Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Part 2: Two Replies The primary goal of the replies is to discuss the threads by offering analysis and critiques to include specific strengths and weaknesses and othe - Writingforyou

Part 2: Two Replies The primary goal of the replies is to discuss the threads by offering analysis and critiques to include specific strengths and weaknesses and othe


Part 2: Two Replies

The primary goal of the replies is to discuss the threads by offering analysis and critiques to include specific strengths and weaknesses and other insights for consideration. Ensure the following are met:

  • Reply      to at least 2 different peer threads and address at least 1 strength and 1      weakness per reply. 
  • Each      reply must be supported with at least 2 peer-reviewed sources and include 1      biblical application/integration (no more than 10% of the total response).      
  • Each      reply must be 450–600 words
  • Use      proper grammar and current APA formatting.
  • Do      not submit the discussion posts as Microsoft Word documents. Instead post      the primary content of your posts into the body of the discussion area since      opening files is an inconvenience when the same information can be      reviewed within the discussion.

Part 2: Two Replies

The primary goal of the replies is to discuss the threads by offering analysis and critiques to include specific strengths and weaknesses and other insights for consideration. Ensure the following are met:

· Reply to at least 2 different peer threads and address at least 1 strength and 1 weakness per reply.

· Each reply must be supported with at least 2 peer-reviewed sources and include 1 biblical application/integration (no more than 10% of the total response).

· Each reply must be 450–600 words

· Use proper grammar and current APA formatting.

· Do not submit the discussion posts as Microsoft Word documents. Instead post the primary content of your posts into the body of the discussion area since opening files is an inconvenience when the same information can be reviewed within the discussion.


Akron Children's Hospital

1. What is the management-research question hierarchy for Akron Children's Hospital?

The management-research question hierarchy for Akron Children's Hospital can be structured as follows:

1. Management question: How can Akron Children's Hospital differentiate itself in the highly competitive healthcare market and increase its bed occupancy rate?

2. Research question: What factors influence parents' decision-making process when choosing a hospital for their children's acute care needs?

3. Investigative question: How do parents perceive and evaluate hospitals regarding medical capabilities, quality of care, and emotional factors?

4. Measurement question: How can Akron Children's Hospital effectively communicate its commitment to children and high-quality care to parents and gain their trust?

The management question sets the overall goal for the research, while the research question focuses on understanding the factors that impact parents' hospital choices. The investigative question delves deeper into the emotional factors driving decision-making, and the measurement question seeks to find ways to effectively convey the hospital's value proposition to parents (Batton, 2023).

2. What are the advantages/disadvantages of an observation study for this research?

For this study, observation studies provide several benefits. First and foremost, they provide a thorough grasp of the relationships and experiences that occur in a medical context. Researchers may learn much about the hospital's emotional dynamics, communication patterns, and general environment by monitoring doctors, parents, and young patients in various settings (Batton, 2023). This first-hand experience helps identify crucial components that enhance pleasant encounters and may guide the creation of an inspiring brand promise.

There are drawbacks to think about, however. Observation studies may be time- and resource-consuming, requiring a significant time and effort commitment from the researchers. The conduct of those being watched may also be affected by the presence of observers, thus resulting in inaccurate or biased findings. Additionally, observations provide arbitrary interpretations of the actions seen, which might create bias on the researcher's part. Despite these difficulties, acquiring an in-depth understanding of the emotional components of medical encounters often outweighs them.

3. What does the brand promise recommendation reveal about what researchers experienced and concluded from their study?

According to the brand promise advice, the researchers observed and came to the understanding that Akron Children's Hospital prioritizes children's health. Through their observational study, the researchers observed how doctors interacted with kids in a way they could understand, how parents were encouraged to stay with their kids throughout the hospitalization process, and how the facility and staff put kids first (Ricker et al., 2019). The researchers concluded that Akron Children's Hospital had a distinctive dedication to assisting every kid in realizing their full potential due to these experiences.

The hospital's commitment to fulfilling this goal by making use of all available resources, including effort, ingenuity, innovative technology, compassion, and technical expertise, is reflected in the brand promise suggestion. It draws attention to Akron Children's Hospital's commitment to providing holistic care and its emphasis on attending to each child's emotional and developmental needs in addition to their medical needs (Batton, 2023). The researchers think that if parents accept this brand promise, they will trust the hospital to provide their kids with the best, most innovative treatment possible.

