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Determine the fundamental ways in which the NCAA’s ethics program failed to prevent the scandals at Penn State, Ohio State, and the University of Arkansas. Suppo


  • Determine the fundamental ways in which the NCAA's ethics program failed to prevent the scandals at Penn State, Ohio State, and the University of Arkansas.
    • Support your response with one example from each of these schools' scandals.
  • Examine the principal ways in which the leadership of the NCAA contributed to the ethical violations of Penn State, Ohio State, and the University of Arkansas.
    • Support your response with one example from each of these schools' scandals.
  • Predict the key differences in the scenarios that occurred at Penn State, Ohio State, and the University of Arkansas if an effective ethics program was in place.
    • Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Postulate two actions that the NCAA leadership should take in order to regain the trust and confidence of students and stakeholders.
  • Recommend two measures that the HR departments of colleges and universities should take to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.
    • Provide a rationale for your response.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Propose leadership actions and ethics program revisions to prevent ethics violations and regain stakeholder trust in 4 pages

CASE 9 The NCAA Has Many Balls in the Air* INTRODUCTION Perhaps no sport at American colleges is as popular, or as lucrative,

Case 9: The NCAA Has Many Balls in the Air component to a college football program and works to promote leadership and excell

Part 5: Cases TABLE 1 Value of Major-Conference College-Football Programs (in Millions) (Continued) 37 Colorado $192.38 38 Ut

Case 9: The NCAA Has Many Balls in the Air and the Executive Committee. Under the Executive Committee are groups formed in ea

Part 5: Cases The NCAA takes the enforcement of rules seriously and tries to ensure the penalties fit the violation if miscon

Case 9: The NCAA Has Many Balls in the Air TABLE 3 Unethical Practices Prohibited by the NCAA Use of the helmet as a weapon,

Part 5: Cases the NCAA also receives criticism from those who disapprove of the severity and effective- ness of the sanctions

Case 9: The NCAA Has Many Balls in the Air the crime to campus officials, some felt it was his responsibility to do more to e

Part 5: Cases Ohio State The Ohio State scandal was a result of rule violations from student-athletes and a subse- quent cove

Case 9: The NCAA Has Many Balls in the Air In 2017 the NCAA charged University of Mississippis football team, the Ole Miss R

Part 5: Cases from the immense revenue created through college sports. For the time being it appears that the NCAA will conti

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It is a core value to the NCCA is very much committed to the diversity and they also include the gender equity among the coaches and the administrator maintains to include culture that brings the participation in the football. The members of the Nati

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