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COM 4310: Research Methods in Communication

Dear all,

Welcome to COM 4310 online class!

To give you a good idea about this online course and some information on how to work efficiently in the online environment (related to this course only), I prepared for you a PPT titled: An Introduction to COM 4310. It uses a very informal style, but includes extremely important information that literally has implications on your success or failure in this course.

Where to Find: Course Content/Module1.

So, take the time to read it carefully and follow every direction and/or piece of advice.

Action: I want each one of you to reply to this post and confirm that you read this Introduction PPT. This will be considered as participation in this week's discussion. Don't forget to introduce yourselves in the appropriate forum. It will also count toward your grade. 

COM 4310: Research Methods in Communication

Introduction to the Online Course

Make a habit to review the tentative course schedule at the beginning of each week (preferably on Sunday). This way, you will be on top of all assignments, readings, and deadlines due on a given week.

This is really important, so make sure you adopt this habit…

My Best Advice to You:

Stop Here and Go Read The Course Syllabus and Tentative Course Schedule

I hope you did, because after reading the course syllabus and tentative schedule, you will be able to make (a little) more sense of the information presented on this PPT.

Have you really Stopped and Read?

The week in the online environment begins on Monday 12:01 am and ends on Sunday 11:59 pm.

Every Monday we actually begin a new week (you will notice that the tentative course schedule is arranged accordingly)

The Online Week

Every week, I will post one discussion question that serves as our class discussion.

EVERY student is expected to reply to it (this is considered your course participation).

These questions are usually based on the material covered on that week and require your opinion or thoughts on it. Nothing is difficult about it (really, super easy).

Weekly Discussions: What is it?

What’s the catch? You have to reply to it within the specific week. For example, if the question is for week 1 (01/10 -01/16)—you must reply to it within these dates.

Late responses after the 48-hour grace period will not count… No exceptions without a valid medical note. Please refer to the syllabus for more information.

The Weekly Discussion forums are limited to course material only or to questions about course material (not administrative issues/problems/questions).

Weekly Discussions: The Rules

For Example: Discussion: Week 1 will be the place where I post the discussion question for week one and in which you will post your responses. Once week 1 ends, the discussion is outdated (relevant only for the material covered on week 1)

Weekly Discussions: Where to Find?

This discussion forum is to post anything that is administrative in nature.

I will post there announcements, will remind you about course-related stuff, will post teams list, will communicate with you about dates’ changes etc…

Make sure you do not post there any PERSONAL questions/problems that you do not want to share with everybody .

General Discussion Forum

The general discussion forum is NOT the forum through which you “campaign” for material reduction, extension of due dates or any other relief efforts…

If you have a specific, personal problem that you wish to discuss (even if you think other class members might face the same issue), you may contact me via Canvas system and I will do my best to help you out. My decision will reflect all class members if I think it is relevant to all. But this is my decision.

General Forum: You are neither the Class Representative nor the Spokesperson

For any personal matter, use the Canvas message system or email me directly.

I will use the Canvas messages to distribute important messages that I think you might miss in the general discussion forum or in any other forum.

If you have an important issue you need to discuss with me and you get no response via Canvas message system, you may use my FIU e-mail address: [email protected]


Warning: You might see the same message appears in different places on Canvas (such as inbox messages, general discussion forum, announcements etc…)

The reason I place it in so many places is because I want to make sure you GOT IT—not because I want to nudge you !!!

Important Issues

You will have 4 quizzes in this class (see tentative schedule for dates and chapters)

Quizzes are true/false questions (10 questions in each quiz). You will have 15 minutes to complete a quiz.

The purpose of the quizzes are to force you to read the book chapters (I apologize for the inconvenience but this is the only way to make you read  ).

So, the nature of the questions in those quizzes are only to check that you really read. Nothing is too complicated.

BTW—Quizzes will start from week 1. You can use an older textbook version —it’s cheaper; 10th edition is also fine as it follows the PPT modules.

Make sure you read the assigned chapters each week, so you will not accumulate too much unread material (the PPTs will help you better understand the chapters but cannot replace reading them).


Make sure you SAVE all your answers as you answer each of question to avoid losing your responses if you run out of time.

You will have a three-day window (from Friday to Sunday) to complete the quiz. You have to complete in one sitting (you cannot save for a later time).

No extension will be granted if you miss the open window.



I assigned a three-day timeframe in which you can take each quiz (Friday-Sunday). You may chose any day you want.

