Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Overview The final project for this course is the creation of an information technology incident report. Successful management in information technology requires knowledge of the legal - Writingforyou

Overview The final project for this course is the creation of an information technology incident report. Successful management in information technology requires knowledge of the legal



The final project for this course is the creation of an information technology incident report.

Successful management in information technology requires knowledge of the legal and ethical environment. Globalization, increasing commerce between graphical locations brought on by the ability to connect online, and the increasing mix of cultures bring additional complexity to the considerations of law and ethics in cybersecurity and information technology (IT). The final project for this course will require you to research a recent (within the last five years) incident or event in the field of IT, e-commerce, or cyber security in the context of the legal and ethical standards of that time period. You will identify the issues the organization(s) had, recommend changes for that organization(s), and write a report that highlights your recent analysis, findings, and recommendations.

The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Seven. The final submission will occur in Module Nine.

In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

  • Apply cyberlaw principles appropriately to everyday circumstances, business models, and information technology issues
  • Assess legal and compliance issues related to information technology for their impact to organizations, society, and culture
  • Propose relevant changes to organizations and standards that ensure legal and ethical cyber practice and behavior
  • Determine the impact of various legal cases on compliance and regulatory standards within information technology
  • Analyze the impact of various cultural attitudes and legal issues related to global communication on information technology


You will select a recent or current incident from the public record and analyze the case to identify the issues that led to the incident. What recommendations can you make to ensure the incident will not occur again? What were the results of the incident? And, finally, what were the cultural, societal, or global impacts of this case and the subsequent changes to the legal environment? Please note: Your selection will need to be submitted and approved by the instructor.

Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Introduction
    1. Apply cyberlaw and security principles to the business, e-commerce, and e-communication industries. What purpose does the application of cyber principles serve for these industries?
    2. Summarize the selected case, including the necessary organizational information, industry, problem, and time period of the incident.
  2. Case Analysis
    1. Analyze the case to determine the ethical issues within the organization that may have led to the incident. What are these issues and why do you credit them for the incident?
    2. Determine legal compliance issues within the organization that may have led to the incident or could lead to future incidents. Were there any legal and ethical standards in existence at the time that were not followed by the organization? What were these issues and how did they impact the organization?
    3. Determine the societal and cultural impact of these compliance issues. Some things to consider in your assessment include specific targeting of demographic groups, victimization of certain customers, and so on.
  3. Incident Impact
    1. Determine the impact this incident may have had on the ethical and legal IT regulations of the time. If there were no direct results of this case, what may have been the indirect impact and/or what was the impact of similar cases? For example, what regulatory changes resulted from this or similar cases? What is your reasoning?
    2. Determine the connection between the industry standards and the standards in existence for information technology. Specifically, determine if the organization was lacking in either industry-specific or IT-specific alignment with regulations that may have contributed to the incident, and provide support for your conclusions. For example, misalignment with HIPAA laws in healthcare is an industry-specific deviation from standards.
    3. Cultural Impact: Analyze the influence this incident may have had on various cultural attitudes toward IT and cybercommunication or commerce. In other words, how could this incident impact views of information technology use ?
  4. Recommendations
    1. Propose relevant changes to the organization that may have prevented the incident. How would these changes have helped to prevent the occurrence?
    2. Propose reasonable ethical guidelines that could have helped prevent the incident and that might help the organization prevent future incidents.
    3. Propose changes to the standards external to the organization that might have helped prevent the incident. This can include changes to regulations and regulatory and ethical standards that might exist today but did not exist or were not properly delivered at the time of the incident. Be sure to support your conclusions.
  5. Global Considerations
    1. What international compliance standards (either at the time of the incident or today) would have been relevant to the incident, and how? If your company is not global, imagine that is.
    2. Analyze the impact of the incident on global communication and commerce (again, if your organization is not global, imagine otherwise). In other words, what impact did (or would) the incident have on views and use of information technology and communication in global contexts?
    3. Global Technology Environment: Based on your research and analysis of this case, determine the global legal and regulatory impacts this case had on the information technology overall. In other words, determine the relationship between this case and the global regulatory standards that are now in place, will be put in place shortly, or should be put in place as a result of this or related incident(s).
  6. Summary: Given your knowledge of cyberlaw principles, ethical needs, and legal compliance standards, summarize how you applied these principles to your analysis of the case. In other words, how did you apply cyberlaw principles to the circumstances, business model, and IT issues that the selected organization faced?


