Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Compare/contrast the findings of others with your research.? Compare how the findings of others relate/add to the concepts learned in the required readings.? Share additional knowled - Writingforyou

Compare/contrast the findings of others with your research.? Compare how the findings of others relate/add to the concepts learned in the required readings.? Share additional knowled

In 250 words provide a response analyzing the below post. You must utilize at least 3 scholarly resources. Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, outside scholarly articles, etc. Substantive replies, in contrast to perfunctory replies, add value to the discussion, enhance learning, and contain references to any new concepts or ideas presented. The following suggestions will aid you in successfully composing substantive responses:· Compare/contrast the findings of others with your research.· Compare how the findings of others relate/add to the concepts learned in the required readings.· Share additional knowledge regarding the key topic that relates to the thread.


Project Planning Explanation

Project planning represents one of the most critical components of successful project management. It is imperative, to begin with clearly defined objectives and scope for each initiative; establishing solid groundwork and building up from there is critical to achieving success. The broader organizational structure must also be considered as part of this process; enhanced alignment with the organization’s strategic objectives enables a more seamless transition throughout each stage from beginning to end. Managing a range of projects via a portfolio approach (i.e., the aggregate project plan) further strengthens output while increasing efficiency for all initiatives involved (Meredith & Shafer, 2019). Finally, assembling a cohesive team fully equipped for each project helps facilitate smooth execution and delivery over time.

In my experience as an Army Officer, I have learned that success hinges on effective planning skills when undertaking any project – especially one with high stakes, like coordinated missions or training programs. Project plans serve as roadmaps that outline everything from task assignments to resource allocation strategies while considering risk management and communication plans throughout all stages of development and execution. In addition, strategic planning prepares business owners for standard roles and equips leadership for positions of increased responsibility.

Project Planning Comparison

Throughout the textbook reading on project planning, we explored crucial aspects such as establishing clear objectives, defining scopes of work, and building effective teams. Additionally, the reading highlighted the importance of considering factors like the project life cycle, portfolio management within an organizational structure, and managing changes successfully.

Although these core elements proved helpful for research purposes, further investigation revealed that strategic project planning and sustainability are critical to achieving overall success in a project's implementation (Armenia et al., 2019). Research conducted by Pellerin & Perrier (2018) highlights how this field constantly evolves, emphasizing the necessity for continued adaptation and refinement in project management methodologies. Continuous evolution is particularly significant for projects/missions executed by the Army where operational activities need to be aligned with overall strategic goals, and the situation can be in a constant state of change.

While tracking the changes with the actual project planning is imperative, it is also important to remember the people involved in the project and the expected outcomes. Project planning requires careful consideration of all stakeholders affected by identifying them, understanding their interests and influences, and developing effective engagement strategies to manage expectations while facilitating support for the venture. Successful project management involves more than managing tasks or allocating resources—it extends into aligning organizational strategy with intended outcomes while effectively addressing stakeholder needs.

Project Planning Research Article Summary

Pellerin and Perrier's (2018) article discusses how project planning strategies have developed over the last decade. The authors examine common issues faced while making critical organizational decisions regarding project management, such as representation visualization techniques used in managing resources. Additionally, they focus on the two primary functions of project planning, scheduling, and monitoring the project.  

Furthermore, the authors pay close attention to advances made concerning technological advancements leading to a finding that there is a significant balance between established techniques and emerging patterns in project management. The outcomes emphasize the importance of choosing relevant approaches for each project's unique features and necessities. Furthermore, their review highlights that the constant growth in the complexity of project environments and technological innovations drive evolvement in project planning.

Project Planning Biblical Integration

Project planning skills are integral to achieving desired outcomes in nearly all organizations. However, beyond their practical applications, these principles mirror spiritual values found within the Bible's teachings regarding how business is accomplished. The Book of Proverbs provides insight into the essence of project planning by discussing issues related to change management while acknowledging uncertainties. Proverbs 16:9 reflects planners' shared understanding that regardless of one's attention to detail or thorough preparation, unforeseen variables may still lead to changed plans or eventualities beyond human control (Holman Christian Standard Version Bible, 2010). This verse reminds us that each objective requires a flexible approach while placing faith and trust in God's hands.

Similarly, Jesus' teaching from Luke 14:28-30 underscores how effective project management demands careful consideration of an organization’s available resources as it can significantly affect overall success. The lesson found within this story is straightforward- an organization should not start something unless it can be appropriately finished (Holman Christian Standard Version Bible, 2010). Forward planning is integral to effective project planning, allowing organizations to predict possible issues, evaluate costs, and optimize resource allocation. It also captures the lesson from Corinthians 14:40 that suggest how everything must happen in an orderly manner (Holman Christian Standard Version Bible, 2010). Therefore, project planning can become an effective tool for stewarding resources well, where each step towards project completion is taken efficiently, fittingly, and sensibly.

Responsible resource management should be top of mind for any Christian business owner committed to leading with integrity. This involves respecting the value of time, money, and talents while pursuing well-defined objectives rooted in biblical principles. Such an approach infuses even routine tasks with spiritual significance that transcends their immediate impact on project outcomes. Acknowledging that ultimate success lies in God's hands gives us the freedom to practice humility in all aspects of project planning while demonstrating faith under all conditions.