However, try your best to take the quiz on Friday or as earliest possible rather than leaving it to the last minute when all sorts of problems usually emerge with no solutions….

Quizzes: Where to Find?

If you have any technical problem or difficulty to see the quiz, connect to the system, save your responses, system crush or any other disastrous situation that prevent you from completing the quiz successfully, please contact:

FIU ONLINE SUPPORT SYSTEM and not me because I will not be able to help you with any problems related to the system.

FIU Online Support will issue a case number that will justify why you could not take a quiz. Only then, I will be able to let you re-take the quiz. If I do not have the OK from FIU Online Support, I cannot let you re-take a quiz. See contact information for FIU Online Support.

Technical Problems with Quizzes

In this course you will have ONE (1) team assignments and one (1) individual assignment (see tentative schedule for dates).

Individual Assignment: IRB training (Assignment I)

Team assignment: Survey Project Assignment (Assignment II).

The instructions for the assignments are going to be placed in the assignment tab. The instructions will also appear on the week in which the assignment will be given (in the course content tab).

You will have to submit an assignment on the due date through the assignment drop box (see left Canvas panel). One paper per team for group assignments.


The professor will assign you into your team on a randomly basis (based on the class roster).

Once you get your team assigned, make sure you contact the team members and exchange with them contact information.

It is your responsibility to contact your team members and start working. Not being able to contact your teammates is not an excuse to avoid doing the assignment.

Working in teams in an online environment is very challenging. Your teammates will be rating your participation. If you do not contribute to the project, you will get a zero for the assignment. Be an effective team player and do your share!


There is only one (1) final exam.

50 multiple-choice questions (online exam).

Material to be included: All material covered in the book chapter and PPT presentations (the PPTs are covering/clarifying the book chapters).

I will discuss it in more details as we get closer to the exam.

I will dedicate the week before the exam for a review for the final exam.

The exam dates have been scheduled in advance. Please plan accordingly.

Final Exam

For any technical problem with CANVAS

If a quiz/exam does not open or you cannot see it

If you have problems with viewing the course content

If you have problems posting information

If you have problems to log in


Technical Support

E-mail & Live Chat Support Sun – Thur from 8am – 10pm Fri. and Sat. from 8am – 8pm

Phone Support Monday – Friday from 8am – 8pm Telephone: 305-348 3630       

Toll-Free: 1-877-3-ELEARN  

Canvas Support: Contact

First, relax.

It is going to be a great course (given that you follow the previously written suggestions and recommendations).

It is not hard—you just need to keep up with the readings and the PPTs in each week (See Course Content tab).

And…after you finish reading this PPT, and the syllabus, you should feel more comfortable regarding what’s ahead.

OK, So What’s Next?

Make sure you read EVERY post/email I send to you directly or the class. You should also read posts made by your classmates—you might find useful and relevant information.

If you are struggling with the material or any external challenge, please do not wait until you missed assignments to reach out for help. Communicating early will increase your chances of success.

One more Advice…

I wish us all a great, interesting and enjoyable learning experience. Research is fun discipline!

I know it will be a wonderful journey!


Prof. Bauduy





Chapter 1 The Role of Marketing Research

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Learning Outcomes

After studying this chapter, you should

Know what marketing research is and what it does for business

Understand the difference between basic and applied marketing research

Understand how the role of marketing research changes with the orientation of the firm

Be able to integrate marketing research results into the strategic planning process

Know when marketing research should and should not be conducted

Appreciate the way technology and internationalization are changing marketing research


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What Is Marketing Research?

Key questions in business and marketing research

What do we sell?

How do consumers view our company?

What does our company/product mean?

What do consumers desire?

How does our brand touch consumers?



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Learning Objective 01


Marketing Research Defined (1 of 2)

Marketing Research is the application of the scientific method in searching for the truth about marketing phenomena

The process includes:

Idea and theory development

Problem definition

Information gathering

Analyzing data

Model building

Communicating the findings and their implications



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Learning Objective 01


Marketing Research Defined (2 of 2)

This definition suggests that marketing research information is:

Not accidental or haphazardly gathered

Accurate and objective

Relevant to all aspects of the marketing mix

Limited by one’s definition of marketing

We explore marketing research as it applies to all organizations and institutions engaging in some form of marketing activity



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Learning Objective 01


Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is a term used to capture all of the various communicative technologies through which marketing enterprises (suppliers, manufacturers, retailers, etc.) work together with customers toward enhancing value from interaction, including exchange and relationships



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Learning Objective 01


EXHIBIT 1.1 Marketing Research and Digital Technologies



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Learning Objective 01


Applied Marketing Research

Applied Marketing Research is conducted to address a specific marketing decision for a specific firm or organization


Should Green Mountain Coffee add cola to its array of pod-based beverages?