Milestone One: Introduction
In Module Two, you will submit the introduction. In this assignment you will identify the cyber law principles and explain how each applies to the business, e- commerce, ore-communication industries chosen. Describe the purpose of the application of the principles serve for the industry. You will also need to include the necessary organizational information, industry, problem, and the time period of the incident that occurred. The format of this assignment will be a one- to two-page Word document. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Case Analysis and Incident Impact
In Module Four, you will submit the Case Analysis and Incident Impacts. In this assignment you will analyze the ethical issues and determine the legal compliance issues within the organization as well as the social and cultural impacts of these compliance issues. You will be expected to address the impact the incident may have had on the ethical and legal IT regulations at the time. The connection between the industry standards and the standards for informational technology should be determined, as well as the influence of the cultural impact to IT and cybercommunication or commerce. The format of this assignment will be a three- to five-page Word document. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.

Milestone Three: Recommendations and Global Considerations
In Module Seven, you will submit the Recommendations and Global Considerations. In this assignment you will suggest relevant changes to the organization itself and changes to the ethical guidelines that could have prevented the incident. Standards external to the organization that may have helped prevent the incident should also be proposed. This assignment will also address international compliance standards and how they would have been relevant to the incident. The impact of the incident on global communication and commerce will be analyzed, as well as the impact on the global technology environment. The format of this assignment will be a three- to five-page Word document. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.

Final Submission: Information Technology Incident Report and Summary
In Module Nine, you will submit your Information Technology Incident Report along with a summary explaining how you applied the principles to your analysis of the case. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded using the Final Product Rubric.

What to Submit

Your report should be long enough to contain all relevant information, reasoning, and research. It should be formatted logically and written in a professional manner, following APA guidelines.

See attached additional resources..






JUNE 2023.


There are different things that the colonial pipeline can do to prevent similar attacks in the future. However, the organization should first do things that touch on the organization itself. Firstly, the organization should enhance its cybersecurity measures by implementing a multi-layered defense system. This includes implementing strong access controls, network segmentation, and encryption technologies to protect critical infrastructure and customer data (Volz & Martz, 2021). By employing these measures, the organization can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches. The following are some of the recommendations that the organization should make.

Additionally, the organization should prioritize conducting regular security audits and assessments to effectively identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in its IT infrastructure. These comprehensive assessments should encompass internal and external systems and incorporate thorough penetration testing to identify potential entry points for cyber attackers (Shubber & Fountain, 2021). By conducting these audits regularly, the organization can proactively address any identified security gaps and significantly strengthen its overall security posture, ensuring a robust defense against cyber threats.

Furthermore, it is highly recommended that the organization establish a dedicated cybersecurity team of experienced professionals. This specialized team would be entrusted with crucial responsibilities, including constant monitoring and swift response to potential threats, conducting regular risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities, and implementing industry-recognized security best practices. By having a dedicated team solely focused on cybersecurity, the colonial pipeline can proactively stay ahead of emerging cyber threats, promptly address any security incidents or breaches, and continuously enhance its overall security posture (Saldaña-Negrete & Longoria-Gandara, 2019)

. The expertise and dedication of this team would play a pivotal role in safeguarding the organization's critical infrastructure, sensitive data, and customer trust, ensuring a resilient and secure environment against cyber threats.

Regarding ethical guidelines, a crucial recommendation is for the organization to adopt a privacy-by-design approach. This entails incorporating privacy and security considerations into new systems and technology development. Proactively embedding privacy and security into the organization's products and services can significantly minimize the risk of data breaches and privacy violations. This approach ensures that privacy and security are fundamental principles throughout the organization's operations, fostering a culture of responsible data handling and safeguarding customer trust.

The colonial pipeline must prioritize employee education and awareness regarding cybersecurity best practices. Regular training programs should be implemented to educate employees about prevalent cyber threats like phishing and social engineering while offering guidance on identifying and responding appropriately. By fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness throughout the organization, employees can serve as the first line of defense against potential attacks. Equipping employees with the knowledge and skills to recognize and mitigate cyber risks significantly strengthens the overall security posture and reduces the organization's vulnerability to cyber threats.

Changes to the standards external to the colonial pipeline are also necessary to prevent similar incidents. For example, regulatory bodies should enact stricter regulations specific to critical infrastructure protection, mandating regular security assessments and setting minimum security standards. Additionally, data protection laws should be strengthened to impose more stringent penalties for non-compliance and ensure timely reporting of data breaches. Finally, industry-specific standards and frameworks, such as the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards, should be updated and made more comprehensive to address emerging cyber threats effectively.

