.S. population ages, it requires quality healthcare services by a staff of trained home healthcareHHC nurses to support individual decisions to remain home, even at an advanced age. These people are the primary market for Washburn’s expanded services.

The secondary market includes people of all ages who are recovering from a personal injury or disease and require ongoing rehabilitation, including physical and occupational therapy. This market also has a significant need for service coordination.

The following chart shows the projected growth in the customer base for HHC Medicare patients, HHC private health insurance patients, and in personal injury (PI) patients. Comment by Sarah Alvarado: In the blank paragraph after this one, please insert the column chart showing projections.

Competitive Analysis

Washburn’s competitive edge is the breadth of its services. We offer visiting nurses; in-home physical therapy; in-home occupational therapy; and coordination of medical, legal, insurance, and social services. Service coordination is one of our most valued offerings. Five agencies in the mid-Atlantic region provide similar services: Abbess Rehabilitation, CommHealth United, Greggs Nursing Center, MedFirst Healthcare, and Shepherd Care. The following table shows the services each agency offers: Comment by Sarah Alvarado: In the blank paragraph after this one, please insert the data showing the competitors and their services.

The complete list of home healthcare agencies on the East Coast is available on our website at For a list of the top ten agencies in Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware, click here.

[Type text] Page 4





Adventure Works Marketing Plan

Market Analysis Report


Executive Summary

Washburn Health Services offers an unusual combination of premier inpatient, outpatient, and home healthcare services. Market research confirms that the company’s base in Montgomery County, Maryland, has a significant continuing need for quality healthcare services. This market analysis report answers the question of whether expanding to other locations in the mid-Atlantic region will prove as successful and profitable. The answer is yes as long as Washburn conducts the expansion by employing competent, well-trained staff and providing them with a proven program and responsive management.

Consumers of the expanded Washburn Home Health Services will be people in need of healthcare services in their homes. Patients are typically referred by physicians, attorneys, insurance companies, and other healthcare facilities. Washburn already has an excellent reputation with referral organizations in Montgomery County and will continue using the same methods of engagement with similar organizations in other locations. Washburn can become the home healthcare service provider of choice on the east coast.

Market Segmentation

As the U.S. population ages, it requires quality healthcare services by a staff of trained home healthcare nurses to support individual decisions to remain home, even at an advanced age. These people are the primary market for Washburn’s expanded services.

The secondary market includes people of all ages who are recovering from a personal injury or disease and require ongoing rehabilitation, including physical and occupational therapy.

The following chart shows the projected growth in the customer base for HHC Medicare patients, HHC private health insurance patients, and in personal injury (PI) patients.

Competitive Analysis

Washburn’s competitive edge is the breadth of its services. We offer visiting nurses; in-home physical therapy; in-home occupational therapy; and coordination of medical, legal, insurance, and social services. Service coordination is one of our most valued offerings. Five agencies in the mid-Atlantic region provide similar services: Abbess Rehabilitation, CommHealth United, Greggs Nursing Center, MedFirst Healthcare, and Shepherd Care. The following table shows the services each agency offers:

The complete list of home healthcare agencies on the East Coast is available on our website at For a list of the top ten agencies in Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware, click here.

This file created specifically for Jessica Trinidad