4. If you were designing such an observation study, for what would you direct researchers to record/look for/listen?

Researchers should be instructed to note and keep track of the following details while planning an observation study for Akron Children's Hospital:

1. Conversations between doctors, young patients, and their parents throughout the course of testing, diagnosis, and therapy.

2. The communication techniques used by medical professionals to convey health issues to children.

3. Parents' participation and support throughout their kid's hospital stay, including encouragement to remain with their child round-the-clock.

4. The hospital's general setting and ambiance include how the staff interacts with kids, the amenities, and the food options.

5. Emotional responses and discussions between parents, kids, and medical personnel, especially when they emphasize the hospital's child-centered philosophy and how it affects the recovery process Khandelwal et al., 2023).

6. Situations in which the hospital uses resources, including innovative technology, compassion, and technical expertise, to assist kids in realizing their full potential.

Lastly, the researchers may thoroughly grasp the hospital's advantages, distinctive characteristics, and patients' and families' emotional experiences by concentrating on these factors.

5. What ethical issues would surface in general hospital studies and this study?

In general, safeguarding patient privacy and confidentiality, getting participants' informed permission, and guaranteeing the welfare and safety of patients during the research are ethical concerns that could come up in hospital studies. Additional ethical questions are raised in this research by observing children and their families during medical procedures and sensitive times (Keshta & Odeh, 2021). The interests of the children must come first in research, and their involvement must not injure or disturb them.

To overcome these difficulties, the researchers must seek the parents' or guardians' informed permission after fully outlining the study's goals, methodology, and any risks and benefits. Additionally, they should ensure that any identifying information is kept private and that the observations do not obstruct the delivery of medical treatment (Harlan, 2020). To ensure the study is conducted correctly and with consideration for the patients and their families, the researchers should also consult and abide by the ethical standards and laws established by relevant institutional review boards or ethics committees.


The management-research question hierarchy for Akron Children's Hospital aims to differentiate the hospital in a competitive healthcare market and increase its bed occupancy rate. The research question delves into understanding the factors influencing parents' decisions when choosing a hospital for their children's care. Through an observation study, researchers sought to identify emotional factors driving decision-making and to recommend a brand promise that reflects the hospital's commitment to prioritizing children's health and well-being. In healthcare, the observation study and its focus on emotional aspects of care resonate with the biblical emphasis on empathy and the importance of providing comfort and healing (ESV, Proverbs 17:22; Isaiah 41:10, 2001). Akron Children's Hospital's dedication to using all available resources to assist children in reaching their full potential aligns with biblical themes of stewardship and utilizing our talents and abilities for the betterment of others (ESV, 1 Peter 4:10, 2001). By incorporating these values into their practices, healthcare institutions like Akron Children's Hospital can positively impact the lives of children and their families, fulfilling a higher purpose in their service to the community.



Batton, B. T. (2023).  Improving Construction Practices Through Integrated Project Delivery (Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin–Stout).

English Standard Version Bible. (2001). The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV). ESV Online. to an external site.

Harlan, J. (2020).  Change, employee resistance to change, and emotional intelligence: a meta-analysis (Doctoral dissertation, Northcentral University).

Keshta, I., & Odeh, A. (2021). Security and privacy of electronic health records: Concerns and challenges.  Egyptian Informatics Journal22(2), 177-183.

Khandelwal, A., Yerigeri, K., Lou, R., & Raina, R. (2023). High-Volume Hemodiafiltration with Step-Down Approach versus Standard-of-Care Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Approach in Critically Ill Burn Patients.  Blood Purification52(4), 341-344.

Ricker, I. A., Hertle, R. W., Juric, A., & Bouhenni, R. (2019). Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Childhood Glaucoma at Akron Children's Hospital.  Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science60(9), 1966-1966.

Schindler, S. P. (2022).  Business research methods. McGraw-Hill Education.