Global Considerations

Regarding international compliance standards, the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack underscores the imperative for global collaboration in addressing cybersecurity threats. Organizations must embrace internationally recognized standards, such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and ISO 27001, to establish a common baseline for cybersecurity practices across borders (National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST], 2018). By aligning with these standards, organizations can demonstrate a commitment to robust security measures and establish a solid foundation for protecting critical infrastructure and sensitive data. Furthermore, widespread adoption of these international standards promotes interoperability, facilitates information sharing, and enhances cooperation between organizations and countries in combating cyber threats on a global scale. Embracing international compliance standards is crucial to fostering a secure and resilient global technology environment.

The incident involving the Colonial Pipeline profoundly impacted global communication and commerce. The disruption of the pipeline's operations caused fuel shortages and panic buying, leading to significant disruptions in transportation and economic activities across multiple states. This incident is a stark reminder of the interconnectedness of critical infrastructure and the potential cascading effects on global commerce (Shubber & Fountain, 2021). It emphasizes the urgent need for enhanced resilience and robust security measures in critical sectors with far-reaching international implications. The incident highlights the importance of prioritizing cybersecurity and implementing measures to mitigate risks to critical infrastructure, ensuring the stability and security of essential services globally.

In the global technology environment, the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack serves as a wake-up call for governments and regulatory bodies to strengthen their information security regulations. Governments may introduce new legislation to address the specific vulnerabilities exposed by the incident, such as mandatory cybersecurity audits for critical infrastructure operators and stricter penalties for non-compliance. In addition, increased international cooperation and information-sharing initiatives may be established to mitigate the global impact of cyber threats.

Furthermore, the incident emphasizes the importance of public-private partnerships in addressing cybersecurity challenges. Collaboration between governments, organizations, and technology providers is crucial in sharing threat intelligence, developing innovative security solutions, and establishing global cybersecurity standards (Hadjioannou & Anagnostopoulos, 2020). By fostering such partnerships, the global technology environment can become more resilient to cyber threats.

To prevent incidents similar to the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack, the organization should enhance its cybersecurity measures, establish a dedicated cybersecurity team, and prioritize employee education and awareness. Ethical guidelines should prioritize privacy and security by design, and external standards should be strengthened through stricter regulations and industry-specific frameworks. Internationally, the incident highlights the need for global collaboration, the adoption of common cybersecurity standards, and increased resilience in critical sectors. The incident's impact on global communication and commerce calls for strengthened regulations, international cooperation, and public-private partnerships to address cyber threats effectively.


Shubber, K., & Fountain, H. (2021). Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack exposes gaps in US critical infrastructure cybersecurity. Financial Times. Retrieved from

Hadjioannou, V., & Anagnostopoulos, I. (2020). Cybersecurity ethics: An analysis of issues and frameworks. In A. Visvizi & M. Lytras (Eds.), Ethical Models and Applications of Globalization: Cultural, Socio-Political and Economic Perspectives (pp. 204–225). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-40648-8_12

Volz, D., & Martz, T. (2021). Lessons from the Colonial Pipeline cyber-attack: Improving pipeline security in an era of emerging cyber threats. Energy Law Journal, 42(2), 347-379.

Saldaña-Negrete, J., & Longoria-Gandara, F. (2019). Impact of cyber-attacks on communication networks: A review. In M. Pechenizkiy, N. Serrano, & C. A. Iglesias (Eds.), Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 14th International Conference (pp. 373-384). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-19642-4_32

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). (2018). Framework for improving critical infrastructure cybersecurity. Retrieved from






MAY 2023


Cybersecurity is paramount in today's interconnected world, as it plays a crucial role in safeguarding various industries from cyber threats. Breaches and incidents have far-reaching consequences on businesses and society. The Colonial Pipeline cyberattack is a significant incident highlighting critical infrastructure vulnerability. This attack, which occurred in 2021, disrupted the operations of the Colonial Pipeline, a key player in the oil and gas industry in the United States, leading to fuel shortages and raising concerns about cybersecurity measures in critical sectors.

