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Research and prepare a report on your selected (selecti


Details of the Project:

  1. Research and prepare a report on your selected (selection made in Week 2) current trend in the area of IT Security.
  2. Prepare a 4-6 page paper in Microsoft Word using approved APA format. (1,000 word minimum)
  3. The minimum page count cannot not include your Title page and Reference list.
  4. Include a Title page, Reference list, introduction and concluding statement.
  5. Include a detailed description of the topic.
  6. Include information on technologies involved in your selected area of research.
  7. Include information on future trends indicated in your selected area of research.
  8. References (minimum 5 peer reviewed sources)
  9. 1" Margins (top/bottom/sides).
  10. Times New Roman or Arial font, in size 12.
  11. Correct spelling and grammar.
  12. APA formatting: Title page, in paragraph citations, and the Reference list.

At a minimum include the following:

– Detailed description of the topic
– Technologies involved
– Future trends
– References (minimum of 5)

American Public University

Red and Blue Team Security

Cristian DeWeese

Dr. Elliott Lynn



a. How Cyber-Attack works

b. Background of Network security

c. Thesis statement

Understanding the mindset of Hacker

a. Definition of a hacker

b. Motivations behind hacking

c. Common techniques used by hackers

d. Importance of thinking like a hacker for network defense

Application of techniques and thinking of hacker

a. Conducting a risk assessment

b. Ethical hacking and penetration testing

c. Implementing strong security measures

d. Educating employees and raising awareness

Conducting a risk assessment

a. Identifying potential vulnerabilities

b. Analyzing potential threats

Ethical hacking and penetration testing

a. Purpose and benefits of ethical hacking

b. Conducting penetration testing to identify weaknesses

Implementing strong security measures

a. Importance of robust passwords and authentication methods

b. Regular software updates and patching

c. Network segmentation and access controls

d. Encryption and secure protocols

Educating employees and raising awareness

a. Importance of cybersecurity training

b. Creating a security-conscious culture


a. Summary of key points

b. Reinforcement of the importance of thinking like a hacker

c. Call to action or final thoughts on network protection


N. (2021, July 17). Understanding hackers mindset in 2021: Dr. Erdal Ozkaya. Cybersecurity & Technology Leadership.

Conway, R. W., Maxwell, W. L., & Morgan, H. L. (1972). On the implementation of security measures in Information Systems. Communications of the ACM, 15(4), 211–220.

Javaid, A. Y., Sun, W., Devabhaktuni, V. K., & Alam, M. (2012). Cyber Security Threat Analysis and modeling of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System. 2012 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST).