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Health Challenge Analysis: Analyze the nature of your selected health challenge

Read rubric verbatim

I will attached project 1-2 and 2-2 so you can go off those

Your short paper must be a 2- to 3-page Word document, not including the title page and references. It must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references must be cited in APA format. 



Great going! Now that you have selected the stakeholders for your humanitarian aid trip, it is time for you to do a deeper investigation into the specific health challenge attached to the scenario of your choice. Health challenges may and will vary across developing and developed countries. This week you gained insight surrounding the prevalence, incidence, and impacts of global nutrition and mental health challenges. For this assignment, you will engage in a similar investigation of your selected scenario.


Building on your prior project preparation assignments, you will go a step further to analyze the specific health challenge for your humanitarian aid trip by crafting a short paper.

Note that you should cite at least three scholarly sources from your investigation. The evidence should not be older than five years. To access the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing—Graduate, go to the Start Here section of the course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Health Challenge Analysis: Analyze the nature of your selected health challenge.
    1. Clinical Presentation: Briefly describe the etiology and symptomology of the health challenge. How does the disease present and what are the symptoms?
    2. Prevalence: Analyze the prevalence and impact of the health challenge in the location. Supply quantitative evidence from credible sources to illustrate your claims.
      1. Which populations (for example, according to age, gender, race, education level, socioeconomic status) are most at risk?
      2. Briefly describe the morbidity and mortality related to this challenge.
      3. What are the prevalent trends over time related to your health challenge?
    3. Inequities: Assess the unequal impacts of the health challenge for different groups.
      1. Socioeconomic Groups: To what extent are different socioeconomic levels unequally impacted by the health challenge?
      2. Race/Ethnicity: To what extent are different races/ethnicities unequally impacted by the health challenge?
      3. Gender: To what extent are different genders unequally impacted by the health challenge?
      4. Other: To what extent are other population groups unequally impacted by the health challenge?
  2. Other Determinants of Health: In your first project preparation assignment, you analyzed the social determinants of health. In this activity, you will now consider other determinants of health to gain a fuller picture of the health challenge.
    1. Environmental: Describe the environmental determinants of health for this challenge.
    2. Biological: Describe the biological determinants of health for this challenge.
  3. Policy Evaluation: Identify any current policies that exist related to the health challenge.

Guidelines for Submission

Your short paper must be a 2- to 3-page Word document, not including the title page and references. It must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references must be cited in APA format.

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Health Challenge Analysis: Clinical Presentation

Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear and insightful manner, using industry-specific language

Briefly describes the etiology and symptomology of the health challenge and describes the disease present along with symptoms

Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions

Does not attempt criterion


Health Challenge Analysis: Prevalence

Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear and insightful manner, using industry-specific language

Analyzes the prevalence and impact of the health challenge in the location and supplies quantitative evidence from credible sources to illustrate claims

Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions

Does not attempt criterion


Health Challenge Analysis: Inequities

Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear and insightful manner, using industry-specific language

Assesses the unequal impacts of the different groups. Includes: Socioeconomic groups, race/ethnicity, and gender

Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions

Does not attempt criterion


Other Determinants of Health: Environmental

Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear and insightful manner, using industry-specific language

Describes the environmental determinants of health for the scenario

Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions

Does not attempt criterion


Other Determinants of Health: Biological

Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear and insightful manner, using industry-specific language

Describes the biological determinants of health for the scenario

Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions

Does not attempt criterion


Policy Evaluation

Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear and insightful manner, using industry-specific language

Identifies any current policies that exist related to the health challenge

Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions

Does not attempt criterion


Articulation of Response

Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear and insightful manner

Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose

Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readability

Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas


Scholarly Sources

Incorporates more than three scholarly, current (within the last five years) sources, or use of sources is exceptionally insightful

Incorporates three scholarly, current (within the last five years) sources that support claims

Incorporates fewer than three scholarly, current (within the last five years) sources, or not all sources support claims

Does not incorporate sources


APA Style

Formats in-text citations and reference list according to APA style with no errors

Formats in-text citations and reference list according to APA style with fewer than five errors

Formats in-text citations and reference list according to APA style with five or more errors

Does not format in-text citations and reference list according to APA style


Total: 100%

Module Three Project Preparation Rubric



Project Preparation

Deanna Buchanan

Southern New Hampshire University

IHP 501: Global Health and Diversity

Esther Johnstone

Project Preparation

This paper introduces the selected scenario for the proposed humanitarian aid trip. Humanitarian aid is important not only in saving lives but also alleviating suffering. It ensures that vulnerable individuals and populations affected by a crisis receive the necessary protection, assistance, and medical care they need to alleviate suffering. The topic of focus is that of malaria in an African country. Malaria is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people each year while causing untold suffering among those affected. Hence, it is vital to explore this issue in order to have a good comprehension of the underlying challenges and provide relevant solutions.