Project Planning Application

In real-world businesses, project planning is fundamental in ensuring seamless operations. It serves as the blueprint for all aspects related to managing projects; while also forming the basis for successful project management practices. Its impact extends throughout every level of an organization and influences overall performance and success. For instance, technology giants like Apple and Google rely heavily on this process when developing innovative products or software solutions. By utilizing thorough project planning techniques such as resource allocation optimization methods alongside risk mitigation strategies, they guarantee excellent execution during product launches which ensures their continued dominance in the technology industry.

Similarly, in construction sites, crafting robust, comprehensive plans detailing aspects like the order of taskings, resource allocation, cost estimation, and risk mitigation are crucial components required to complete any building initiative on time. Effective integration into business processes in the fast-paced operating environment will significantly boost operational efficiency by offering a competitive edge. In the modern business world, which is an era of technological progressions, integrating lessons learned and fusing technology into project planning processes has become feasible – consequently leading to automation and optimization of specific aspects within the system.

Project Planning Annotated Bibliography

Armenia, S., Dangelico, R. M., Nonino, F., & Pompei, A. (2019). Sustainable project management: A conceptualization-oriented review and a framework proposal for future studies. Sustainability, 11(9), 1–16. MDPI. to an external site.

Armenia et al.'s (2019) research article focuses on the increasingly relevant topic of sustainable project management. The authors aim to clarify various aspects related to this project management, such as the current standing of the practice and what future research could look like. Based on the research analysis, the authors conclude that sustainable project management is still in its early stages. However, there has been a rise in academic interest and great potential for future growth and refinement. Additionally, they offer a comprehensive conceptual framework consisting of five essential elements. This study is relevant because it emphasizes integrating social, economic, and environmental perspectives into organizational practices.

Chawla, V. K., Chanda, A. K., Angra, S., & Chawla, G. R. (2018). The sustainable project management: A review and future possibilities. Journal of Project Management, 3(3), 157–170. Researchgate. to an external site.

Chandra et al. (2018) discuss how sustainable business operations have influenced the focus on integrating sustainability into project management practices. The authors provide a comprehensive review showing researchers' and corporations' changing perspectives about how critical corporate social responsibility is regarding project management's role. Additionally, the authors examine all aspects affected by sustainability while discussing upcoming prospects for computer-based decision-making procedures aimed at optimizing sustainability factors. Finally, the authors propose using computational evolutionary algorithms to facilitate decision-making, emphasizing critical environmental factors necessary for successful outcomes. This research contributes valuable insights into understanding sustainable project management's evolution and potential future directions while highlighting its broader impact on organizational goals.

Chofreh, A. G., Goni, F. A., Malik, M. N., Khan, H. H., & Klemeš, J. J. (2019). The imperative and research directions of sustainable project management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 238(1), 1–14. Science Direct. to an external site.

This article by Chofreh et al. (2019) also covers the crucial aspect of integrating sustainability into project management. However, this research article takes a slightly different approach than the previous research article. The authors explore sustainability, project management, and sustainable project management to highlight the significance of the concept and its future research directions. The authors underscore the need for additional research to further the development of sustainable project management and present various research topics currently being explored by academics. The article is less focused on technology and improvements and more on the current state of sustainable project management. This shift towards sustainable project management is a critical evolution in the field, reflecting the increasing importance of sustainability in business practices.

Pellerin, R., & Perrier, N. (2018). A review of methods, techniques, and tools for project planning and control. International Journal of Production Research, 57(7), 2160–2178. tandfonline. to an external site.

Pellerin and Perrier (2018) discuss how project planning can be an intricate process that may pose numerous challenges requiring sound judgment to overcome them effectively. Pellerin and Perrier examine multiple aspects such as project performance, evaluations, resource allocation, and correction action decision-making. All of these are relevant to organizations that value efficient management of projects. The authors' research article draws upon both old classic studies and recent contributions while looking at advancements made in this field. The authors provide a foundation for developing integrated project plans by considering established techniques and data automation methods.

San Cristóbal, J. R., Carral, L., Diaz, E., Fraguela, J. A., & Iglesias, G. (2018). Complexity and project management: A general overview. Complexity, 2018(1), 1–10. Hindawi. to an external site.

San Cristóbal et al. (2018) discuss modern-day projects and how complexity has permeated throughout. The authors emphasize how crucial it is for project managers to understand the organizational goals and the overall intent of the project. Furthermore, the authors highlight how complexities can influence various aspects, such as planning mechanisms, control procedures, and identifying goals. By identifying critical factors related to different things associated with project complexity, organizations can expect to understand their projects better. This article serves as an excellent resource for project management professionals and students intending to pursue a more in-depth understanding of how to better handle project management.


Holman Christian Standard Version Bible. (2010). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.  

Meredith, J. R., & Shafer, S. M. (2019). Operations and Supply Chain Management for MBAs (7th ed.). Wiley Global Education.

Pellerin, R., & Perrier, N. (2018). A review of methods, techniques, and tools for project planning and control. International Journal of Production Research, 57(7), 2160–2178. tandfonline. to an external site.