Chat with us, powered by LiveChat The Research Plan In this course, you and your team will create a research plan based on qualitative interviews with IT stakeholders working in an organization in a similar sec - Writingforyou

The Research Plan In this course, you and your team will create a research plan based on qualitative interviews with IT stakeholders working in an organization in a similar sec


The Research Plan

In this course, you and your team will create a research plan based on qualitative interviews with IT stakeholders working in an organization in a similar sector.

You and your team should use your network to identify at least one stakeholder, but preferably two stakeholders, who work in a similar sector to your chosen problem.


Testing the Solution

The Solution Testing page includes five areas of business associated with or significantly affected by the implementation of new information technology in an organization.

How will your proposed solutions stand up in each of these application areas? Each member of the team will test all three proposed solutions from attached document against at least two of the common application areas given on the Solution Testing page.

At this stage, you are also invited to think creatively and add information you already possess to apply your skills and knowledge to test the value of your solutions. You should describe how the proposed solutions address the concerns identified in the common application areas. When possible, provide concrete details and data to support your answers. Use a format agreed upon by the team to present the results of your testing.


The Results

Testing the solution will yield results. In this course, the results of your test will show the strengths and weaknesses of your proposed solutions. What you learn from testing your proposed solutions against the scenarios in this step will help you identify, revise, and clarify which of your proposed solutions, or combination thereof, to use as your final solution.

Instructions for Deliverable

  1. Present your research plan as an orderly and useful document, demonstrating the work you completed.
  2. Then, each member of the team should test all three proposed solutions from Step Three against at least two of the application areas listed on the Step Four Solution Testing(new tab) page. Use a format agreed upon by the team.
  3. To conduct the test, describe how your three proposed solutions address the concerns and questions identified in each application area. Analyze the solutions for any weaknesses: Do they provide the solutions needed? Is the solution a better fit for one type of application over another? Make recommendations for improving the solutions within the plan to better tailor them to your organization.
  4. As appropriate, compare your test results to your research plan. What information overlaps? What information differs?
  5. Present the results of your test as organized information. Provide a brief summary of the action steps needed to strengthen your solution. Clearly indicate team members' contributions.


This assignment is continuation of previously submitted assignment, (STEP3) the attached document.

There are 3 proposed solutions, you can find all of them under the sub heading proposed solutions. Need to write at least 2 pages about testing each solution based on above instructions.



One major issue is that our current systems are outdated and incompatible with modern technology. This has led to difficulties integrating with other systems and applications, causing delays and errors in our business operations. Further, our legacy systems are expensive to maintain and require high expertise to make any necessary updates or changes. This has not only been a costly and time-consuming process but has also led to disruptions in our business operations.

Another problem is that our legacy systems are often not scalable and cannot support the growth of our business. This has resulted in investing in new technological solutions, which can be expensive and require additional employee training. Furthermore, we have identified security risks associated with using legacy systems. As a result, these systems may not have the necessary security protocols to protect against cyber threats, which could result in data breaches and other security incidents.


To address the above first-mentioned problem with the organization's IT infrastructure related to legacy systems, we shall employ the following research methodologies: We will analyze the existing infrastructure to determine which parts require modernization. Hardware, software, and other infrastructure essential to system operations should all be evaluated. After the evaluation, we will create a detailed plan outlining the system upgrade procedures. The plan should specify the upgrades, when they will be implemented, and how much money will be needed. After that, we'll rank the importance of each upgrade in terms of its impact on the system's ability to do its job. Next, investigate and pinpoint cutting-edge tech answers that work with the system's setup and prerequisites. We will then put new technologies through their pace when we have ensured the answer. New technologies should be rigorously tested for compatibility and functionality before being used. Then, we'll give employees ample training and assistance to ensure they make the most of the new tools and systems. Next, we'll implement that strategy by introducing cutting-edge hardware and software. Finally, we will always keep an eye on how well the system is working. Finally, make corrections and enhancements to keep up with developing technologies.

