Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Course name SCIN 255: Principles of Pathophysiology and Pharmacology? 8 page research paper on any disease that can affect the body: ?HIV/AIDS The paper must be in APA format and shoul - Writingforyou

Course name SCIN 255: Principles of Pathophysiology and Pharmacology? 8 page research paper on any disease that can affect the body: ?HIV/AIDS The paper must be in APA format and shoul

Course name SCIN 255: Principles of Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 

8 page research paper on any disease that can affect the body:  HIV/AIDS

The paper must be in APA format and should include the following: 

*Cover page

*Paper (8 pages of content/no less than 2000 words)

– A thorough description of the disease/condition 

– Current statistics of those affected 

– Causes, if known or suspected 

– Signs and symptoms of the disease or condition 

– Explanations on how the various body systems are affected 

– Any medications/treatments that are available, if any.  

*Reference Page

Paper should be written in the THIRD PERSON taking the individual out of the writing and avoiding pronouns such as I, we, my, our (first person) and you, yours, your, us, we (second person). You should deal with facts and not opinions, thus providing citations within your paper and on your  

reference page. Focus on the subject itself and not on your feelings about the subject. The use of third person retains a formal tone in your writing. The use of first and second person can make a document seem more casual.


Category Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Nearly Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard No Evidence Weight
Title Page Contains: Title, Student Name, Course Name and Number, Instructor's Name, Date of submission Evidence of four Evidence of three Evidence of two or less Absent 5%
Abstract Clearly and concisely states the paper's purpose; is engaging and thought provoking. Contains no more than 100-200 words. Clearly states the paper's purpose. States the paper's purpose. Is incomplete. Has an incorrect format or has improper content. Absent 10%
Introductory Paragraph Is engaging; states the main topic; previews the structure of the paper. Does not include an over- abundance of facts and data. States the main topic. Previews the main topics of the paper. States the main topic; does not really preview the main topics of the paper. There is no clear intro- duction. Does not preview the main topics of the paper. Absent or not well done at all. 10%
Body The body is well organized and has a logical format. Each paragraph has a main idea with thoughtful supporting detail sentences. There is a logical sequencing of ideas. All important infor- mation is present. Overall reasonably well organized. Paragraph development present but not well developed. Sequencing of ideas is not totally logical. Most important infor mation is present. Logical organization. Many paragraphs not developed properly. Some important information is lacking. No evidence of good organization or paragraph structure. Much impor- tant information is lacking. Very poor sequencing of ideas. Not applicable 45%
Sources Evaluates and selects sources using basic criterea such as relevance to the research question and currency of the information. Student evaluates and selects excellent sources, using multiple criteria, such as relevance to the research question and currency of the information. Student evaluates and selects appropriate sources, using basic criteria, such as relevance and currency. Student selects adequate sources, but does not show how criteria relate to their selection. Student selects few and/or unrelated sources without using adequate criteria for the selection. 10%
Concluding Paragraph Clearly summarizes the topic. Is engaging and restates the overall thesis of the paper. Does not contain any new material. Restates the overall thesis of the paper. Does not completely summarize the topic. The conclusion does not adequately restate the overall thesis. Does not truly summarize the topic. Incomplete and/or unfocused. Absent 10%
Mechanics and Word Usage No errors in spelling, grammar or capitalization. No errors in sentence structure or word usage. Text is double spaced and has an appropriate font. Very few errors in spelling, punctuation, word use, sentence structure, and capitalization. Many errors in spelling, punctuation, word use, sentence structure, and capitalization. Poor format throughout. Numerous and distracting errors. Poor format throughout. Not applicable 10%

&"-,Bold"&20 SCIN255 Research Paper Rubric&14


Assignment — Research Paper

Assignment Details

Open Date

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Points Possible


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Attachments checked for originality?


Assignment Instructions


The topic of the research paper will be any disease or condition that could affect the body. (However, limit your topic to some disease or condtion that can be discussed in 2000 words or so. Do NOT choose “cancer” or “diabetes mellitus” or “heart disease.”) The paper must include the following:

· A thorough description of the disease/condition

· Current statistics of those affected

· Causes, if known or suspected

· Signs and symptoms of the disease or condition

· Explanations on how the various body systems are affected

· Any medications/treatments that are available, if any. 

Your paper should be written in the THIRD PERSON taking the individual out of the writing and avoiding pronouns such as I, we, my, our (first person) and you, yours, your, us, we (second person). You should deal with facts and not opinions, thus providing citations within your paper and on your reference page. Focus on the subject itself and not on your feelings about the subject. The use of third person retains a formal tone in your writing. The use of first and second person can make a document seem more casual.

You are instructed to utilize The Owl at Purdue site for assistance with formatting your paper in the APA style:

These following links will take you to the resources you will need to complete your paper:

· The  research paper instructions :

· The SCIN255 Research Paper Scoring Rubric will show you how points are allotted in the grading of your paper.

· Some  pointers/guidelines  to follow when writing your paper.

· A  sample APA formatted paper.