Chat with us, powered by LiveChat At the end of week 4, you are to finalize the initially approved scope from week two and start building the project schedule. - Writingforyou

At the end of week 4, you are to finalize the initially approved scope from week two and start building the project schedule.

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GE—5103-OL2–OL-SP-2022 – Project Management

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Week 4 Course Project: Scope and Schedule – Part 1

13 Mar 2023 – 00:00 9 Apr 2023 – 23:59 11 Apr 2023 – 23:59 100


Scope and Schedule: At the end of week 4, you are to finalize the initially approved scope from week two and start building the project schedule. In this week, you are also to work on building the project Work-Breakdown Structure (WBS). Project scope and schedule will include the following components:

Students will make up personnel as needed for each part of their project (if necessary). Students will not provide "definitions" in their work but apply what they have learned to build their project. Example: Do not tell me what a WBS structure is; tell me about the WBS for "your" project. It will be up to the student to come up with every aspect of the project outside of the guidelines provided by the teacher. Paper must be written in New Times Roman, 12 pitch font. An APA 7 title page is required for every paper. No references or citations will be allowed for the paper. Must submit work through TurnItIn too.

YOUR CHARTER MUST BE IN THE SAME ORDER WRITTEN BELOW. EACH SECTION MUST BE NAMED EXACTLY WHAT IS WRITTEN BELOW. Points will be deducted for not following instructions. DO NOT COMBINE SECTIONS. Points will be deducted for not following instructions DO NOT INCLUDE OTHER CATEGORIES NOT LISTED BELOW. Points will be deducted for submitting sections not on the list above. Only include what is asked for in the paper.

——————- The scope and schedule will include the following components:

Finalized project scope – (What will occur “specifically” in this project). A project scope statement is simply a written document of your project scope. Should be a minimum of (1) one paragraph.

WBS structure – Should include (1) one WBS chart. The WBS chart must be self-made. Must include (2) two paragraphs to explain the information on "your" chart.

Develop project schedule – Should include (1) one project scheduled chart. The project schedule must be self-made. Must include (2) two paragraphs to explain the information on "your" chart.

Project Resources Tasks – Should include (1) one project resources task chart. The project resources task chart must be self-made. The chart should have (5) categories. The categories are: human, financial, equipment, technology, property, and contractors. In each category, a minimum of (3) three items must be provided for “each” category. Then provide (3) three paragraphs explaining the chart. Example: What are the three different types of equipment will be needed in your project.

Stakeholder Engagement – Should be (1) one paragraph explaining "how" and "when" you will speak to stakeholders.

Communication Plan – Should include (1) one communication plan chart. The communication plan chart should be self made. The chart should include dates/time, what will be discussed, frequency, type of communication. The chart should include a minimum of (3) three different meetings. Must include (2) two paragraphs to explain the information on "your" chart.

Note: I am not looking for "definitions" of these categories in your work. As a reminder, you are pretending you are running this project.

No references or citations for this assignment. Your TurnItIn Score should be below 10%. Points will be deducted for 11-20%. Papers will receive a zero (0) for 21% or higher. Late assignments will receive a grade of zero (0) points.

Part 1

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5/31/23, 9:37 AM Course Project Week 2: Project Charter 1/4

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GE—5103-OL2–OL-SP-2022 – Project Management

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Course Project Week 2: Project Charter – Part 1

13 Mar 2023 – 00:01 26 Mar 2023 – 23:59 28 Mar 2023 – 23:59 100

Part 1

 

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Overview: This course project introduces an opportunity to explore all the project stages (from inception to closing) facilitated by the well-known Project Management Group Processes (initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control, and closure) as outlined in the PMBOK® Guide.

Students must pick a personal project from below.

Any project topic outside of the topics below, must be approved by the professor.

Please read the list carefully; unauthorized projects may result in zero (0) points for your paper. When in doubt, please ask your professor.

Students will pretend that they are running a project. The project must be written as if you are in charge of the project.

Students will make up personnel as needed for each part of their project (if necessary).

Students will not provide “definitions” in their work but apply what they have learned to build their project. Example: Do not tell me what a project scope is; tell me about "your" project scope.

It will be up to the student to come up with every aspect of the project outside of the guidelines provided by the teacher.

Students must pick a project from the following list:

Type of Project Product of Project (Examples)

Administrative Installing a new accounting system

Construction Building a new facility or road; repair or construct a home

Education Constructing an elementary, middle, or high school; building a college/university

Design of Plans Build architectural or engineering plans for a new facility

Cross-Functional Projects Creating a new phone, where parts have to come from different companies/vendors

Event Holding the Olympics or concert

Maintenance Repairing a building

New Product Development Creating a new vaccine, creating a new plane

Manufacturing Building an automobiles, motorcycles, boats, candles, etc.

