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Expand your Chapter 1 — introduction, problem statement, purpose statement. Use the DM template attached, and make sure to use the five given peer-reviewed articles to expand your work.



Expand your Chapter 1 — introduction, problem statement, purpose statement. Use the DM template attached, and make sure to use the five given peer-reviewed articles to expand your work.


Dissertation Proposal and Dissertation Manuscript

Template and Guide

This cover page and template instructional content should be removed before drafting chapters. Keep the template instructions in a separate location for ongoing reference as you develop chapter content within the manuscript format.

Instructions for how to use this template and guide:

· Type directly into the template at “Begin writing here…” or “Text…” . Doing so should help to ensure the document is properly formatted.

· Use reminders in the comments relating to formatting as well as helpful tips for guidance purposes. Additionally, in each main section, use the checklist relating to content so you know what to include before you begin to organize your thoughts. Refer to the checklist continuously as you develop each section. As you self-evaluate each section, you can actually check off each box by clicking on it to ensure you have met all the requirements. Please note these lists are resources and not meant to be exhaustive, as it is impossible to cover the details of every method and design.

· The length of a section can vary , unless a guideline is provided.

· Once you have developed each section, refer to the comments and checklists one last time to be sure the section matches them as discussed with your Chair, then delete them.

· To delete a comment, right click on the comment, then select “Delete Comment.” . For additional strategies and guidance, click here.

Version: October 2020

© Northcentral University, 2020 Comment by Northcentral University: Ensure every section in the document meets the following requirements: ☐ Use 12-point and Times New Roman font. ☐ Write in the future tense when referencing the proposed study in the dissertation proposal. Write in the past tense when referencing the completed study in the dissertation manuscript. ☐ Use economy of expression to present information as succinctly as possible without oversimplifying or losing the meaning. ☐ Avoid personal opinions and claims. ☐ Support all claims in the document with recent, scholarly, peer-reviewed sources published within 5 years of when the dissertation will be completed, unless they are seminal sources or no other literature exists. For additional information and guidance relating to scholarly and peer-reviewed sources, click here. ☐ Avoid anthropomorphism (i.e., giving human qualities to inanimate objects) such as “The article claims…”, “The study found…,”, or “The research explored…”. ☐ Clearly and precisely define key words upon their first use only.

Title of the Dissertation Comment by Northcentral University: With the exception of articles and prepositions, the first letter of each word should be capitalized. The title should be two single spaces (one double space) from the top of the page. In 10-15 words, it should indicate the contents of the study. The title should be bold. The title page should include no page number, so please recheck pagination once the template cover page has been removed.

Dissertation XXX Comment by Northcentral University: Insert either “Proposal” or “Manuscript.”.

Submitted to Northcentral University

School of XXX Comment by Northcentral University: Indicate your school name here. Do not include the specialization.

in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of

DOCTOR OF XXX Comment by Northcentral University: Insert your degree program in all capital letters (e.g., DOCTOR OF EDUCATION, DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, DOCTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION).


NAME Comment by Northcentral University: Insert your name in all capital letters (i.e., FIRST MIDDLE LAST).

La Jolla, California

Month Year Comment by Northcentral University: Insert the current month and year. There should be no comma separating them.

Abstract Comment by Northcentral University: The abstract should be included in the dissertation manuscript only. It should not be included in the dissertation proposal. The word Abstract should be centered, bolded, and begin on its own page.

Begin writing here… Comment by Northcentral University: The text should be left-justified (not indented) and double-spaced with no breaks.


☐ Briefly introduce the study topic, state the research problem, and describe who or what is impacted by this problem.

☐ Clearly articulate the study purpose and guiding theoretical or conceptual framework of the study.

☐ Provide details about the research methodology, participants, questions, design, procedures, and analysis.

☐ Clearly present the results in relation to the research questions.

☐ State the conclusions to include both the potential implications of the results on and the recommendations for future research and practice.

☐ Do not include citations and abbreviations or acronyms, except those noted as exceptions by the American Psychological Association (APA).

☐ Do not exceed 350 words. Strive for one page.

Acknowledgements Comment by Northcentral University: You may include an optional acknowledgements page in normal paragraph format in the dissertation manuscript. Do not include such a page in the dissertation proposal. The word Acknowledgements should be centered, bolded, and begin on its own page.

Begin writing here…

Table of Contents Comment by Northcentral University: Use the Table of Contents feature in Word. For additional information on creating a table of contents, click here. For information on updating the table of contents, click here, and for video resources from the Academic Success Center on formatting the table of contents, click here. Do not manually add headings into the Table of Contents. The headings in the table of contents are populated from the Styles gallery using the APA Level 1 and Heading 2 styles. Only include APA heading levels 1 and 2 in the table of contents. Use the Heading 2 style from the Styles gallery to add level two headings in the document. Update the table of contents to reflect any new level 2 headings added to document. Comment by Northcentral University: For Academic Success Center resources on formatting the table of contents, click here. For assistance, use the videos in the Tables and Headers tab and handouts in the Format tab. Comment by Northcentral University: Ensure the headings in the table of contents match those in the document. Please note the place holders are included in this table of contents: “XXX” under Chapter 2 must be replaced with the themes generated from the integrative critical review of the literature. If your study is qualitative, “Operational Definitions of Variables” under Chapter 3 must be deleted. “XXX” under Chapter 4 must be replaced with “Trustworthiness” for a qualitative study, “Validity and Reliability” for a quantitative study, and “Trustworthiness/Validity and Reliability” for a mixed methods study. The number of research questions listed under Chapter 4 must align with the number of research questions in your study. Under Appendices, each “XXX” must be replaced with the titles of the appendix.

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

Statement of the Problem 2

Purpose of the Study 2

Introduction to Theoretical or Conceptual Framework 3

Introduction to Research Methodology and Design 4

Research Questions 4

Hypotheses 4

Significance of the Study 5

Definitions of Key Terms 6

Summary 6

Chapter 2: Literature Review 7

Theoretical or Conceptual Framework 7

Subtopic 8

Summary 8

Chapter 3: Research Method 10

Research Methodology and Design 10

Population and Sample 10

Materials or Instrumentation 11

Operational Definitions of Variables 12

Study Procedures 13

Data Analysis 13

Assumptions 14

Limitations 14

Delimitations 14

Ethical Assurances 15

Summary 15

Chapter 4: Findings 16

XXX of the Data 16

Results 17

Evaluation of the Findings 18

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