1. What created excitement and joy in your life as a child?
2. When have you felt free to do and be what you choose? Is that a part of your life now? Explain.
3. Search your memory for those times in your life when you have been at your very best. Where these times of play? Explain.
4. What have been the impediments to play in your life?
5. Have some kinds of play disappeared from your life? Explain. Have you discovered ways of
reinitiating lost play that works for you now in your life?
6. How free are you now as play with others in your life? Explain.
7. Has play influenced your development as a personal identity and wellness? Explain.
8. Has play influenced your connection with other people in your life? Explain.
9. Has play influenced your connection with nature, the natural environment?
10. What are ways you do or will recreate play in your adult life?