Company Starting a new company/business

Background: As you progress through the weekly materials in the course, you will apply the key principles and knowledge areas (Scope, cost, schedule, quality, resources, risk management, procurement, communication, and stakeholder management) to your project. As the project manager (PM) for a medium-scale project, you will apply fundamental principles and best practices to conduct your project from inception to closing. Each assignment provides further detail Requirements: – Meet the weekly assignments’ requirements (total of 4 assignments to complete the entire project) within the 8 weeks duration of the course. – You will be assigned as the main PM for the project, where you will own the entire project – Your course instructor will act at the project sponsor – can address all your questions and concerns and will provide you feedback during the weekly assignments submissions. 

5/31/23, 9:37 AM Course Project Week 2: Project Charter 3/4

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– The project will include internal and external stakeholders, vendors, team members, and contractors. – A well-defined project charter must be approved by course instructor by end of week two. – Your final project management plan, as well as the weekly submissions, must adhere to the following formatting requirements:

Paper must be written in New Times Roman, 12 pitch font. An APA version 7 title page is required for every paper. No references or citations will be allowed for Week 2, Week 4, Week 6, or Week 8 papers. Must submit work through Turnitin tool

YOUR CHARTER MUST BE IN THE SAME ORDER WRITTEN BELOW. EACH SECTION MUST BE NAMED EXACTLY WHAT IS WRITTEN BELOW. Points will be deducted for not following instructions. DO NOT COMBINE SECTIONS. Points will be deducted for not following instructions DO NOT INCLUDE OTHER CATEGORIES NOT LISTED BELOW. Points will be deducted for submitting sections not on the list above. Only include what is asked for in the paper.

——– Week 2 – Project Charter: At the end of week two, you are to create and submit the project charter. This is the first official document to be reviewed and approved by the project sponsor.

The project charter will include the following components:

Project Purpose: Notes on why this project is occurring (Who is going to be involved? Who are the team members going to be? What is the team going to be doing? What is the end goal of the project? Why? When is the project going to happen? Where is the project going to happen? How is this project going to get done?)

Project Objectives: (Example: Complete construction of bathroom in 2 months.) Should be a minimum of (5) five objectives in bullet format. What are the goals you hope to accomplish with this project

Project scope – (What will occur “specifically” in this project). A project scope statement is simply a written document of your project scope. Should be a minimum of (1) one paragraph.

Success Criteria or Expectation Benefits: (Example: Increase sales of tomatoes by 20% in three months. Shorten delivery time of potatoes to stores by 3 days.) What are your goals for the project? Should be measurable. Should include “what”, “when”, and “by what percent/amount”. Should have a minimum of (5) five criteria/benefits.

Funding: Should be (1) one chart. The funding chart must be self-made. Should not be detailed. Show what divisions or sections money will go towards in the project. Should not look like "overall project budget" chart. Must include (2) paragraphs explaining the funding.

Major Deliverables and Milestone schedule – Should be (1) one chart. The major deliverables and milestone schedule must be self-made. Should be a minimum of (5) five deliverables. Each should have time the deliverable is due. Should also include "who" is responsible for each deliverable on the team.

Acceptance criteria – You should have a minimum of (5) five acceptance criteria. What are the things that the customer is specifically looking for to accept the project for final handover.

Key assumptions – Should be (3) three paragraphs. Should have a minimum of (3) three assumptions. What are some things "you" can assume about this project and "why?"

Constraints – Should be (2) two paragraphs. What are some things that could hinder the success of the project and why? (Note: Time, cost, schedule, budget are not constraints).

Major Risks – Should be (3) three paragraphs. Should have a minimum of (3) three risks. What are some risks to the project and why?

Approval requirements – "Who" approves the different parts of the project? Should have "name" and "title." Should be a minimum of (3) three people. Make the names up.

Project Manager – This is YOU. Put your name here.

Sponsor designee – "Who" is the sponsor designee. "Who" is "financially" responsible for the success of the project? Should be a minimum of (1) one person. "Name" and "title." Can also be a company.

Note: I am not looking for "definitions" of these categories in your work. As a reminder, you are pretending you are running this project.


No references or citations for the assignment. Your TurnItIn Score should be below 10%. Points will be deducted for 11-20%. Papers will receive a zero (0) for 21% or higher.  Late assignments will receive a zero (0). No exceptions.

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