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english and need to help me learn. Choose ONE of the stories or poems below

english and need to help me learn.

Choose ONE of the stories or poems below and write a 3-4 paragraph essay analyzing ONE of the following topics: theme, symbolism, imagery, or character.
You must use at least FIVE literary terms in your exam essay, applied to your reading.
While you may do a very brief summary, all summary or “book report” style essays will not receive a passing grade. Be sure to proofread thoroughly! Grammar weighs heavily in this exam.
“The Big Trip Up Yonder” by Kurt Vonnegut (analysis suggestion: theme, character)
“Song of Death” by Gabriela Mistral (symbolism, imagery, theme)
“How the Widow Won the Deacon” by William James Lampton (character)
“Vestiges” by Rudolf Fisher (character, imagery)
“Fruit of the Flower” by Countee Cullen (symbolism, imagery, theme
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