The selected scenario for the proposed humanitarian aid trip is Option 1. This scenario entails traveling to Zambia to address the country’s health challenge of malaria. My personal rationale for selecting this scenario is that I am disturbed that an entire nation's health, wellness, and overall productivity are being hampered by a preventable and treatable disease. The benefit that I believe I can bring to this challenge is to utilize my educational background, resources, and privilege to help this country get a sustainable approach to addressing this problem. I believe I can help inform the use of existing tools to help Zambia effectively save lives while taking steps to eradicate malaria.

According to Chipoya and Shimaponda-Mataa (2020), malaria is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Zambia especially in the highly endemic areas; by 2018, there were approximately 5,193,723 reported cases of malaria with up to 1209 deaths. To this end, Loewenberg (2018) notes that Zambia is one of the countries in the world that is focused on malaria elimination rather than malaria control. Nawa, Halwindi, and Hangoma (2020) reveal that the substantial eradication and prevention efforts in this regard have seen a malaria prevalence reduction to 19.4% in 2015 from 33% in 2006. Nevertheless, malaria continues to be a huge problem in the country.


The target country is Zambia, a country located in southern Africa. Regarding the socioeconomic profile of Zambia, this country is among the ones that have the highest levels of inequality and poverty in the world. This is a low-income country considering that the national debt exceeds 120 percent of the GDP (Saungweme & Odhiambo, 2019). Regarding the demographic profile of this country, Zambia has a total population of approximately 19, 642, 123 people with a growth rate of 2.9% (Saungweme & Odhiambo, 2019). The sex ratio is 1 male(s)/female while the median age of the entire population is 16.9 years. There are approximately 20 ethnic groups and over 70 languages although the majority of them are dialects. The country is majorly made up of Christians with 75.3% being Protestants and 20.2% being Roman Catholics (Saungweme & Odhiambo, 2019).

Prevalent Health Concerns

The problem of focus in the scenario is malaria. Chipoya and Shimaponda-Mataa (2020) report that approximately 16 million people in the country are at risk of contracting the disease. As aforementioned, malaria is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Zambia. Malaria can cause jaundice and anemia. If left untreated, it could lead to seizures, kidney failure, and even death. Additionally, malaria causes high medical costs, reduced economic output, and lost income. Other prevalent health concerns facing Zambia include tuberculosis, diarrheal diseases, neonatal disorders, and HIV/AIDS.

Social Determinants

A. Education: In Zambia, every child has the right to access free basic education. The country has made efforts to expand education access. Nevertheless, regional disparities and poor learning outcomes persist. Ease of access is only in urban settings. The low level of educational attainment for many Zambians adversely affects their income and subsequent ability to afford proper healthcare services.

B. Healthcare: Zambia has made substantial investments in healthcare reforms in order to attain universal healthcare access for all Zambians. Despite these efforts, many poor people continue facing barriers to accessing high-quality and safe healthcare services (Rudasingwa et al., 2022).

C. Economic Stability: After the Covid-19 pandemic, Zambia’s economy fell into deep recession with the GDP contracting by approximately 4.9 percent (Saungweme & Odhiambo, 2019). This deterioration has adversely impacted key sectors in Zambia’s economy including the ability of Zambians to easily access high-quality healthcare services.

D. Inequity: In Zambia, 61 percent of the population earns less than the global poverty line of $2.15 each day (Mphuka, Kaonga, & Tembo, 2022). Consequently, wage income is considered to be the major reason behind income inequality. Another reason is non-agricultural self-employment, which accounts for 31 percent of the country's inequality. With many people living below the poverty line, accessing high-quality healthcare services is a problem.


The selected scenario for the proposed humanitarian aid trip is Option 1. This scenario entails traveling to Zambia to address the country’s health challenge of malaria. Malaria is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people each year while causing untold suffering among those affected. Hence, it is vital to explore this issue in order to have a good comprehension of the underlying challenges and provide relevant solutions. This paper has highlighted the four social determinants that impact healthcare in Zambia. Additionally, the paper has revealed that malaria is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Zambia. Malaria can cause jaundice and anemia. If left untreated, it could lead to seizures, kidney failure, and even death. Additionally, malaria causes high medical costs, reduced economic output, and lost income. It is vital to explore this issue in order to have a good comprehension of the underlying challenges and provide relevant solutions.