We shall apply the following methodology to address the second problem: We'll focus on the original problem. The specific limits of the legacy system and the reasons why it cannot scale to support the business must be understood. This will aid in determining an appropriate course of action. The next step is to assess the possibilities. The barriers that older systems present can be overcome in various ways. Options here include updating the current setup, switching to something new, or using a hybrid approach. After considering all the possibilities, we'll settle on a course of action tailored to the business. The strategy needs to be in sync with the company's goals and consider each potential course of action's costs, benefits, and drawbacks. We will begin preparing for the migration once the strategy has been established. This requires figuring out what information needs to be transferred, putting the new system in its paces, and teaching the staff how to use it. Once the migration strategy has been established, the new solution can be rolled out in stages. This will aid in spotting and fixing any problems that crop up during rollout. After the project is finished, we'll check in on the new system to ensure it meets expectations. Finally, check how well the system works and make any necessary changes. Since legacy systems are prone to obsolescence, we will regularly assess and enhance the new system to keep it scalable and ready to support the company's future expansion.


System Upgrade

Improving the old system's scalability and adaptability to new circumstances by adding cutting-edge components and capabilities. This alternative may be less expensive and time-consuming than replacing the entire system (Barth, & Koch 2019). We can also think about migrating the traditional system to the cloud to get advantages like better scalability, lower maintenance costs, and higher security. This choice also affords businesses the chance to benefit from cloud-based resources.

This solution will address the requirement to improve the system's performance and reliability. This solution relates to the requirement that modern technologies can improve the system's processing power and speed, which can help it handle more data and transactions and reduce processing times. The overall effectiveness and efficiency of the system may be boosted as a result. Second, technological advancements can potentially improve the system's safety measures (Noori et al., 2020). The system's dependability and trustworthiness will be enhanced, and the organization's data will be safer if implemented. Thirdly, modernizing the legacy system with cutting-edge technologies can increase its dependability and usability by making it compatible with other cutting-edge systems and applications. For instance, cutting-edge tools can facilitate data sharing and collaboration between departments by integrating the old system with new applications and platforms. Finally, updating the legacy system with newer technology might make it easier to manage and support. Finally, support and maintenance for modern technologies are typically superior to legacy technologies, which can help minimize downtime and keep the system running smoothly and reliably.

To address the requirements prompting the investment, upgrading the legacy system with modern technologies will improve its processing power and speed, enabling it to handle more data and transactions and reducing processing times. The total effectiveness and efficiency of the system will increase as a result. By migrating the legacy system to the cloud, it will be possible to increase the number of users and the amount of data processed by the system without degrading performance (El-Hageen et al., 2020). This will help guarantee that the system is always accessible and reliable, even when heavily utilized. Thirdly, upgrading the security of the legacy system is possible by hosting it on the cloud. Finally, cloud service providers typically employ full-time security teams and cutting-edge security software to safeguard their clients' information and infrastructure. This can increase the system's dependability and trustworthiness, which is especially important for keeping sensitive information and infrastructure safe.

In linking the solution to the stakeholders, the internal needs of the workers who rely on the legacy system to do their jobs can be met with the help of an upgrade to the system. Employees' productivity can be boosted, and their aggravation with slow or antiquated technology alleviated if the system performs better and is more reliable. This has the added benefit of making the company a better workplace and increasing employee happiness and loyalty. Specifically, an upgrade to the legacy system can help meet the demands of the company's customers, business partners, and other external stakeholders (Gereffi, 2019). External stakeholders' satisfaction and loyalty can be boosted by enhancing the system's performance and reliability. In addition, the company's image, competitiveness, and ability to bring in new clients and business associates can all benefit from this.

Upgrading legacy systems and moving them to the cloud can significantly affect an organization's policies and procedures. Adapting security measures is sometimes necessary when migrating systems to the cloud. The company may, for instance, need to institute new protocols for safeguarding access to cloud-based systems and dealing with data stored there. New compliance requirements may arise if an organization upgrades legacy systems and moves them to the cloud. For instance, in the case of cloud-based systems, the company may have to adhere to new legal guidelines or fulfill additional contractual commitments (Sturgeon, 2021). Cloud migration can change how you handle disaster recovery. For example, in a cloud-based outage or the need to restore data stored in the cloud, the company may need to adopt new procedures.

Upgrading legacy systems and moving them to the cloud can present several challenges organizations must overcome. Depending on the complexity of the upgraded legacy system, specialized knowledge may be needed to enable a seamless upgrade. For example, the company may hire outside vendors or consultants to navigate the shift successfully. Data migration to the cloud platform is essential to transitioning traditional systems to the cloud. Especially if the data is extensive or complicated, this can be a difficult and time-consuming operation. To ensure data is transported accurately and securely to the cloud, the company may need to design a detailed data migration and testing plan (Tozanlı, et al., 2020). Systems within the organization's infrastructure, such as databases, applications, and middleware, may be integrated with legacy systems. Updating and migrating these systems to the cloud may cause integrations to break, necessitating additional work to restore connections and guarantee that all systems are effectively connected.

