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Defense of a Research Question open each attachment for instructions on my assignment click on each yellow box for teacher comments and read the feedback please ?A – 4 – Mastery

Deliverable 2 – Defense of a Research Question

open each attachment for instructions

on my assignment click on each yellow box for teacher comments and read the feedback please

 A – 4 – Mastery

Research question demonstrates thorough examination of a problem/issue; is original; and meets each element of the FINER protocol.

0B – 3 – Proficiency

Research question demonstrates a moderate examination of a problem/issue; is original; and meets at least four elements of the FINER protocol.

0C – 2 – Competence

Research question demonstrates a basic examination of a problem/issue. The originality may be questionable. Meets most elements of the FINER protocol.

0F – 1 – No Pass

Research question is unoriginal and/or does not meet the FINER protocol.

0I – 0 – Not Submitted

Not Submitted

Assignment Content


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Demonstrate characteristics of scholarly writing.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


The first step in writing a research proposal is identifying a viable research question in order to fill a gap in literature and/or solve a problem. After considering what most interests you in your field of study (academic program) and conducting a preliminary examination of current research in library databases, you will develop a research question and provide a rationalization for its viability for this section of the research project. The research question will serve as the foundation of your research proposal project.


Choose a topic on a newer or emerging topic in your field of study.

· Using this FINER protocol, create a research question. Be sure it encompasses each of the following elements: 

FINER Protocol for Research Questions_Deliverable 2.docx

· Feasible

· Interesting

· Novel

· Ethical

· Relevant

· Defend the viability and the FINER protocol of the question in a two-to-three-page paper (not including the title and reference pages).

· Submit the research question and defense as a single document.

NOTE – Be sure the documents are in APA format (including title page, font, headings) and contain proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.


· Choosing a Review Topic and Formulating a Research Question Below

Bottom of Form

FINER Protocol for Research Questions


How is the proposed study manageable in scope, population, and resources?


How is the proposed study thought-provoking and appealing to a particular audience as well as the researcher?


How is the proposed study original, and how does it fill a gap in the literature?


How will the researcher ensure that participants and any data collected are treated with respect for privacy and confidentiality?


Why is the proposed study important at this time and/or in a particular circumstance?



The Role of Public Health technology on Improving Health Care Delivery

Marie Jeune

Scholarly and Writing

Rasmussen University

Robert Neuteboom



The Role of public health technology in improving health care delivery

The primary goal of public health is to improve the health of communities, and

technology can help accomplish this. With the help of public health technology, health

professionals can now collect and analyze real-time population data to develop effective

strategies to address various health situations. The rapid emergence and evolution of new

technologies over the past two decades have greatly changed the way people communicate and

share information (Secinaro et al., 2021). This has created an information age where new tools

and methods are being used to disseminate knowledge in unprecedented ways. Social media has

also become an integral part of people's daily lives, allowing them to connect and share ideas.

The potential of new technologies to improve the quality of health care is immense. However, it

is still not clear how they can be used to effectively deliver this service at a lower cost.

The rise of mobile phones and internet connectivity has made the world a more global

village. With advancements in technology, such as the availability of communication devices and

information, there is a potential that healthcare delivery could be transformed in the 21st century.

Through the use of mobile phones, emergency services can be provided in real-time to help save

lives. For instance, a simple text message can be sent to help a woman in need of immediate

assistance during difficult labor. In other global tobacco surveys, healthcare workers can collect

data using handheld devices. They can then transfer the information to a central location in just a

couple of minutes (Matheny et al., 2019). This type of facility can be utilized in other similar

surveys without the need for printed forms. Through satellite connectivity, distance learning can

be improved, and data related to unusual health events can be sent out early.

Robert Neuteboom
Capitalize all main words in your title.


How technology is used will determine its potential to improve the quality and efficiency

of health care. The potential of information and communication technology to enhance the safety

and efficiency of health care is immense. As the World Health Organization has acknowledged,

all countries should develop and implement effective electronic health systems (ehealth systems)

to improve the quality of their health services (Matheny et al., 2019). Although governments

have a major role in setting the agenda, it is also important that they work together with other

key stakeholder groups such as the private sector and international organizations to improve the

quality of health care. Member States can learn from their partners and other countries'

experiences when it comes to using modern technology.

The rapid emergence and evolution of new technology can be challenging, especially

when it comes to implementing resolutions and initiatives from the World Health Assembly. In

many countries, there are still gaps in the availability of connectivity and infrastructure.

Additionally, the initial cost of using modern technology is high compared to other priorities and

the basic health needs of the population. This is why the WHO and other organizations must

demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of this technology. The WHO and other organizations should

come up with creative ways of funding and sharing the cost of using technology so that it can

serve as a vital part of the information highway. Besides this, it is also important that the training

of healthcare workers is carried out properly (Secinaro et al., 2021). Various issues need to be

resolved to ensure that the safety and security of patient information is maintained. These include

the lack of consistency in legal standards and the increasing digital divide, which is affecting the

social gradient and society as a whole.

Robert Neuteboom



Matheny, M., Israni, S. T., Ahmed, M., &Whicher, D. (2019). Artificial intelligence in

health care: The hope, the hype, the promise, the peril. Washington, DC: National Academy of

Medicine, 10.

Secinaro, S., Calandra, D., Secinaro, A., Muthurangu, V., &Biancone, P. (2021). The role

of artificial intelligence in healthcare: a structured literature review. BMC medical informatics

and decision making, 21, 1-23.

Robert Neuteboom
Use hanging indentation instead of centering your sources on your References page.


Feedback for student XXXXXX

7/20/23, 9:50 AM

Hi M,

You certainly have a handle on the issues and complexities associated with your topic. I will ask that you go back into this assignment, however, and reconsider your approach. In your introduction, please present your research question in the form of a question and, in subsequent paragraphs, explain how your question is feasible, interesting, novel, ethical, and relevant. The purpose of this paper should be to prove the viability, strength, and need of your question by applying the FINER framework. See my comments on your paper and on the rubric for additional feedback.