Chipoya, M. N., & Shimaponda-Mataa, N. M. (2020). Prevalence, characteristics and risk factors of imported and local malaria cases in North-Western Province, Zambia: A cross-sectional study.  Malaria Journal19(1), 1-12.

Loewenberg, S. (2018). Zambia's drive to eliminate malaria faces challenges.  World Health Organization. Bulletin of the World Health Organization96(5), 302-303.

Mphuka, C., Kaonga, O., & Tembo, M. A. (2022). Economic growth, inequality, and poverty: Estimating the growth elasticity of poverty in Zambia, 2006–2015. In  Inequality in Zambia (pp. 83-119). Routledge.

Nawa, M., Halwindi, H., & Hangoma, P. (2020). Modelling malaria reduction in a highly endemic country: Evidence from household survey, climate, and program data in Zambia.  Journal of Public Health in Africa11(1), 22–28.

Rudasingwa, M., De Allegri, M., Mphuka, C., Chansa, C., Yeboah, E., Bonnet, E., … & Chitah, B. M. (2022). Universal health coverage and the poor: To what extent are health financing policies making a difference? Evidence from a benefit incidence analysis in Zambia.  BMC Public Health22(1), 1-11.

Saungweme, T., & Odhiambo, N. M. (2019). Government debt, government debt service and economic growth nexus in Zambia: A multivariate analysis.  Cogent Economics & Finance7(1), 1622998.



Project Preparation: Stakeholders

Author’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Course Name and Number


Due Date

Project Preparation: Stakeholders


· Community Groups: These stakeholders refer to community-based organizations that strive to create improvements to the overall functioning, wellbeing, and health of a community. These stakeholders can be implementers in the humanitarian aid trip because they will have first-hand knowledge on the prevalence of the problem and help in prioritizing the areas to target and how to best help the affected individuals.

· Local Health Institutions: These stakeholders refer to the healthcare facilities in the target area. These stakeholders will facilitate provision of medical services in the humanitarian aid trip through their infrastructure and human resources.

Decision Makers

· Local Government: This stakeholder has the overall authority to determine and execute policies within the target area based on established laws. This stakeholder will decide if the humanitarian aid trip is beneficial to its people and provide wholesome assistance such as security and infrastructure required by the aid workers (Fathalikhani, Hafezalkotob, & Soltani, 2020).

· Investors: These stakeholders fund the humanitarian aid trip. They will have a say into how funds and resources are spent with regard to meeting the objectives of the humanitarian aid trip.


· Target Population: This is comprised of the individuals who are directly impacted y the problem the humanitarian aid is trying to solve. The population will have to embrace the humanitarian aid’s efforts by adopting any healthcare measures required to reverse the negative effects of the health crisis.

· Media: This refers to the communication outlets comprised of social media and mainstream media such as television, radio, and print. Such stakeholders will help in the education and sensitization of the masses with regard to the efforts of the humanitarian aid group and the likely benefits of the same (Ogbodo et al., 2020).


· Charities: These are the organizations that raise money and offer help to individuals in need. They can help fund the activities of the humanitarian aid group and ensure the group has a reasonable number of resources to achieve its objectives.

· Non-Governmental Organizations: These are critical change agents that facilitate the promotion of human rights, economic growth, and social progress (Aras & Duman, 2019). Through their infrastructure and reach, these stakeholders can help support the activities of the humanitarian aid efforts through the provision of resources and ideas.


Aras, B., & Duman, Y. (2019). I/NGOs’ assistance to Syrian refugees in Turkey: Opportunities and challenges.  Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies21(4), 478-491.

Fathalikhani, S., Hafezalkotob, A., & Soltani, R. (2020). Government intervention on cooperation, competition, and coopetition of humanitarian supply chains.  Socio-Economic Planning Sciences69, 100715.

Ogbodo, J. N., Onwe, E. C., Chukwu, J., Nwasum, C. J., Nwakpu, E. S., Nwankwo, S. U., … & Ogbaeja, N. I. (2020). Communicating health crisis: a content analysis of global media framing of COVID-19.  Health Promotion Perspectives10(3), 257.