Upgrading legacy systems and moving them to the cloud can have several secondary impacts on an organization beyond the direct impact on IT infrastructure. By upgrading outdated systems and migrating them to the cloud, modernizing IT infrastructure can raise system performance and stability, boosting workers' productivity. Customer satisfaction can be increased through updated technologies and cloud-based services by making access to resources more convenient and dependable (Lombardi & Francini, 2020). The increased adaptability and personalization made possible by cloud-based solutions can help businesses meet the evolving demands of their clientele. By providing anywhere, anytime access to shared data and programs, cloud-based systems can improve teamwork by removing geographical barriers. Improved access to data and analytics, made possible by a more modernized IT infrastructure, can lead to better decisions.

Life cycle management considerations are critical when upgrading and moving legacy systems to the cloud. Here are some key considerations: Planning and design. Planning and design are essential for upgrading and migrating legacy systems to the cloud. To do so, one must first do a system architecture review, identify the upgradeable parts of the system, and create a migration strategy. Timelines, resource needs, and critical achievements should all be factored into the planning process, Implementation, and testing. The implementation stage entails establishing a cloud environment, configuring the application, and moving data. Testing must be performed at this stage to guarantee the upgraded system is stable and secure. Everyone with a vested interest must be given a voice in the testing process , Maintenance, and support. Regular maintenance and support are required to ensure the improved system is running smoothly after it has been implemented (Khan et al., 2021). This entails keeping tabs on how the system is doing, fixing any problems, and updating it as needed to stay current.; Retirement and disposal. The enhanced system may lose its value and need to be decommissioned and disposed of at some point in the future. All information must be deleted from the system, and all applicable laws and regulations must dispose of the hardware.

System Replacement

Getting rid of the Legacy system and switching to a new one that can grow with your business is a must. This choice requires dedication and resources but can pay off in the long run. Here, we will update the conventional methods with new ones compatible with the system. However, we have found these solutions adaptable enough to meet our other business requirements.

The requirement that this solution will address has a system that meets the organization's current needs. This solution relates to the requirement that updating an antiquated IT infrastructure can improve the user experience for staff members, making it more straightforward for them to carry out their duties and access the required data. Updating an organization's IT to the latest and greatest version might bring about much-needed improvements in performance (Qian et al.,2021 ). A new system may, for instance, offer functions that facilitate the automation of operations, the enhancement of communication, and the promotion of collaboration among workers. The technological needs of a business shift as it develops and matures. The business can better meet the needs of its operations, applications, and users by upgrading to a newer, more scalable system. A company's security can be seriously compromised by using outmoded technology. The organization's data and IT assets will be safer against cyber criminals if the outdated system is replaced with a newer, more secure one. Data transfer, automated workflows, and other efficiencies and cost-saving features can all be implemented more efficiently with a new IT system that is better linked with the organization's existing systems and procedures.

To address the requirements prompting the investment, The updated functionality that the company needs is what you can expect from a new system. For instance, a new system may provide improved communication, simplified processes, and deeper data analyses. Furthermore, regular upkeep and repairs for an old system might increase downtime and reduce output. By upgrading to a new system, you may cut down on costly repairs and downtime (Goel, et al., 2020). An improved user interface in the new system can help workers save time and effort while looking for and using data. Data transmission, workflow automation, and other efficiencies and cost savings can be realized by implementing a modern IT system well-integrated with the rest of the organization's systems and operations.

