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IHP 501 Module Two: 2-1 Activity

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Reading: Global Health Care: Issues and Policies, Chapters 2, 3, and 4 

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Your submission should be a 2- to 3-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Keep in mind that the letters to the editor of professional journals should be clear and concise and written in the third person. 

Welcome to IHP 501 Global Health and Diversity

Overview of Module Two

Term 23TW4

IHP 501 Course Facilitator/Instructor/Professor

Dr. Johnstone


IHP 501 Module Two: 2-1 Activity


Letters to the editor can be a platform for experts in their fields to share perspectives on debated issues of the day.

As a healthcare professional, you are uniquely positioned to compare the United States to other health systems around the globe.

Despite the high expenditures in the United States, outcomes are still poor compared to other nations.

Why is there a mismatch between healthcare spending and outcomes in the United States?

How does the United States compare to other developed and developing countries?

Image accessed from Outlines Updated Letters to the Editor Policy

IHP 501 Module Two: 2-1 Activity


You have been invited to provide a letter to the editor of a scholarly health journal.

The editor has requested that you identify the financial impacts of health and non-health policies in developed and developing countries.

Specifically, how do these policies impact cost expenditures in the United States?

Be sure to include specific points evaluating healthcare infrastructure, political barriers, and social inequities impacting health outcomes in developed and developing societies.

Note that you should cite at least three scholarly sources from your investigation. The evidence should not be older than five years. To access the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing—Graduate, go to the Start Here section of the course.

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IHP 501 Module Two: 2-1 Activity

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Healthcare Costs: Explain the causes of high healthcare spending in the United States compared to other developed and developing countries.

Structural Causes: Describe the healthcare infrastructure of the United States and compare it to those of other countries (e.g. Canada, Germany, United Kingdom). In what ways do these structural components (Consider: public & private health insurance, pharmaceutical & technology, informatics, funding by each state, underinsurance) drive up healthcare spending in the United States?

Political Causes: Analyze health and non-health policies (Consider: Identify a specific health policy – Affordable Care Act; Medicare, etc.) in the United States and compare them to those of other countries. In what ways do these political factors drive up healthcare spending in the United States?

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IHP 501 Module Two: 2-1 Activity

2. Healthcare Outcomes: Explain the results of high healthcare spending in the United States compared to other developed and developing countries.

Effectiveness: Evaluate the healthcare outcomes (discussion related to benefits, strengths, or weaknesses) of the United States considering its spending. To what extent does the United States benefit from its high healthcare spending compared to other nations?

Inequities: Evaluate the inequities (Inequity refers to unfair, avoidable differences arising from poor governance, corruption or cultural exclusion (National Academies of Science, 2017) generated by healthcare costs in the United States as compared to other countries. To what extent do healthcare outcomes differ amongst various groups in the United States?

APA Format Short Paper

Guidelines for Submission

Your short paper must be a 2- to 3-page Word document, not including the title page and references. It must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references must be cited in APA form

References (always starts on new or separate page)

Note that you should cite at least three scholarly sources from your investigation. The evidence should not be older than five years. To access the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing—Graduate, go to the Start Here section of the course. 

IHP 501 Module Two: 2-2 Project Prep Stakeholders Short Paper


Stakeholder support is critical for the success of short-term volunteer aid trips. Working responsibly and effectively with host staff is particularly important, but there are other potential stakeholders to consider.

These stakeholders might be from other not-for-profits, NGOs, philanthropists, academic institutions, government agencies, lobbyists, or other interested groups.

Investigating potential stakeholder support is a critical step in developing humanitarian aid interventions. It allows you to answer the questions:

Who will implement the intervention strategies? How will you leverage and strengthen existing community resources? Who will ensure accountability and measure success?

IHP 501 Module Two: 2-2 Project Prep Stakeholders Short Paper


In your reading, you reviewed an example stakeholder identification table for a sexually transmitted diseases program evaluation.

For this assignment, you will craft a short paper to identify similar lists of potential stakeholders that could support your humanitarian aid trip.

Your stakeholder lists can overlap, but you should have at least eight stakeholders or stakeholder groups identified in total.

You should cite at least three sources from your

own investigation, which may include scholarly

and non-scholarly sources.

The evidence should not be older than five years. To access the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing—Graduate, go to the Start Here section of the course.

Specifically, you must address the following

rubric criteria:

IHP 501 Module Two: 2-2 Project Prep Stakeholders Short Paper

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Implementers: Identify a list of at least two to four stakeholders or stakeholder groups that could serve as potential implementers for your humanitarian aid trip. For each person or group, provide a brief description and indicate why you believe they are appropriate for this task based on their mission and capabilities.

Decision Makers: Identify a list of at least two to four stakeholders or stakeholder groups that could serve as potential decision makers for your humanitarian aid trip. For each person or group, provide a brief description and indicate why you believe they are appropriate for this task based on their mission and capabilities.