Case Analysis

Ethical Issues

The Colonial Pipeline cyberattack revealed significant organizational ethical issues that contributed to the incident. Firstly, there needed to be more sufficient cybersecurity measures in place. Secondly, there needed to be a better priority to protect customer data and critical infrastructure. The organization failed to adequately protect its IT infrastructure, leaving it vulnerable to cyber threats. This lack of proactive security measures can be seen as an ethical failure, as it disregarded the responsibility to safeguard customer data and critical infrastructure from potential harm (Shubber & Fountain, 2021). This suggests a lack of ethical responsibility towards the stakeholders who rely on the organization's services and trust that their information will be secure.

Legal Compliance Issues

The incident also raised concerns regarding legal compliance within the organization. There is a possibility that the organization violated data protection and privacy laws. The unauthorized access and potential exposure of sensitive customer information may have contravened data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or relevant privacy laws in the United States. Additionally, the organization should have addressed industry-specific rules for critical infrastructure protection. These regulations provide guidelines and best practices to mitigate cyber threats and ensure the continuity of essential services. Failure to comply with these standards could have exposed the organization to higher risks and contributed to the severity of the cyberattack.

Societal and Cultural Impact

The repercussions of the compliance issues extended beyond the organization itself, resulting in significant societal and cultural impacts. The fuel shortages caused by the attack led to panic buying and long queues at gas stations in several states. This disrupted the daily lives of individuals, affected transportation, and had a broader economic impact. Furthermore, concerns about the security of personal information arose, leading to a loss of trust among customers (Shubber & Fountain, 2021). The incident highlighted the potential consequences of inadequate cybersecurity measures, contributing to a growing awareness of the importance of protecting sensitive data and critical infrastructure. It also influenced cultural attitudes toward the use of technology and cybersecurity, emphasizing the need for organizations to prioritize and invest in robust security measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Incident Impact

Ethical and Legal IT Regulations

The Colonial Pipeline cyberattack, directly and indirectly, impacted ethical and legal IT regulations. The incident exposed vulnerabilities in cybersecurity practices and highlighted the urgent need for stronger laws. It served as a wake-up call to lawmakers and regulatory bodies, emphasizing the importance of addressing cybersecurity threats in critical infrastructure sectors. As a result, there may have been potential regulatory changes and a renewed focus on stricter cybersecurity measures to prevent similar incidents. Indirectly, the incident influenced the development of new ethical and legal frameworks by encouraging discussions around mandatory breach reporting (Hadjioannou & Anagnostopoulos, 2020), increased penalties for non-compliance, and enhanced data protection requirements.

The connection between Industry Standards and IT Standards

The incident highlighted the importance of aligning industry and IT standards to effectively protect critical infrastructure and sensitive data. The organization's failure to align with both industry-specific and IT-specific standards contributed to the incident. Lack of alignment with industry-specific regulations for critical infrastructure protection, such as the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards, meant the organization needed robust cybersecurity measures. This made it more susceptible to cyber threats (Volz & Martz, 2021). Additionally, the organization's failure to adhere to IT-specific standards and best practices, such as regular software updates, network monitoring, and employee cybersecurity training, further weakened its overall security posture.

Cultural Impact

The Colonial Pipeline cyberattack profoundly influenced cultural attitudes toward IT and cyber communication or commerce. The incident brought cybersecurity concerns to the forefront of public consciousness and increased awareness about the potential consequences of cyber threats. It was a stark reminder of critical infrastructure vulnerabilities, shifting cultural attitudes toward prioritizing cybersecurity measures. Individuals and organizations became more cautious about the security of their personal information and were prompted to take proactive steps to protect themselves (Saldaña-Negrete & Longoria-Gandara, 2019). The incident also fostered a greater appreciation for the role of cybersecurity in maintaining the stability and security of various industries, shaping cultural perceptions of information technology use, and emphasizing the need for robust cybersecurity practices in the digital age.


The Colonial Pipeline cyberattack had significant ethical, legal, societal, and cultural impacts. The incident highlighted the importance of robust cybersecurity measures and adherence to ethical responsibilities in protecting critical infrastructure and customer data. The pressing ethical issues contributing to the incident were the lack of sufficient cybersecurity measures and the failure to prioritize safeguarding sensitive information and infrastructure. The incident underscored the need for more robust cybersecurity measures and increased industry awareness. It prompted discussions on potential regulatory changes and stricter cybersecurity requirements to prevent similar attacks in the future. Aligning industry-specific and IT-specific standards is crucial in mitigating cyber threats and safeguarding critical infrastructure. Protecting critical infrastructure and sensitive data is of paramount importance. The Colonial Pipeline cyberattack demonstrated the potential consequences of failing to protect these assets adequately. It highlighted the interconnectedness of technology and society, emphasizing the need for organizations to prioritize cybersecurity measures to ensure the stability and security of essential services.


