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Define and describe disaster recovery.? Define and desc

For Q1 and Q2, please read Chapters 10 and 11 from the textbook: Cloud Computing by Dr. Kris Jamsa, 2nd ED

ISBN: 9781284248203 

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning 

Q1. In paragraph form, define and describe disaster recovery.  Define and describe business continuity.  Discuss the threats posed by disgruntled employees and how to mitigate those threats. Identify and cite a real-world example of an organization put at risk by a disgruntled employee.

The answer must be 300-350 words. Apply APA 7th edition style (including headings, in-text citations, and references). A minimum of two scholarly journal articles are required.

Q2. Write a research paper that contains the following: 

  • Define service-oriented architecture. Explain how service-oriented architecture works. 
  • Explain how webpages differ from web services. 
  • Discuss what it means for a web service to be interoperable. 

The paper must be approximately five pages in length. Apply APA 7th edition style (including headings, in-text citations, and references), also include an introduction and conclusion. A minimum of two scholarly journal articles are required.

Q3. Complete an IT Project Schedule: Analysis and Planning needed to provide IT services for a new building.  

For details on the Project, please read: Project 1 Specifications

Use the given project schedule template for the assignment: Project 1 Template


Project Schedule – IT Building Occupancy Note – the following provides a template but is not complete and must be modified to satisfy the requirements

Task #

Task Action

Predecessor Task #

Resource(s) Equipment_Name


Purchase Equipment at Corporate IT


Task action


Task action


Add more tasks as needed (remove if not)

Purchase completed

Receive (Log & Tag) Equipment at Corporate IT


Task action


Task action


Task action


Task action


Task action


Add more tasks as needed (remove it not)

Receive completed

Setup (Load & Test) Equipment at Corporate IT


Task action


Task action


Task action


Add more tasks as needed (remove if not)

Setup completed

Deploy/Test IT area of new building


Task action


Task action


Task action


Task action


Add more tasks as needed (remove if not)

IT Area completed

Deploy/Test Admin area of new building


Task action


Task action


Add more tasks as needed (remove if not)

Admin Area completed

Deploy/Test Conference room of new building


Task action


Task action


Task action


Add more tasks as needed (remove if not)

Conference Room completed

Deploy/Test Meeting room of new building


Task action


Task action


Task action


Task action


Task action


Task action


Add more tasks as needed (remove if not)

Meeting Rooms completed

Deploy/Test Offices


Task action


Task action


Add more tasks as needed

Offices completed

Deploy/Test Computer Labs


Task action


Task action


Task action


Task action


Task action


Task action


Add more tasks as needed

Computer Labs completed


IT Project This project simulates the Analysis and Planning needed to provide IT services for a new building. The student

must submit a Project Schedule based on the Project Requirements and details below.

1. Using the attached MS Word table template, create a project schedule. The project schedule will need

the following columns: Task #; Task Action; Predecessor; and Resources.

2. Do not go beyond the scope and tasks identified below. These are the ‘Requirements for this project’.

Background: The corporate IT department has been notified that a new office building is ready for occupancy.

All rooms have ‘wired network ports’ to access the network. Wireless routers have been installed throughout

the building to provide wireless access. NOTE: each requirement below may contain multiple tasks. Break

them down into separate tasks (i.e. deploy and test are 2 separate tasks). Group similar actions into a block of

tasks (i.e., Purchase Resources Block; Setup Equipment Block; etc.).

Project Specifications:

• Purchase, receive, setup, deploy and test Network Servers.

o Purchase Network Servers separately from other equipment.

o Receive includes entering the Network Servers’ serial number into the inventory database and

placing an inventory tag on the equipment (2 separate tasks) at the corporate IT area.

o Setup includes loading and testing network software (2 separate tasks), at the corporate IT area,

before deployment.

o Deploy/deliver network servers to the IT Area of the new building.

o Test the servers to ensure they work properly.

o NOTE: Network servers must be operational in the new building (deployed and tested) before other

equipment can be tested in the new building for internet and wireless connectivity.

• Purchase, receive, setup, deploy and test Desktop PCs and Laptops.

o Purchase of desktops and laptops can be done together but must be done separately from other


o Receive includes entering the Desktop/Laptop serial number into the inventory database and

placing an inventory tag on the equipment at the corporate IT area.

o Setup includes loading and testing corporate software, at corporate IT, before deploying.

▪ Corporate software has already been purchased and is not part of this project.

o Deploy/deliver Desktops/Laptops to the new building.

o Test Desktops to ensure they can access the network via the ‘wired network ports’ in the new


o Test Laptops to ensure they can access the network via the wireless routers in the new building.

• Purchase, receive, deploy and test wireless Projectors.

o Purchase of projectors must be done separately from other equipment.

o Receive includes entering the protector’s serial number into the inventory database and placing an

inventory tag on the equipment at the corporate IT area.

o Deploy/deliver Projectors to the new building.

o Test Projectors to ensure desktops can access them via the wired, direct-connect cable in the new