IHP 501 Module Two: 2-2 Project Prep Stakeholders Short Paper

3. Participants: Identify a list of at least two to four stakeholders or stakeholder groups that could serve as potential participants for your humanitarian aid trip. For each person or group, provide a brief description and indicate why you believe they are appropriate for this task based on their mission and capabilities.

4. Partners: Identify a list of at least two to four stakeholders or stakeholder groups that could serve as potential partners for your humanitarian aid trip. For each person or group, provide a brief description and indicate why you believe they are appropriate for this task based on their mission and capabilities.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007, January). Practical use of program evaluation among


sexually transmitted disease (STD) programs. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


Holtz, C. (2022). Global health care: Issues and policies (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

(chapters 2, 3, & 4).

Lasker, J. N., Aldrink, M., Balasubramaniam, P., Caldron, P., Compton, B., Evert, J., Loh, L. C., Prasad, S.,

& Siegel, S. (2018). Guidelines for responsible short-term global health activities: Developing

common principles. Globalization and Health, 14(18), 1-10. DOI 10.1186/s12992-018-0330-4

APA Format Short Paper

Guidelines for Submission

Your short paper must be a 2- to 3-page Word document, not including the title page and references. It must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references must be cited in APA form

References (always starts on new or separate page)

Note that you should cite at least three scholarly sources from your investigation. The evidence should not be older than five years. To access the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing—Graduate, go to the Start Here section of the course. 

Reach out with any questions to Dr. Johnstone @ [email protected]

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Thank You

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Letters to the editor can be a platform for experts in their fields to share perspectives on debated issues of the day. As a healthcare professional, you are uniquely positioned to compare the United States to other health systems around the globe. Despite the high expenditures in the United States, outcomes are still poor compared to other nations. Why is there a mismatch between healthcare spending and outcomes in the United States? How does the United States compare to other developed and developing countries?


You have been invited to provide a letter to the editor of a scholarly health journal. The editor has requested that you identify the financial impacts of health and non-health policies in developed and developing countries. Specifically, how do these policies impact cost expenditures in the United States? Be sure to include specific points evaluating healthcare infrastructure, political barriers, and social inequities impacting health outcomes in developed and developing societies.

Note that you should cite at least three scholarly sources from your investigation. The evidence should not be older than five years. To access the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing—Graduate, go to the Start Here section of the course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Healthcare Costs: Explain the causes of high healthcare spending in the United States compared to other developed and developing countries.
    1. Structural Causes: Describe the healthcare infrastructure of the United States and compare it to those of other countries. In what ways do these structural components drive up healthcare spending in the United States?
    2. Political Causes: Analyze health and non-health policies in the United States and compare them to those of other countries. In what ways do these political factors drive up healthcare spending in the United States?
  2. Healthcare Outcomes: Explain the results of high healthcare spending in the United States compared to other developed and developing countries.
    1. Effectiveness: Evaluate the healthcare outcomes of the United States considering its spending. To what extent does the United States benefit from its high healthcare spending compared to other nations?
    2. Inequities: Evaluate the inequities generated by healthcare costs in the United States as compared to other countries. To what extent do healthcare outcomes differ amongst various groups in the United States?

Guidelines for Submission

Your submission should be a 2- to 3-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Keep in mind that the letters to the editor of professional journals should be clear and concise and written in the third person.

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Healthcare Costs: Structural Causes

Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner

Describes the healthcare infrastructure of the United States by comparing it to other countries and describes ways these structural components drive up spending in the United States

Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions

Does not attempt criterion


Healthcare Costs: Political Causes

Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner

Analyzes health and non-health policies in the United States, compares to another country, and describes ways political factors drive up healthcare spending in the United States

Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions

Does not attempt criterion


Healthcare Outcomes: Effectiveness

Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner

Analyzes U.S. health outcomes and the extent to which the United States benefits from its high healthcare spending compared to other nations

Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions

Does not attempt criterion


Healthcare Outcomes: Inequities

Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner

Evaluates inequities found in the United States generated by high healthcare costs and how inequities differ among various groups in the United States

Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions

Does not attempt criterion


Articulation of Response

Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear and insightful manner

Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose

Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readability

Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas


Scholarly Sources

Incorporates more than three scholarly, current (within the last five years) sources, or use of sources is exceptionally insightful

Incorporates three scholarly, current (within the last five years) sources that support claims

Incorporates fewer than three scholarly, current (within the last five years) sources, or not all sources support claims

Does not incorporate sources


APA Style

Formats in-text citations and reference list according to APA style with no errors

Formats in-text citations and reference list according to APA style with fewer than five errors

Formats in-text citations and reference list according to APA style with five or more errors

Does not format in-text citations and reference list according to APA style


Total: 100%

Module Two Activity Rubric