In linking the solution to the stakeholders, Organizational employees, supervisors, and executives rely on the integrity of the company's IT systems to do their duties well. By upgrading its IT infrastructure, the company may better serve its customers' functionality, user-friendliness, and productivity needs. This can boost morale and retention by improving working conditions for employees. Customers, partners, and investors are examples of external stakeholders that could be affected by a company's IT infrastructure if it lowers product or service quality, stifles innovation, or makes it harder for the company to compete (Machino et al., 2020). By upgrading antiquated IT infrastructure, the company may better satisfy the needs and expectations of its customers. This can boost the company's brand image and bottom line by increasing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

Replacing legacy systems with modern ones can significantly affect an organization's policies and procedures. Changes in policy and practice may result from the enhanced capability of modern systems, which can automate jobs and expedite processes. A new system may, for instance, call for fewer manual steps or checks, necessitating revisions to existing regulations and the development of brand-new ones. Policies and procedures are regularly updated to take advantage of the efficiencies afforded by modern technologies, which can often complete tasks more quickly and precisely than legacy systems (Bell et al., 2020). For example, it may be necessary to adjust processes or roles to get the most out of a new system. For example, how a company collects, saves, and analyzes, data might be influenced by the system's data management capabilities. Ensure data is managed efficiently and securely. This may necessitate adjusting existing rules and procedures.

System replacement can be complex and challenging, requiring careful Planning, management, and execution. Organizations may need to allocate funds for hardware, software, Implementation, and training in preparation for a system upgrade or replacement. Data migration from an older system to a newer one could incur some expenses. Businesses must carefully manage their finances and resources to keep the project under budget. When a system needs to be replaced, there is usually a period when it is unavailable (Levitin et al., 2021). This may cause problems for the company's operations and annoy consumers and other interested parties. To keep operations running well, businesses must schedule replacements at the least disruptive times. Moving information from one system to another can be difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, businesses must guarantee a smooth data migration without data corruption or loss.

System replacement can have several secondary impacts on an organization. First, productivity often rises when an outdated system replaces a newer, more efficient one. Efficiency gains, reduced wait times, and more output are all possible outcomes. The reporting and analytics feature of today's systems are often superior to those of older ones, which can result in more informed and faster decisions. As a result, businesses can make more informed decisions and boost their efficiency (Woo et al., 2022). The availability of advanced features and tools made possible by today's technology allows businesses to be more creative. Organizations can use this to their advantage by testing novel business models, products, and services. Modernizing outdated processes can increase customer satisfaction by streamlining and streamlining service delivery. This can result from increased consumer loyalty, repeat purchases, and good reviews.

Life cycle management is a critical aspect of system replacement as it involves vital considerations such as Planning. System replacements require careful preparation to guarantee that the project stays on track financially, operationally, and temporally. A thorough project plan outlining the resources, activities, and deliverables required for the replacement must be developed after the requirements have been defined and alternatives evaluated.; Implementation. The installation phases, configuration, testing, and releasing the new system are all part of the Implementation. Careful management at this stage is essential for a successful, on-time, cost-effective rollout of the new system. (Saengsikhiao et al., 2020) Training users properly on the new system and preventing data loss during the transition is crucial.; Operation. Daily operations include monitoring, maintenance, and troubleshooting of the system. To keep the system stable, trustworthy, and secure, it is crucial to set up efficient control methods and procedures. Implementing backup and recovery procedures and setting up a help desk to serve users are two examples of what this may entail.; Maintenance. Updating and fixing system software bugs and installing new hardware are examples of maintenance tasks. A regular upkeep program must be established to keep the system fresh and relevant to the company's evolving demands.; Disposal: When the replacement is complete, the old system must be discarded and taken out of service. Data must be safely wiped, hardware disposed of, and licenses must be canceled. For example, this may mean considering environmental and data protection regulations.

Application Programming Interface (API) integration

This method utilizes application programming interfaces (APIs) to combine historical systems with cutting-edge apps to benefit businesses with new features and scalability. In addition, this choice can let businesses take advantage of complementary infrastructure and software features. Inefficient data and information sharing between departments and systems is a common problem with legacy IT due to the inherent isolation of these systems. In addition, APIs standardize data exchange, allowing disparate systems to talk to one another and streamline processes.

The requirement that this solution will address is reducing the risk of causing problems during the modernization process. This solution relates to the requirement that upgrading or replacing older technologies while modernizing a system is standard practice. This can lead to incompatibilities, system crashes, lost data, and other technical difficulties. Regardless of the underlying technology, developers can provide a standard interface for interoperability using APIs. Additionally, API integration helps guarantee that no current functionality is lost due to modernization (Li et al., 2019). When developers use APIs to combine disparate systems, they may ensure the functionality of the resulting system before releasing it to the public. Errors and complications during modernization are thus less likely to occur. Furthermore, API integration can ease the modernization process by supplying ready-made features and services that can be seamlessly included in preexisting infrastructure. This can help you avoid wasting time and money on custom development.