Shubber, K., & Fountain, H. (2021, May 8). Colonial Pipeline attack: What we know. Financial Times.

Volz, D., & Martz, L. (2021, May 10). How the Colonial Pipeline hack unfolded. The Wall Street Journal.

Hackett, R. A., & Duckett, C. (2021, June 10). Ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline provides essential lessons for critical infrastructure protection. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 77(5), 1–5.

Hadjioannou, A., & Anagnostopoulos, I. (2020). Cybersecurity in the oil and gas sector: A systematic review. Journal of Information Security and Applications, p. 52, 102510.

Saldaña-Negrete, J., & Longoria-Gandara, O. E. (2019). Critical infrastructure protection in the face of cyber-attacks: The case of the energy sector. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 48, 102357.






APRIL 2023


Recently cybersecurity has become an increasingly important issue in various industries, including business, e-commerce, and e-communication. Cybersecurity breaches and incidents have caused significant harm to individuals, organizations, and society. This analysis will focus on the 2021 Colonial Pipeline cyberattack, which significantly impacted the oil and gas industry in the United States.

Application of Cyberlaw and Security Principles:

Cyberlaw refers to the body of laws, regulations, and policies that govern the use of the Internet, computer networks, and related technologies. It provides a framework for addressing cybercrime, data protection, privacy, and other related issues. Applying cyber law and security principles is critical in protecting businesses, e-commerce, and e-communication industries from cyber threats. On the other hand, security principles involve implementing measures and strategies to protect information systems and networks from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.

The application of cyber principles serves various purposes, including:

1. Protecting confidential and sensitive information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

2. Ensuring the integrity and availability of information systems and networks.

3. Preventing cybercrime, such as hacking, identity theft, and fraud.

4. Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, such as data protection and privacy laws.

Summary of the Colonial Pipeline Cyberattack

The Colonial Pipeline cyberattack was the most significant cybersecurity incident in the history of the United States. The attack happened in May 2021 and impacted the Colonial Pipeline Information technology infrastructure. The company deals with gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel supply. The attack used ransomware to encrypt the data and demanded payment to decrypt the data.

The cybercriminal group known as DarkSide, which operates from Russia, managed to breach the computer systems of Colonial Pipeline by using a hacked password for one of the company’s virtual private networks (VPN) accounts. As a result, they could encrypt the company’s data, including its billing systems, causing fuel supply and distribution disruptions. The attack forced Colonial Pipeline to shut down its operations for several days, causing panic buying and shortages of fuel in several states.

The incident highlighted the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to cyber threats and the need for improved cybersecurity measures in the oil and gas industry. The attack also raised concerns about the impact of ransomware attacks on the economy and national security.


To prevent similar incidents in the future, the following recommendations can be made:

1. Strengthening Cybersecurity Measures: Companies in the oil and gas industry should improve their cybersecurity measures, including multi-factor authentication, regular software updates, and employee training on cybersecurity best practices.

2. Periodic Security Assessments: Companies should perform periodic security assessments to detect and resolve vulnerabilities promptly. This includes penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and risk assessments.

3. Compliance with Regulations: Companies should ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards, such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards, and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Results of the Incident

The Colonial Pipeline cyberattack significantly impacted the economy, society, and national security of the United States. Some of the results include:

1. Fuel Shortages: The attack caused fuel shortages in several states, leading to panic buying and long queues at gas stations.

2. Economic Losses: The shutdown of Colonial Pipeline’s operations resulted in significant economic losses, estimated at around $2.2 billion.

3. National Security Concerns: The incident sparked worries regarding the susceptibility of crucial infrastructure to cyber threats and the potential consequences of ransomware attacks on national security.


Bogage, J. (2021, May 19). This article was published more than one year ago. Business Colonial Pipeline CEO says paying $4.4 million ransom was ‘the right thing to do for the country. The Washington Post.

Englund, W. (2021, May 18). A new computer problem hit Colonial Pipeline. The Washington Post.

Watney, M. (2022). Cybersecurity threats to and cyberattacks on critical infrastructure: A legal perspective. European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, 21(1), 319-327.