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Learning Objective 02


Basic Marketing Research

Basic Marketing Research is conducted without a specific decision in mind and usually does not address the needs of a specific organization

Attempts to expand the limits of marketing knowledge in general

Not aimed at solving a pragmatic problem

Can test the validity of a general marketing theory (one that applies to all of marketing) or can be used to learn more about some market phenomenon, e.g., social networking



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Learning Objective 02


The Scientific Method

The Scientific Method is the way by which researchers go about using knowledge and evidence to reach objective conclusions about the real world

All marketing research, whether basic or applied, involves the scientific method

Marketing researchers apply the scientific method to understand marketing phenomena



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Learning Objective 02


EXHIBIT 1.2 The Scientific Method



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Learning Objective 02


Marketing Research and Strategic Management Orientation

Types of strategic management orientations provide a common theme for decision-making







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Learning Objective 03


EXHIBIT 1.3 Types of Business Orientation

Product Orientation Production Orientation Marketing Orientation Stakeholder Orientation
Internal focus Internal focus External focus External focus
Emphasize product superiority Emphasize efficiency and low costs Emphasize customer tastes and desires Emphasize a balance in satisfying all parties touched by organization
Product research is critical Process research is important Customer research is essential Consumer research is important
Narrow or even niche markets served Mass markets often required for success Identifiable market segments matched with unique product Select segments served balanced with great concern for public persona



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Learning Objective 03


The Marketing Concept

Focuses on how a firm provides value to customers more than on the physical product or production process

A marketing-oriented firm must:

Be customer-oriented—makes decisions with a conscious awareness of their effect on the consumer

Emphasize long-run profitability—ensures continuity of firm

Adopt a cross-functional perspective—integrate marketing across other business functions



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Learning Objective 03


Keeping Customers and Building Relationships

Relationship marketing is the idea that a major goal of marketing is to build long-term relationships with the customers contributing to their success

Views a sale not as the end of a process but as the start of the organization’s relationship with a customer—marketers want customers for life

Satisfied customers will return to a company that has treated them well



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Learning Objective 03


Marketing Research: A Means For Implementing the Marketing Concept

Tracking trends

Analysis of existing data

Use sales data to offer customers product suggestions



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Learning Objective 03


Marketing Research and Strategic Marketing Management

Developing and implementing a marketing strategy involves four stages:

Identifying and evaluating market opportunities

Analyzing market segments and selecting target markets

Planning and implementing a marketing mix that will provide value to customers and meet organizational objectives

Analyzing firm performance



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Learning Objective 04


EXHIBIT 1.4 Marketing Research Cuts Decision Risk with Input That Leads to Value



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Learning Objective 04


Stage1: Identifying and Evaluating Opportunities

Monitoring the competitive environment for signals indicating a business opportunity

Helps managers recognize problems and identify opportunities for enriching marketing efforts

Motivates a firm to take action to address consumer desires in a way that is beneficial to both the customers and to the firm

Estimates of market sales potential allow managers to evaluate the profitability of various opportunities



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Learning Objective 04


Stage 2: Analyzing and Selecting Target Markets

Geo-demographics is information describing the demographic profile of consumers in a particular geographic region

Once the company knows the geo-demographics of a market segment, it can effectively communicate with those customers by choosing media that reach that particular profile

Example: Architectural Digest magazine



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Learning Objective 04


Stage 3: Planning and Implementing a Marketing Mix

Marketing research can be used to support specific decisions about aspects of the marketing mix

It is essential that an overall research plan involves all elements of marketing strategy



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Learning Objective 04


Types of Marketing Mix Research: Product Research

Designed to evaluate and develop new products and to learn how to adapt existing product lines

Concept testing

Product testing

Brand-name evaluation

Package testing



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Learning Objective 04


Types of Marketing Mix Research: Pricing Research

Pricing research represents typical marketing research

Pricing Strategy involves finding the amount of monetary sacrifice that best represents the value customers perceive in a product after considering various market constraints

Pricing research by its nature also involves consumer quality perceptions



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Learning Objective 04


Types of Marketing Mix Research: Distribution Research

Studies aimed at selecting retail sites or warehouse locations that will physically distribute products.

Needed to gain knowledge about retailers’ and who