To address the requirements prompting the investment, facilitating interoperability across systems using APIs can mitigate errors and lost data during modernization. APIs provide for the safe and efficient exchange of information between different software platforms. APIs can make it possible to update legacy systems gradually. APIs allow businesses to upgrade parts of a system rather than selectively. This can simplify spotting and resolve difficulties as soon as they develop, reducing the likelihood of problems. APIs offer adaptability and personalization, letting businesses combine new technology with older ones without losing functionality (Wulf, & Blohm, 2020). APIs allow businesses to meet the evolving demands of their industries and foster innovation without interfering with day-to-day operations. With APIs, security can be boosted because encrypted data transfer between systems is possible. This can ensure compliance with applicable requirements and reduce the risk of sensitive data falling into the wrong hands.

In linking the solution to the stakeholders, IT managers and developers within an organization are internal stakeholders with a vested interest in the IT infrastructure's simplicity and ease of upkeep. Risk and expense are inherent in modernization projects, and any downtime or revenue lost due to disrupted infrastructure can be devastating. These parties can lessen the likelihood of difficulties occurring throughout the modernization process and simplify the IT architecture by integrating APIs. This has the potential to provide a more flexible and responsive infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of businesses (Xue et al., 2019). Customers and business associates outside the organization care about how well and consistently the business's IT functions. Any downtime the systems experience could jeopardize their capacity to do business and generate income. The danger of system failure can be mitigated, and the user experience can be enhanced with the help of API integration. This can boost consumer happiness and loyalty, which can boost sales.

API integration can have several potential effects on policies and procedures within an organization. Integration of APIs can cause a change in software development practices, shifting the focus to the development of modular, interoperable systems. This may necessitate new approaches to software development, such as agile methods or the use of DevOps. New policies and procedures may be needed to maintain data privacy and security, as using APIs raises the possibility of security vulnerabilities and data breaches (Selby et al., 2019). For example, there may be a need for governance and compliance controls when integrating an API because it can establish new data flows across systems. Thanks to APIs, more efficient operations and better results can result from more communication and collaboration between teams and departments.

The API integration can bring many benefits, but it can also pose several challenges that organizations must be prepared to address. To guarantee that APIs from different providers function smoothly, integration can be complex, requiring extensive technical skill and careful preparation. When an API is integrated, it can open up new points of vulnerability and attack, putting sensitive information at risk. Rigorous security protocols must protect data at rest and in motion. The system's scalability may suffer if the number of interconnected APIs grows. Companies need to plan for data and traffic growth in their systems. When APIs are integrated, new data flows are created, which can increase the possibility of breaking the law. Finally, businesses must create governance policies to process and distribute data in line with legal and regulatory standards.

The API integration can have several secondary impacts on an organization. The API integration can boost client satisfaction by allowing for more rapid, precise, and customized service delivery. The result may be happier and more loyal customers (Fiore, et al., 2019). Access to new markets, a more comprehensive selection of products, and the ability to implement novel business models are ways API integration can help businesses bring in additional money. Automation, fewer human errors, and better data quality are just a few of the benefits that can accrue from API integration, which can also help businesses save money.

Life cycle management considerations are critical for successful API integration. Here are some key considerations for managing the life cycle of APIs: Planning. API integration life cycle management begins with careful preparation. To incorporate APIs into their systems, businesses must first establish their required APIs. Security, governance, scalability, and maintainability should all be considered throughout this preparation.; Development: The construction process might start after the planning phase. This entails developing the required software, testing, and fixing bugs before releasing the API to the public.; Testing. In the process of integrating an API, testing is an integral part. The implementing organization is responsible for guaranteeing that the API is error-free and poses no new risks.; Deployment. After the API has been successfully tested, it will be released.

In addition, businesses must guarantee a safe deployment procedure and proper API configuration.; Maintenance. To some extent, APIs can and do evolve. When APIs an organization relies on undergoing updates, it must be ready to revise its integrations accordingly. It will need regular upkeep and inspection to keep the API functioning as intended.; Retirement. APIs have a natural lifespan, after which they may no longer be used (Raetzsch et al., 2019). Organizations should have a strategy for retiring APIs and decommissioning them from their infrastructure.; Versioning. It may become necessary to develop many API versions to remain compatible with older software. Therefore, careful version management is essential for preventing older versions from becoming a security risk to an organization.


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