Akron Children’s Hospital Part A


1. What is the management-research question hierarchy for Akron Childrens Hospital?

Akron Children's hospitals first step in the research question hierarchy was identifying the management dilemma. The Midwestern hospital Akron Children’s Hospital was faced with a dilemma that while they were the largest pediatric hospital in the region, they were experiencing vacancies and being overshadowed by neighboring hospitals. Akron Children's Hospital turned to Marcus Thomas LLC to assist them in the determining their research question of how they can display to parents that Akron’s is a great place for children. Marcus Thomas and Akron’s ultimately determined that there was a communication breakdown and Akron’s needed to find a way to enhance and broadcast their mission. Researchers followed Akron Children Hospital staff and conducted an observational study on their daily routine. Researchers also investigated how parents arrive at the difficult decision of which hospital to bring their child to.  Researchers used what they observed from staff and learned from their research on parents to enhance Akron’s Children's Hospitals digital marketing techniques. “Digital marketing helps brands reach their target audience and promote their product or service” (Rukhaiyar,, 2022). Researchers also recommended a brand promise that is unique to Akron’s Children Hospital.


2. What are the advantages/disadvantages of an observation study for this research?

There were multiple advantages of conducting an observational study for this research. Observational studies allow researchers to monitor in a natural setting (Steber, n.d). The most obvious was that researchers were able to observe how the hospital staff interacted with their customers and patients on a daily basis. This information provided researchers with a firsthand perspective and allowed them to verbalize and capitalize on Akron’s strengths. On the opposite side researchers were able to observe the patients. How the patients and parents reacted to the staff and their policies. They were able to determine what parents liked and did not like about the care they were provided with. Joanne Kim from Marcus Thomas stated that they observed the patients 24/7. This is critical to the study; however it is very taxing on the researcher. This could be considered a negative. Another negative is the amount of time that it took to gather enough data. The researcher would have had to study a plethora of nurses, doctors, aids, and officer personnel. Not to mention the number of different patients that may have been difficult to handle or that may have been severely sick which could have made the researcher uncomfortable to be present during that situation.


3. What does the brand promise recommendations reveal about what researchers experienced and concluded from their study?

The researchers watched and observed the hospital staff have difficult conversations with parents and children. The researchers concluded that the entire situation was emotional. Due to the emotional state of the situation, it was concluded that parents make their hospital decision on emotion as well. Overall, the study yielded great results for the hospital. Staff from the hospital were observed explaining the child’s sickness in verbiage that they understood. Parents were also encouraged throughout the process. Researchers also noted that one of the main focuses of the hospital was on kids being kids. The atmosphere was not centered around sickness but rather joy and positivity. One article by Johns Hopkins Hospital stated that “people with heart failure were one third less likely to suffer a heart attack than those that had a negative outlook” (JHP,, 2021).


4. If you were designing such an observation study, what would you direct researchers to record/look for/listen for?

When designing an observational study, I find one of the most important factors is employing researchers that are people persons. They need to be able to understand and read different emotions. I would also recommend that the researchers be from different backgrounds. If all the researchers were from similar backgrounds, they would miss something in the reporting. For example, what is acceptable in one culture may not be acceptable in another. “The close relationship between mankind and language makes translation and interpretation the greatest tool for worldwide understanding of one another” (Bustamante,, 2021). Without someone that can potentially recognize it, it may go without reporting. In conducting the study, I would encourage researchers to listen to what is being said. Report on how it made the researcher feel as well as how the person being spoken too received the information. Having the researcher note how it made them feel is critical because when dealing with the public someone really may be attempting to help the individual, but they took it the opposite way.


5. What ethical issues would surface in hospital studies in general and this study in particular?

Hospitals by nature are a public place, however the business handled there is very private. Most people do not like their medical records, or situations to be used in a study or observed by another person that is not family. There are also laws that protect this information from being shared by health care providers. “HIPAA compliance laws set the standards for protecting sensitive patient data that healthcare providers, insurance companies, and other covered entities must adhere to” (IAN,, 2023). These laws can be difficult to navigate. If a patient has not signed a legal waiver and a hospital staff member shares the patient’s medical information with the researcher, it could place the hospital in a lawsuit. The ethical dilemma could arise within the researcher themselves if they feel as if a medical professional has broken HIPAA law. They would have the difficult decision to make on whether to report them or not.  




Bustamante, D. (2021, December 9).  How culture is linked to translation and interpretation. Globalization Partners International.

Ian. (2023, July 20).  What are HIPAA laws?. HIPAA Journal.

Rukhaiyar, A. (2022, June 22). Why is digital marketing so important to businesses? – springboard.

Steber, C. (n.d.).  Observational Research: Data Collection Advantages and disadvantages. Top Market Research Agency in St Louis.,as%20focus%20groups%20and%20surveys.